Apartment Living

I always attract adulterous women. I seriously hate being me...and honestly wish someone would hurry up with the “Enternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind” procedure. I’d give anything to have a clean memory bank.
I know what you mean. Every time my mind slips to a mundane moment in time of contentment with him, I remind myself of the low life he chose to be at the end. It's taken four and a half years, but it's working.
Couldn’t be a bigger nobody if I tried. Loool.
To repeat what DABZ said, that's not true! You are a speed demon, living legend here.
Are you free tonight?:lmao2:
Down girl! Behave yo self!
I've 'forted-up' twice in the stacked or condensed close confines of apartment living ,first time I'd just gotten married ( SHEESE, around Halloween, the step-son was about 10 , him& the other kids, they were running around like accident zombies in rags& fake blood with two liter plastic soda pop bottles filled with dry ice & some water to make smoke ,which I thought was kinda cool after I'd paid some attention, I'd noticed the kid was screwing the lid down on the bottle to save his smoke,,,:lmao::lmao::lmao: I told him to not do that or it'll blow up in a bad way while your holding it,,,well,they got all happy and excited & I didn't know why as they split out the door, about 10 minutes later Ka-Boomo,,,Man! it sounded like a 10ga. shotgun Fired off out in the parking lot,about 2 dozen different car alarms were sounding off,then this thunderous herd of laughing scared little **** heads came running in thru the front door,,,the police sirens soon followed,,,I hated apartment living.
That's a good story, Melon. You live an interesting life.
Another thing I hate about apartment living is parking lots...and the aholes who think everything in parking lots is public seating. There were several times, in each of the 2 apartment complexes I lived in, when I had to go out and tell 4 to 6 guys to get the *** off my truck, before I beat all their *****. My (then) wife was scared ****less, ready to dial 9-1-1 each time........of at least the first couple of times.
Is it fair for you to pick on these 4 to 6 guys? You should have sent your ex out with a picture of you to tell them to get off your truck or she would release the kraken.
Is it fair for you to pick on these 4 to 6 guys? You should have sent your ex out with a picture of you to tell them to get off your truck or she would release the kraken.


* ,,,er,,,some of them Mexican bangers will 'pop' you dead from 4 different directions, roll you into the trunk, grab an engee's slushy casing-liner while dumping the bullet riddled stiff out on the back side of the shadowed parking lot,,,-& ,,,hammer back to mexico fer a couple of years, it's just the nature of the A.O.'s critters ,,,but,,,his picture might just instill a different perspective upon them gangster chulo's :thumbup:


* ,,,er,,,some of them Mexican bangers will 'pop' you dead from 4 different directions, roll you into the trunk, grab an engee's slushy casing-liner while dumping the bullet riddled stiff out on the back side of the shadowed parking lot,,,-& ,,,hammer back to mexico fer a couple of years, it's just the nature of the A.O.'s critters ,,,but,,,his picture might just instill a different perspective upon them gangster chulo's :thumbup:
Now you're gonna go and get plastic surgery to look like me, so you can be the beneficiary of said perspective, ain't ya? :grin:
I know what you mean. Every time my mind slips to a mundane moment in time of contentment with him, I remind myself of the low life he chose to be at the end. It's taken four and a half years, but it's working.
Lucky you....I got the heartless and indifferent femme fatale. So I’ll always be sunk,and she’ll always be great as can be. I did kick her hard last year in the see you on turesday for the first time in a back forth email convo we had for a bit. That was nice....I still got hurt,and knew I would,but it was worth it. Loooool
Lucky you....I got the heartless and indifferent femme fatale. So I’ll always be sunk,and she’ll always be great as can be. I did kick her hard last year in the see you on turesday for the first time in a back forth email convo we had for a bit. That was nice....I still got hurt,and knew I would,but it was worth it. Loooool
I wish I had some great wisdom to impart to you that would take root, but free will is going to have it's way. Just guard your heart in those situations to lessen the pain.
I wish I had some great wisdom to impart to you that would take root, but free will is going to have it's way. Just guard your heart in those situations to lessen the pain.
Yeah,I already know things now,but what it good is it after the fact? I just help other people if I can,which usually is pointless because there’s that free will thing. The heart wants what it wants. Everything in my life is my fault...not theirs. All of it was mine.
I am moved. I am exhausted. Now time for some Cowboy football...
Looks like the Cowboys are happy with your new place. Relax, kick back and enjoy!
Yeah,I already know things now,but what it good is it after the fact? I just help other people if I can,which usually is pointless because there’s that free will thing. The heart wants what it wants. Everything in my life is my fault...not theirs. All of it was mine.
Oh Chris, the first rule of bad relationships is it's always their fault. Never take the blame for something that hurts unless you are doing something crazy stupid like holding a lightning rod in a storm.

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