Any news on Henson?

Banned_n_austin said:
Of course he was involved ... he was the head coach at the time ...

This speaks volumes ... and it corelates with what I've been saying all along ... Jerry wanted him ... and Bill worked with Jerry ... this took place when Parcells just got here ...

It's insulting to sit here and tell me that it was Bill's idea after reading this ...

IRVING – Every time Cowboys owner Jerry Jones talks about Drew Henson, his mind drifts to champagne showers and Super Bowl trophies.

Notice the guy who did the initial assesment of Drew Henson ... it wasn't Bill Parcells.

Bill also was involved in the process and of course Jones was as well after all Bill does not pay the players Jones does. If Parcells did not want Henson here he would not be here period.
Bill Parcells didn't want anyone to know Henson was conducting a personal workout for the Cowboys on Feb. 23; he didn't want blaring headlines in the local newspapers or television trucks lined up in the parking lot of the club's Valley Ranch training complex.

"We're having a secret workout on Monday," he told members of the coaching staff a few days prior to the workout. "I'm not telling anyone who it is."

And I'd call this being "involved" too ... Bill didn't want Stephen and Jerry's optimism to cost his team more than it had to other words, he didn't want to start a bidding war ...

And since when did Parcells want the media doing anything?

Could you imagine the damage we could have done in the draft with that 3rd tough?
BHendri5 said:
astronaut alert, you forgot the dash - and the 5 yrs to develop.
Let me help you 3 -5yrs.

Also, remember I said to watch Carr and Harrington? They are going into their 4th season.
I said that the Texans would be 7-9 or 8-8 in the 04 season, maybe even close to making it into the playoffs.

And that the Lions would be better, not 500 or not even 7-9 but better than the 03 season.

Because their organization is putting the pieces around them. This is Carr's and Harrington's 4th season they will have very good seasons.

Texans will be in the playoffs, and the Lions will be close, and may make it also.

Brees was no surprise to me, it was time and the pieces were there, mainly his OL. It was Brees's 4th season.

But those guys continued to play football they did not have a 4yr layoff.
If Henson had continued to play I would have said 3- 5yrs, for him, but it will take him longer if he can do it, too long for us to wait.

Don't you think that should be Parcells decision to make?
Doomsday101 said:
Banned_n_austin said:
Bill also was involved in the process and of course Jones was as well after all Bill does not pay the players Jones does. If Parcells did not want Henson here he would not be here period.

It's not about wanting him, Doomsday ... it's about working with Jones and letting him feel like he has a little bit of control over the team he owns ...

Notice Bill didn't come in here and say to Jones, "we need Drew Henson" ... rather the other way around.

Every time Jones sees videotape of Henson playing at Michigan, he remembers Troy Aikman as the epicenter of an offensive machine that helped the Cowboys win five consecutive NFC East titles and three Super Bowls to earn the title of Team of the '90s.

If it weren't for Jerry Jones, Drew Henson would never have been a Cowboy. Period. End of story.
Banned_n_austin said:
Doomsday101 said:
It's not about wanting him, Doomsday ... it's about working with Jones and letting him feel like he has a little bit of control over the team he owns ...

Notice Bill didn't come in here and say to Jones, "we need Drew Henson" ... rather the other way around.

If it weren't for Jerry Jones, Drew Henson would never have been a Cowboy. Period. End of story.

Ben your reading things into this that does not exsist except in your head. Bill has no problem standing up and giving his views never has never will if anyone has backed down it has been Jerry he has not taken full control as he did when Gailey and Campo were here. Bottom line is Henson is here because Parcells wants him here just as it is with every single player on this team, guys Bill does not want they are gone, every member of the coaching staff he does not want they are gone.
Badattitude said:
Drew Henson has stolen more money than any athlete I can recall - He was a horriffic bust w/ my Yankees- couldn't hit a curveball to save himself - struck out at Ruthian like levels....took a chunk of money...realized everyone was onto his Overblown status and said...hay..I really miss Pigskin;it's in my heart...this after telling everyone he was a Baseball "first guy" Now, he's being exposed Chad HutchinsonPart Deux....
Nowhere to run now Drew...drop the money and leave...maybe the CFL would be interested in an Ex Yankee - Big 10'er who played a handful of college footbal games...
Go get me Billy Joe Tolliver....Eric Hipple.....Anyone but this clown.


True true ... I agree ... except for the Yankee part.

Banned_n_austin said:
Of course he was involved ... he was the head coach at the time ...

This speaks volumes ... and it corelates with what I've been saying all along ... Jerry wanted him ... and Bill worked with Jerry ... this took place when Parcells just got here ...

It's insulting to sit here and tell me that it was Bill's idea after reading this ...

IRVING – Every time Cowboys owner Jerry Jones talks about Drew Henson, his mind drifts to champagne showers and Super Bowl trophies.

Notice the guy who did the initial assesment of Drew Henson ... it wasn't Bill Parcells.

After all, who?

You take the hook line from JJT's article and ignore the rest, typical.:rolleyes:

Ignore the more important details:

Parcells and his good friend Lloyd Carr, discuss Henson, interesting that Jerry was not at this meeting...hmmm.

Payton has a long history with Henson's father...hmmm...the OC and possible heir apparent head coach is involved.

Parcells and Jones don't go to his workout because THEY don't want to alert how much THEY want Henson.

Parcells keeps Henson's private workout secret.

The dinner and the private conversations.

Parcells popping into Stephen's office asking do we have a deal yet?

Yep, all that points to Parcells just playing along with Jerry's little QB wet dream.:rolleyes:
blindzebra said:
Banned_n_austin said:
Of course he was involved ... he was the head coach at the time ...

This speaks volumes ... and it corelates with what I've been saying all along ... Jerry wanted him ... and Bill worked with Jerry ... this took place when Parcells just got here ...

It's insulting to sit here and tell me that it was Bill's idea after reading this ...

You take the hook line from JJT's article and ignore the rest, typical.:rolleyes:

Ignore the more important details:

I just try to look at the important factors such as Jerry Jones being reminded of Troy Aikman .... remember Shante Carver reminded him of Charles Haley. ;)

Parcells and his good friend Lloyd Carr, discuss Henson, interesting that Jerry was not at this meeting...hmmm.

I'd expect someone to disccuss a player that the owner wants to bring in ... so Jerry wasn't at the meeting ... big deal ... it's the team he's agreed to coach ... why wouldn't he ask about a player that he's going to let his owner bring in ...

Payton has a long history with Henson's father...hmmm...the OC and possible heir apparent head coach is involved.

So Henson gets to pull the dad card here ... funny, scratch that, hilarious how you think this means he must be the future.

Parcells and Jones don't go to his workout because THEY don't want to alert how much THEY want Henson.

This makes sense, but you're looking at it the wrong way ... you'd think they'd want to spend as little as possible in getting any player ... if we spent any more on Drew Skunkson ... I'd be one p'd off fan ... not to mention the coaching staff ...

I'd hope this was the case with any player wanted by Jerry and Steven Jones ... or Parcells for that matter. This has nothing to do with anything that you're trying to make it in to ...

Parcells keeps Henson's private workout secret.

Shhhh ... this is the next Troy Aikman ... we don't want anyone to know ...

Parcells likes to keep everything he does a secret ... not so sure you have a point here ... in fact, you don't.

The dinner and the private conversations.

lmao! Did they go out for drinks afterwards, because if they did I'd be sold on this idea that it was Parcells idea and that he just couldn't live without Drew Henson ...

Please ... :rolleyes:

This means absolutely nada ...

Parcells popping into Stephen's office asking do we have a deal yet?

The guy just got here ... he was trying to be chummy with the owners and his son ... surely this means Henson reminds Parcells of Aikman too ...

In fact, any time I hear a coach say "do we have a deal yet" ... I can't help but think that coach is high on that player ...

It wouldn't have anything to do with Parcells curiosity about what kind of deal was being made on the team he coaches ... I'd be an idiot to think that ...

Yep, all that points to Parcells just playing along with Jerry's little QB wet dream.

This is the most reasonable statement you've made regarding this situation ...
Banned_n_austin said:
blindzebra said:
I just try to look at the important factors such as Jerry Jones being reminded of Troy Aikman .... remember Shante Carver reminded him of Charles Haley. ;)

I'd expect someone to disccuss a player that the owner wants to bring in ... so Jerry wasn't at the meeting ... big deal ... it's the team he's agreed to coach ... why wouldn't he ask about a player that he's going to let his owner bring in ...

So Henson gets to pull the dad card here ... funny, scratch that, hilarious how you think this means he must be the future.

This makes sense, but you're looking at it the wrong way ... you'd think they'd want to spend as little as possible in getting any player ... if we spent any more on Drew Skunkson ... I'd be one p'd off fan ... not to mention the coaching staff ...

I'd hope this was the case with any player wanted by Jerry and Steven Jones ... or Parcells for that matter. This has nothing to do with anything that you're trying to make it in to ...

Shhhh ... this is the next Troy Aikman ... we don't want anyone to know ...

Parcells likes to keep everything he does a secret ... not so sure you have a point here ... in fact, you don't.

lmao! Did they go out for drinks afterwards, because if they did I'd be sold on this idea that it was Parcells idea and that he just couldn't live without Drew Henson ...

Please ... :rolleyes:

This means absolutely nada ...

The guy just got here ... he was trying to be chummy with the owners and his son ... surely this means Henson reminds Parcells of Aikman too ...

In fact, any time I hear a coach say "do we have a deal yet" ... I can't help but think that coach is high on that player ...

It wouldn't have anything to do with Parcells curiosity about what kind of deal was being made on the team he coaches ... I'd be an idiot to think that ...

This is the most reasonable statement you've made regarding this situation ...

Once again all you have is your ridiculous opinion and zip to back it up, ALL facts point to the complete opposite of your nonsense, but little Ben refuses to admit it.

Doomsday101 said:
Banned_n_austin said:
Ben your reading things into this that does not exsist except in your head. Bill has no problem standing up and giving his views never has never will if anyone has backed down it has been Jerry he has not taken full control as he did when Gailey and Campo were here. Bottom line is Henson is here because Parcells wants him here just as it is with every single player on this team, guys Bill does not want they are gone, every member of the coaching staff he does not want they are gone.

You forget the ego part of Bill and Jerry uniting to work together ...

There was a big question about if their egos would let them work together ... Henson was signed around the time of this question ... this answered that question ...

See ... Parcells and Jerry can work together ... Henson is on the team, isn't he?
Banned_n_austin said:
Doomsday101 said:
You forget the ego part of Bill and Jerry uniting to work together ...

There was a big question about if their egos would let them work together ... Henson was signed around the time of this question ... this answered that question ...

See ... Parcells and Jerry can work together ... Henson is on the team, isn't he?

Well, this is completely wrong Ben.

The question of egos between Jerrah and Bill have existed since the first time the rumor of Parcells in Dallas came to light. To say that it was a driving factor in the decision to sign Henson is way off base.

The ego question preceeded the Henson signing by well over a year. This theory doesn't fit well.
blindzebra said:
Banned_n_austin said:
Once again all you have is your ridiculous opinion and zip to back it up, ALL facts point to the complete opposite of your nonsense, but little Ben refuses to admit it.


The facts are there, BlindZebra. You're just to blinded by your homerism to see it ...

You're telling me that an NFL coach wouldn't want to know what kind of deal is being made for the team he's coaching ...

You're telling me that since they had dinner that it's Parcells idea ...

You're telling me that a private workout session (Bill keeps everything private) means that surely Parcells couldn't live without this guy ...

You're telling me since Payton knows Henson's da da that it was Parcells idea all along ...

You're telling me that a head coach that 'pops his head' into the owner's son's office means that it has nothing to do with Parcells being concerned about the overall well-being of his teams status as far as cap and draft picks go ... etc ...


And you call this backing what you say up ...

Very sad ...

It's become apparent that you're going to cling on real tight to this hope of your precious little clown being something other than an average ,at best, 3rd string QB ...

You wouldn't know a skunk if it hit you in the face 100 times ...

You're 'facts' tell me nothing of substance ... but I'm not surprised ...
Hey is a very cute little skunk thou Ben.

You gotta give him that. He's a cute little skunk.

Banned_n_austin said:
Well, this is completely wrong Ben.

The question of egos between Jerrah and Bill have existed since the first time the rumor of Parcells in Dallas came to light. To say that it was a driving factor in the decision to sign Henson is way off base.

The ego question preceeded the Henson signing by well over a year. This theory doesn't fit well.

It fits fine ... just not to the media zealots who want to make something out of nothing ...
Hostile said:
Premature evaluation. Always a knee slapper.

I'll hold judgment (on both players) until there's actually some hard evidence.

How can you hold judgement?

You've already pegged him as a pedigree QB ...
Nors said:
Romo is outperforming Henson to date and thats clearly undebatable.

Those that had unrealistic expectations on Henson playing last year are reeling. Now the mantra is lets watch the preseason games.

Clock is hardwired and ticking. Parcells going into camp said when he'd decide on backup. That is now 7-10 days away.... He already knows what he's doing. I'll sit back and get the popcoarn and watch this as it unfolds!

I see what you're saying, Nors. It's funny how the reports about him are out now and everyone seems to have selective memory ...
Banned_n_austin said:
It fits fine ... just not to the media zealots who want to make something out of nothing ...

I can't agree here Ben.

I will tell you honestly. I can understand the reasoning behind not believing Henson can get it done based on his time away from the game. I can see where logical conclusion can be drawn.

I can not buy into the Parcells not wanting Henson around angle. To much history against this IMO. I have watched Parcells for many, many years now. Going back to the late 70s at Air Force, this is not the way the man works. He is the final word on his football team, where players are concerned. That's the deal and I tell you now, it's completely out of character to assume otherwise.

This is not about Henson or what I think of him. It's not about any homeristic view on Henson or QBs in general. This is all about Parcells and what I've witnessed over the years with him.

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