Anti-soccer blog post

People, give it up. If he wants to hate the game, let him, however silly you think his reasoning is. He is adamant about not liking the game and he has already dug-in so he's going to find a reason to hate the game and he's not going to back down. You all know Hos better than that.
ethiostar;3449435 said:
People, give it up. If he wants to hate the game, let him, however silly you think his reasoning is. He is adamant about not liking the game and he has already dug-in so he's going to find a reason to hate the game and he's not going to back down. You all know Hos better than that.
They are only making me hate soccer even worse. The tactics are pitiful. Now I am calling all soccer fans racist. Before it was me saying the sport itself is racist. The spin cycle never stops.
Hostile;3446513 said:
The racism in soccer is really the most galling thing about it to me. It is why I will never appreciate the game. I said early in this thread, the soccer fans make me hate it more than anything else.

I hate the flopping, but it pales in comparison to the racism, which I simply cannot stomach.

Hostile;3446590 said:
Google "racism in soccer" and see what you find. Put the same search on youtube. There is tons of visual evidence.

It is without a doubt, the most racist sport in the world because of the fans.

They make monkey sounds when Black players have the ball. According to some they hiss when Jewish players have the ball; a reference no doubt to the gas chambers. **** flags are displayed and all kinds of other utterly grotesque displays of outright racism.

The "beautiful" game is marred by the ultimate ugliness.

Hostile;3447011 said:
Oh, I admit, I am dying to hear you explain that crappola. Wow me with your intelligence on how football and its fans are as utterly obnoxious as soccer fans making gas chamber sounds when playing Israel or monkey sounds when Black players play. Or are you simply talking out of your *** as usual?

Hostile;3447674 said:
I have no idea what formula 1 has to do with racism in the same way that soccer obviously is. Then again I don't follow formula 1, and am not interested in it. Maybe this is a European thing.

Hostile;3447793 said:
The video I saw it was a huge % of fans engaging in the racist crap against Black players.

I'm not calling the sport racist, I'm calling the fans racist and a reason why I hate the sport.

I still don't see where I am calling the sport racist if I say I don't like the racist fans of the sport. I clearly differentiate between the two.

Hostile;3448005 said:
Soccer fans in Europe make monkey sounds at Black players. Soccer fans in Europe make hissing sounds at Israeli soccer players to imitate the gas chambers of the concentration camps and wave **** flags.

Spin it however you want, that is racist.

Hostile;3448054 said:
There's a point? I'm not avoiding it. I flat out don't see it.

No, the racism present in the soccer FANS. As in the idiots in the seats with the stupid horns, singing their little songs, and treating players horribly.

I don't give anyone a pass on racism.

No, I am levying that label on the FANS of that sport who are doing those things. Not the sport.

My main reason, not my only reason. I detest racism. How hard is that to grasp I ask again?

I feel the exact same disgust when I see Italian soccer fans waving a **** flag in a match against Israel and the bile it raises in me is not going to be pushed down simply because other soccer fans do not condone it.

Regardless of how distasteful I find the racism of those fans, it does not blunt nor amplify in any way the fact that I already hate the stupid sport. It is merely some icing on a cake I already think sucks.

Hostile;3448919 said:
The very first line is beyond confusing. Did you ever stop to think about what you had written? Essentially you are saying...Racism is everywhere, yet soccer fans are not racist?

So soccer fans are not everywhere? Then where are they and who are the people at those games being racist?

But then you go on from there to really ramp up the confusion.

So you are saying that because you are not from North America you don't see the actions of the soccer fans that have been mentioned in this thread as racist?

Making monkey sounds at Black players and hissing sounds to mimic gas chambers towards Israeli players is not racist beyond North America? Those incidents, which are well documented as being regular activities are not racist outside of North America? They are everyday political commentary in Europe?

the above certainly reads like someone more than happy to just lump everyone in under the same racist title. particularly from someone who claims not to see the seperation in the football fans aren't racists, people are racists argument and just focus in on one part of it to try and make a point.

the last one particularly is ridiculous. apparantly they are regular activities yet i, who live in europe and go to games can think of a handful of such incidents in recent years. just to emphasise my own team are condemned in the media for the racist abuse that mark walters of our rivals received. he left them over twenty years ago. the abuse he received was obviously a disgrace and i codemn it completely but the fact that it is still brought up in the scottish media over twenty years later surely suggests that such occurrences do not happen regularly. racism was a massive problem in football in the past, as racism was a massive problem in society. as the problems of racism in society have lessened they have done likewise in football. there are as martin said clubs that are right wing but there are also clubs with strong anti-facist links. again like society there is good and bad.

as for the hissing at israeli players it is so well documented that you first heard of it supposedly happening on here two days ago. if it does happen again its shocking and the people doing it should be held to task for it but i can't honestly say i had heard of it until reading it here.
daschoo;3449475 said:
the above certainly reads like someone more than happy to just lump everyone in under the same racist title. particularly from someone who claims not to see the seperation in the football fans aren't racists, people are racists argument and just focus in on one part of it to try and make a point.
Yes, it does, because heaven knows me qualifying it by saying "those" fans and "those incidents" on numerous occasions should just be ignored and the absolute worst thing you can imagine about me should be accepted.[/sarcasm]

the last one particularly is ridiculous. apparantly they are regular activities yet i, who live in europe and go to games can think of a handful of such incidents in recent years. just to emphasise my own team are condemned in the media for the racist abuse that mark walters of our rivals received. he left them over twenty years ago. the abuse he received was obviously a disgrace and i codemn it completely but the fact that it is still brought up in the scottish media over twenty years later surely suggests that such occurrences do not happen regularly. racism was a massive problem in football in the past, as racism was a massive problem in society. as the problems of racism in society have lessened they have done likewise in football. there are as martin said clubs that are right wing but there are also clubs with strong anti-facist links. again like society there is good and bad.
You know what? I never once said ALL soccer fans are _________. I have never even said all soccer fans are stupid for liking soccer.

I said I did not like the racist faction of soccer and you assumed I meant you. Excuse me for seeing that as ridiculous. I didn't know you were Italian so when I said Italian fans waving a **** flag I had no way of knowing you might think I thought you were one of those fans.

I mean, I am a fool for not drawing the Celtic Italian link immediately. Everyone besides me knows the Celts were from the Tuscany region.

In every post where you have bolded something it does not show me calling you, or all soccer fans racist. It says I hate the racism that exist sin the sport. Give me a friggin' break for some measure of better class than that.

as for the hissing at israeli players it is so well documented that you first heard of it supposedly happening on here two days ago. if it does happen again its shocking and the people doing it should be held to task for it but i can't honestly say i had heard of it until reading it here.
I already admitted I heard it first here. What difference does that make? It merely supported what I was already alleging.

Then I had to sit through North Americans being defined as greedy while soccer players and fans around the world are merely passionate. You know what? Slap the paintbrush on yourself because you and Martin Ramone are more guilty of a sweeping generalization than I am since you defended his commentary. At least I clarified exactly who I was talking about several times. Pity I couldn't be taken at my word for exactly who I meant.

Excuse me while I go count my money. I'm just a greedy North American who isn't passionate about anything but money.
daschoo;3449204 said:
also the passion comment i took as meaning that we as fans tend to be more involved with our football club than north americans. maybe i'm guilty of the same kind of stereotyping i highlighted above but as a general rule it seems to be a day out to most americans. my own club for example were founded to help the poor irish immigrants in the east end of glasgow who were basically second class citizens because of their nationality and religion. the support tend to have left leaning political beliefs whereas our rivals largely draw their support from more right wing people who tend to be in support of the union. you can usually tell a lot more about a football fan from the team they support than you could given only the same information about a north american. the antifa network is basically a common name for supporters groups of various clubs who are against facism. as i say i may have taken what he was saying the wrong way but thats what i took from it not that he was saying the players play for the love of the game whereas americans are all about the money.

Hostile;3449517 said:
Then I had to sit through North Americans being defined as greedy while soccer players and fans around the world are merely passionate. You know what? Slap the paintbrush on yourself because you and Martin Ramone are more guilty of a sweeping generalization than I am since you defended his commentary. At least I clarified exactly who I was talking about several times. Pity I couldn't be taken at my word for exactly who I meant.

Excuse me while I go count my money. I'm just a greedy North American who isn't passionate about anything but money.

where above have i accused anyone of being greedy?
Hostile;3449517 said:
Yes, it does, because heaven knows me qualifying it by saying "those" fans and "those incidents" on numerous occasions should just be ignored and the absolute worst thing you can imagine about me should be accepted.[/sarcasm]

You know what? I never once said ALL soccer fans are _________. I have never even said all soccer fans are stupid for liking soccer.

I said I did not like the racist faction of soccer and you assumed I meant you. Excuse me for seeing that as ridiculous. I didn't know you were Italian so when I said Italian fans waving a **** flag I had no way of knowing you might think I thought you were one of those fans.

I mean, I am a fool for not drawing the Celtic Italian link immediately. Everyone besides me knows the Celts were from the Tuscany region.

In every post where you have bolded something it does not show me calling you, or all soccer fans racist. It says I hate the racism that exist sin the sport. Give me a friggin' break for some measure of better class than that.

I already admitted I heard it first here. What difference does that make? It merely supported what I was already alleging.

Then I had to sit through North Americans being defined as greedy while soccer players and fans around the world are merely passionate. You know what? Slap the paintbrush on yourself because you and Martin Ramone are more guilty of a sweeping generalization than I am since you defended his commentary. At least I clarified exactly who I was talking about several times. Pity I couldn't be taken at my word for exactly who I meant.

Excuse me while I go count my CowboysZone awards. I'm just a greedy North American who isn't passionate about anything but money.

fixed it for you. :laugh2:
daschoo;3449204 said:
got to agree with martinramone. football fans aren't racist, there are racists everywhere. to me that clearly states that the fans who are racist are not so simply because they are football fans rather they are racists who happen to also be football fans. the statement football fans are racist is no more accurate than americans are fat.
also the passion comment i took as meaning that we as fans tend to be more involved with our football club than north americans. maybe i'm guilty of the same kind of stereotyping i highlighted above but as a general rule it seems to be a day out to most americans. my own club for example were founded to help the poor irish immigrants in the east end of glasgow who were basically second class citizens because of their nationality and religion. the support tend to have left leaning political beliefs whereas our rivals largely draw their support from more right wing people who tend to be in support of the union. you can usually tell a lot more about a football fan from the team they support than you could given only the same information about a north american. the antifa network is basically a common name for supporters groups of various clubs who are against facism. as i say i may have taken what he was saying the wrong way but thats what i took from it not that he was saying the players play for the love of the game whereas americans are all about the money.

daschoo;3449522 said:
where above have i accused anyone of being greedy?
As I said, where you defended his sweeping generalization.

How does the label feel? As uncomfortable and wrong as the one you are trying to apply to me? Welcome to the high moral ground again. The view is addicting.
bbgun;3449532 said:
Most Likely to be Screwed by the TV Map
I bet I won that in a runaway. You won funniest poster. Congrats. Well earned. I nominated you for under rated too.
Hostile;3449543 said:
I bet I won that in a runaway. You won funniest poster. Congrats. Well earned. I nominated you for under rated too.

Thanks, although I'd gladly trade funniest for best poster overall. Now that I'm an award winner, WG should be swooning in my presence.
bbgun;3449551 said:
Thanks, although I'd gladly trade funniest for best poster overall. Now that I'm an award winner, WG should be swooning in my presence.

Would you settle for best poster overall (Off-Topic)? YAK YAK YAK YAK YAK
daschoo;3449204 said:
got to agree with martinramone. football fans aren't racist, there are racists everywhere. to me that clearly states that the fans who are racist are not so simply because they are football fans rather they are racists who happen to also be football fans. the statement football fans are racist is no more accurate than americans are fat.
also the passion comment i took as meaning that we as fans tend to be more involved with our football club than north americans. maybe i'm guilty of the same kind of stereotyping i highlighted above but as a general rule it seems to be a day out to most americans. my own club for example were founded to help the poor irish immigrants in the east end of glasgow who were basically second class citizens because of their nationality and religion. the support tend to have left leaning political beliefs whereas our rivals largely draw their support from more right wing people who tend to be in support of the union. you can usually tell a lot more about a football fan from the team they support than you could given only the same information about a north american. the antifa network is basically a common name for supporters groups of various clubs who are against facism. as i say i may have taken what he was saying the wrong way but thats what i took from it not that he was saying the players play for the love of the game whereas americans are all about the money.

Hostile;3449525 said:
As I said, where you defended his sweeping generalization.

How does the label feel? As uncomfortable and wrong as the one you are trying to apply to me? Welcome to the high moral ground again. The view is addicting.

also the moral high ground i wasn't referring to your stance on racism rather you implying that i was dismissing the seriosness of racism by trying to talk about percentages when it was you who brought them up when you thought it suited your argument but found them irrelevant when it didn't.
daschoo;3449553 said:
also the moral high ground i wasn't referring to your stance on racism rather you implying that i was dismissing the seriosness of racism by trying to talk about percentages when it was you who brought them up when you thought it suited your argument but found them irrelevant when it didn't.
Uh what?

Now we are back to harping on percentages?

Okay, 60% of the fans in the video I saw where they made monkey sounds. It is probably less than that, but I really don't care what the % is. I care that it happened at all. Of course I simply do not understand the rivalry of politics between Espana and the countries of North Africa and how this really isn't a big deal at all and I should simply forget it ever happened.

Yeah that's it. Hey everyone, two soccer fans have assured me there are no racist soccer fans, so there aren't. We have been told. We better accept it because there is no money involved and we are not allowed passion due to our greed.
Hostile;3449579 said:
Uh what?

Now we are back to harping on percentages?

Okay, 60% of the fans in the video I saw where they made monkey sounds. It is probably less than that, but I really don't care what the % is. I care that it happened at all. Of course I simply do not understand the rivalry of politics between Espana and the countries of North Africa and how this really isn't a big deal at all and I should simply forget it ever happened.

Yeah that's it. Hey everyone, two soccer fans have assured me there are no racist soccer fans, so there aren't. We have been told. We better accept it because there is no money involved and we are not allowed passion due to our greed.

firstly you have clearly ignored the bit where i highlighted the word before the phrase you accused me of calling americans greedy which clearly shows me disagreeing with that and indeed stating that i didn't think that was the point he was making in the first place.

secondly where did i or anyone else say there are no racist soccer fans? or are you still going to claim that saying the reason racist soccer fans are racist has nothing to do with the sport they choose to watch equates to saying no soccer fans are racist?
daschoo;3449620 said:
firstly you have clearly ignored the bit where i highlighted the word before the phrase you accused me of calling americans greedy which clearly shows me disagreeing with that and indeed stating that i didn't think that was the point he was making in the first place.

secondly where did i or anyone else say there are no racist soccer fans? or are you still going to claim that saying the reason racist soccer fans are racist has nothing to do with the sport they choose to watch equates to saying no soccer fans are racist?
Meanwhile back at the ranch, Aunt Martha is found lying in a ditch in a drunken stupor after her night of binge drinking following her release from jail.

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