Anyone still wish we'd taken Moss instead of Ellis?

Alcohol = Legal
Pot = Illegal (misdemeanor)
Cocaine = Illegal (Felony)

There is a difference between pleading GUILTY to felony Cocaine possesion and admitting smoking pot. Michael Irvin Plea bargained and admitted to it to avoid serving time.
I do think it was stupid for Randy Moss to admit smoking pot, that can only cause trouble but it is not the same as possesing cocaine. Plus I personally saw the news where Michael Irvin said he knew where to get the good coke and how to beat the NFL drug tests.
The company I work for has random drug tests and there is a bunch of people who USED to work there who thought they could out smart a drug test to.....
I also think we should have took Randy Moss but I completly understand why they did not and so we move on and make the best of it. Still Ellis can never be the impact player that Moss is. Curly
i am so thankful we did not take moss.

he would have made things so much worse for dallas.

more importantly, ellis has been great.
Yeah, ok...why not.

I'm too am glad we took the pretty good player who is a high character guy. I'll go along with that.

But this "Moss never got to a Super Bowl" thing is getting pretty ridiculous." I don't think I'll charge that to a wide receiver, particularly when there are more moving parts involved with getting to the biggest stage in pro football.

It has absolutely nothing to do with his ability as a football player, which is quite amazing I might add.

Is he a dolt? Without question. But he's played in 109 of a possible 112 career games. Certainly not perfect and has shown his behind a few times (figuratively and otherwise), but Randy Moss has averaged 1300 yards, and 13 TDs per season.

I don't care how you slice it, that is pretty darn amazing. Idiot or not, he plays. He produces. And he does so at a level not too many wideouts can touch.

There. I said it. But yes, I can understand why we passed on him. I guess.
excessive alcohol is worse, but havent they established that one or two drinks a day is actually good for you?

They said a glass or 2 of wine could be beneficial, but really, it's not the alcohol, it's the grapes, so you could get that in other ways.

I don't drink or smoke, but I'd much rather have my kid smoke pot than drink. I don't care that alcohol is legal and pot isn't. Just because the law is stupid and the wrong one is illegal (if either should be, or if both shouldn't be), doesn't mean I want my kid doing something that's worse for him, and potentially others, just cause it's legal that way.
big dog cowboy said:
Alcohol = legal

Pot = illegal

That's ironic as hell aint it? Should be the other way around if we were serious about it.
OK Dbair, since you obviously know everything, I guess I will clear a few things up.

First of all, Moss lost his scholarship to both FSU and Notre Dame because of incidents in High School. A racist called his friend a specific name that started a fight. Randy got involved, and was charged with a crime, right or wrong, he was a high school athelete that let his loyalty and anger get the best of him. I knew plenty of people in high school that did that, and I don't think any less of them.

Second, he did not "Run over a cop", it was a crossing guard that was trying to stop him from turning after he had already started. She got in front of the car and he nudged her with his car.

Third, how do you know that Irvin never failed a drug test, it doesn't become public knowledge until the third failed test.

Fourth, Irvin was suspended for being convicted of a crime, nothing more nothing less, it has nothing to do with what he was doing at the time, just ask Jamal Lewis, he was convicted of a crime before he ever stepped foot on a NFL field, but after he signed his contract.

You may not like Moss, and thats ok, but if I need a big play late in the game, I would put my money on it that Moss will catch a TD before Ellis gets a sack. Who cares if Moss admited to smoking pot, it is his choice, and I have had many more friends that have been affected by Alcohol than by pot. I know two different people that have died as a direct result of alcohol, I have yet to see the use of pot result in a death of someone that I know.
Regardless of how good Moss is I am glad we did not take him... At the time the Boys needed to clean up their image so we could not take a risk and take Moss. If he was a Cowboy and he admitted to smoking pot the media would have jumped on this story more than it already has...
Moss is a thug- look how bad he was in Minn; imagine how bad he would have been here? When Aikman left- and no one to throw him the ball- imagine his reaction.
Moss here would have been a train wreck sooner or later. And JJ could not draft him at the time due to the mess with Irvin and company. ANd I am GLAD we did not draft him.
As regards the pot vs alcohol- they both damage your health. Pot does more damage with a smaller amount. You idiots that claim otherwise should do some research before you show your ignorance. Pot causes brain damage at a much smaller dosage then alcohol. Alcohol will do more damage to other parts of the body (liver) then pot will at higher amounts. But if your brain is already jelly due to massive amounts of pot then it does not matter if your liver is ok.
Casino Cowboy said:
First of all, Moss lost his scholarship to both FSU and Notre Dame because of incidents in High School. A racist called his friend a specific name that started a fight. Randy got involved, and was charged with a crime, right or wrong, he was a high school athelete that let his loyalty and anger get the best of him. I knew plenty of people in high school that did that, and I don't think any less of them.


there was alot more skeletons in Moss' closet than what you speak of here

Alcohol is a far worse "drug" than marijuana, yet the former is legal. I don't use either. I'm not black, but as far as I'm concerned the media is horribly racist towards Moss.
Sorry ... no question about this one. Perennial All Pro WR or decent DE???

I don't care about the good citizen stuff. I want play on the field. Moss has delivered.

I'd rather have Moss for 7 years than Ellis for a career.
Banned_n_austin said:

Tell your children that using pot is bad ... and just because you used it, doesn't make you a hypocrite for teaching them the right thing ....

(something like that)

You deal with reality and the reality is Pot is illegal and in the NFL if your caught using it you will get suspended. I'll agree that it is no worse that drinking but it does not change the facts of what the reality is. Now if I'm paying a guy millions to play then I expect him to follow the rules no question asked
CrazyCowboy said:
I want to win..........I say MOSS! Future HOF if he stays out of jail.

The last part is why he is not here. Dallas had their share we don't need to go down that road again, just not worth it.
Wow, I have to say Im' really surprised at the replies this board is giving. After the TO and Ricky Williams thread outbursts by some and the strong feelings, I would have figured a Roman had been pulled within the first handful of posts in this one and Moss would've been stapled to a cross by now.

Oh wait, I get it- can't shoot a guy that "wanted" to be a Cowboy. Lol.

It takes balls doing what he did, but I'm betting it's going to cost him and the Raiders some games on suspension within a short time here- you just know the suits up top are already circling bullseyes around him for random drug tests. Not to mention the paparazzi will be clamming at the bit to catch him with their lenses, in the act.

The clock has been set, bets should be taken. I say it catches up with him before the end of the season and the self-rightious nab him.
He is an idiot - why can't some here see that? He is a troublemaker- and that always costs. Bottom line is that pot is ILLEGAL- some here just don't seem to get THAT.
Reallly stupid.
give it a rest with the Moss/Ellis talk. It has been 7 years.
Well....with the information at hand I would vote "still take Ellis"

But....if I had a crystal ball and it showed me that we would have won another SB with him on the team...the I would probaby sellout and say yes...I wish we would have taken moss.

It is just a hard question to answer. Because who is to say what would have happenned if we had taken Moss.

Heck...maybe Aikmans career would have been extended another 4 years. Who really knows ?
Why does the NFL worry about marijuana? This isn't a performance enhancer at all -- unless you are playing video games, then it really helps. So what if it is illegal. We've got players all over the league taking prescription pain meds that are chemically similar to heroin. We've had a number of ex-players die from legal pain meds. I can't recall anyone dying from marijuana use.

As far as Sultan's racist comment goes I think it is right on. Mark Stepnoski admitted to getting high his entire career. I read several stories from guys like Len P and Peter King that talked about how responsible he was because he never got high when he knew he would be tested. Moss smokes a little and he's a bad guy. Come on now.

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