Anybody else hear Florio on The Fan say Gruden will be next HC?

Question is could Jerruh give up enough control to hire Gruden. Gruden would want nearly as much as BP did. How likely is Jerruh to do that again?
First ; I'm not a Gruden fan. Here in Tampa he was Satan on his way out.. Local station DJ's like Ian Beckles on the sports animal despised him..however a lot of players did love him..
In his last couple years the bucs were tore apart by free agency, losing 2 number one picks to acquire Gruden and poor mgmt .. Dungy built a great team in Tampa and Gruden got them over the hump and won a Super Bowl with Brad Freaking Johnson ... That's pretty good coaching .. The defense was stacked in the trenches and at safety with great linebackers roaming the zones
Gruden would be an improvement over current coaching if he did it right .. Not sure if Jerry would relinquish control though
And here we are in the same boat. Win two games.

I want Gruden because I think he would fit in here with this atmosphere, and secondly I want somebody new to finally be in Romo's ear before its too late. If Romo retires with only JG as his OC it will be very sad.

People overreact about Grudens coaching, but don't remember the coaching he did at GB, SF, etc. early in his career and all of those great QB's.

Romo would instantly be the best QB Gruden has had as a HC.

I have no problem with giving Romo someone new in his ear. If Gruden happens, and it has that effect on Romo, and we win, fantastic. I think that's all any of us wants.
that "winning with Dungy's roster" argument is for the birds. Gruden is 5x the coach Garrett is you wont hear any complaints from me if it happens. However I though he just signed a new contract with espn?
Garrett can't even handle the clock. You want to put him at the same level of Gruden? Gruden would not be my first choice, but at least it would be an upgrade to what we have.
I don't know, anyone who can coach Rich Gannon to a MVP type season and ride him to the AFC Championship game (which they should have won) knows something about QBs that a lot of other people don't.

And then the team the Gruden put together played Gruden in the Superbowl and lost....
I am torn over gruden
I do think romo needs a HC and OC that he respects and can rein him in and would cause Jerry to back up a little and gruden would fit the bill

OTOH I am concerned about his desire and 'want to' at this stage of his career and I am unsure how good he really is (since the only time won was with a VERY talented team that dungy built ) so from that standpoint I would lean toward the Stanford HC, someone young and hungry

I also worry that bringing gruden in might mean refraining kiffin and our current OC, and I want house cleaning

Having said all this, I truly believe that Garrett stays for at least another year
Question is could Jerruh give up enough control to hire Gruden. Gruden would want nearly as much as BP did. How likely is Jerruh to do that again?

The number of fans in the seats would change Jerruh's attitude fairly quickly. Look what is happening in deadskin country. Fans have had enough of this bull and .500 seasons.
Why do so many people think the Patriots game was the championship game? Gruden lost a championship game to Baltimore. He should have had an appearance in a 2nd Championship game if not for the tuck.

potato, potahto
I'm OK with anyone as long as Garrett is history.

Even Gruden (I'm not in favor)

Heck, even Jerry...
Please, please, please let this happen...Gruden is EXACTLY what this team needs.Anyone who doesn't get that, just doesn't get it.But you'll all quickly become fans of the on-field results.
Dallas has the poster-boy for average as a HC now. As for the mind games, Jimmy Johnson was a master at it. Gruden may not be my first choice, but it could be worse.

Yeah but if you take away all of Jimmy's good years what do you have left?

He also said there were rumblings last year even during all the "wood shed" moments when Jerry was hiring new coaches that he might have been hired then, but Gruden wanted full control.

Suck for Chuck!!

Right, I think it was Dan Patrick who said Jerry was talking to him and maybe even said he'd be hired last year if we missed the playoffs... Though obviously that didn't happen.

Good thing about Gruden is that I think he has the stones to stand up to Jerry but probably also the charisma and personality to not ostracize and antagonize him. I've heard Ben Rogers say that Jerry doesn't have to be in total control of everything, he just doesn't want to be completely boxed out like Parcells did to him.

I mean, the guy had pretty great teams under Al Davis... No one else has been able to do that.

So he had a 57-55 record with the Buccs. If you get rid of the SB year, then his record is 45-51. You really want a coach at or under .500 coaching for the Cowboys?

I dunno. Does that same coach bring Brad Johnson or Chris Simms to play QB?

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