Apartment Living

Lol. I knew what you were talking about. :muttley:
It’s not something I morally recommend,and it's just a quick pick me up,not a solution ..but I know from experience it really does help at the moment. I’m crushed myself,and have been longer than anyone I know of,and will be probably on and off forever.
Chrispierce's advice is good unless it's about driving. Do not drive like Chrispierce until you've made friends with at least half of the police force.
Oh hey Xelda...see my pic? That’s one of my runs. PCH 10min north of Malibu. Loool Lots of celebs hit that.
It’s not something I morally recommend,and it's just a quick pick me up,not a solution ..but I know from experience it really does help at the moment. I’m crushed myself,and have been longer than anyone I know of,and will be probably on and off forever.
You know those predatory types snatch up the sweet ones, talk pretty to us, buy us things and then break our hearts.
You know those predatory types snatch up the sweet ones, talk pretty to us, buy us things and then break our hearts.
I always attract adulterous women. I seriously hate being me...and honestly wish someone would hurry up with the “Enternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind” procedure. I’d give anything to have a clean memory bank.
I sold my house and moved into an apartment. I HATE it.

The apartment and facilities are amazing. We were the first ones in our unit. The open layout is awesome. The pool is amazing. The gym is top notch, and we even have built in grilling stations throughout. I love not having to worry about yard upkeep. The problem is the other tenants.

We have a-holes that break the rules all the time. People not cleaning up after pets, people blazing up in their apartments and stinking up the hallways, people staying out at the pool after hours. It has been horrible. We have complained and complained, and management doesn't seem to help.

I never want to live in an apartment again.
I've 'forted-up' twice in the stacked or condensed close confines of apartment living ,first time I'd just gotten married ( SHEESE, around Halloween, the step-son was about 10 , him& the other kids, they were running around like accident zombies in rags& fake blood with two liter plastic soda pop bottles filled with dry ice & some water to make smoke ,which I thought was kinda cool after I'd paid some attention, I'd noticed the kid was screwing the lid down on the bottle to save his smoke,,,:lmao::lmao::lmao: I told him to not do that or it'll blow up in a bad way while your holding it,,,well,they got all happy and excited & I didn't know why as they split out the door, about 10 minutes later Ka-Boomo,,,Man! it sounded like a 10ga. shotgun Fired off out in the parking lot,about 2 dozen different car alarms were sounding off,then this thunderous herd of laughing scared little **** heads came running in thru the front door,,,the police sirens soon followed,,,I hated apartment living.
I have an guitar amp and a mic. I just point it in their direction and CRANK IT!

Either that, or we can play. Who can be louder?
You obviously ain't had the cops yard yer' casing-liner off to county lock up all that often ,HuH?:rolleyes:

* And yes! ,,,YES I HAVEo_O
Do you really want to go back to drunk AH neighbors?
I can't tell which side of the fence you're really on here. :huh:
I own my own home and property and a neighbor and I hate each other.
I could only imagine how much worse it could be in an apartment.

I just could not see anyway I would want to or decide to move into an apartment.
I think for me it would have to be one of those worse case scenarios that are so bad that living in an apartment would be the least of my worries.
But that is just me.
No....it's not just you.
Ha,I'd cracked an big ol' boy across his noggin alongside his right temple with a .45 acp one night while enjoying apartment living, He was all drunk& my wife was squalling & balling cuz' her father was in the hospital dieing, and **** fer' brains Hero tried to break into the place to ( who the hell knows:huh:) Ha,that ol' slab sided automatic flat dropped that big drunk idiot like a ton of wet horse ****,,,,the cops came and hauled him off from the concrete front door stoop where he remained laying there bleeding:lmao2:* straight up/ no chasero_O
I've 'forted-up' twice in the stacked or condensed close confines of apartment living ,first time I'd just gotten married ( SHEESE, around Halloween, the step-son was about 10 , him& the other kids, they were running around like accident zombies in rags& fake blood with two liter plastic soda pop bottles filled with dry ice & some water to make smoke ,which I thought was kinda cool after I'd paid some attention, I'd noticed the kid was screwing the lid down on the bottle to save his smoke,,,:lmao::lmao::lmao: I told him to not do that or it'll blow up in a bad way while your holding it,,,well,they got all happy and excited & I didn't know why as they split out the door, about 10 minutes later Ka-Boomo,,,Man! it sounded like a 10ga. shotgun Fired off out in the parking lot,about 2 dozen different car alarms were sounding off,then this thunderous herd of laughing scared little **** heads came running in thru the front door,,,the police sirens soon followed,,,I hated apartment living.
Another thing I hate about apartment living is parking lots...and the aholes who think everything in parking lots is public seating. There were several times, in each of the 2 apartment complexes I lived in, when I had to go out and tell 4 to 6 guys to get the *** off my truck, before I beat all their *****. My (then) wife was scared ****less, ready to dial 9-1-1 each time........of at least the first couple of times.
Similar to mobile home parks ... but these are a lot nicer than what you typically see. I'm still undecided.
Some of those units are custom made and frameless( a modular multi- piecer mobile home in which the I beam or C channel substructure running gear frame is removed from the unit and returned to the manufacturing facility,,, I've pulled a double fistful of those heavy and god awfully high clearance SOB,then you EXPERTLY wheel that MO-FO over the existing pre installed house measurments concrete foundation walls & safety crib the holy **** outta' it, un-lag the frame& EXTRA EXPERTLY drive out from under it,,,,cuz' if any of those frame outriggers bump up ugly AGAINST with that crap ton of cribbing supports,,,the world of All those involved got big time PROBLEMSo_O:lmao:o_O
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You’re right. I do pick up some litter,and feed and give water to this one bird in a McDonalds parking lot everyday. That counts as something!!
Hey Brother I could share a life's story with you that: other than cleaning out my ears with a #6 load of 12ga. Ear swab,,, should've rendered me in that parking lot single pet bird fer' a friend condition, but ain't no way in hell on this forums big board & prolly not even thru a P.M. as those Gestapo MOD types would be privy,,,I'll tell you this much my highly likeable forum member& pleasant of conversation Friend,,, it's not a load of crap either like,,,
" it's always darkest before the dawn" or that other lame one of
" theres certainly more than one fish in the sea" ,,,,ain't no way I'd lay a lame load of crap upon you like that my Brother,,, I'll merely relay this other worldly insight thats been heavenly vectored down to me in my most tumultuous time of need;,,,,"
it wasn't meant to be"o_O

*I'm certain this has & will fortify yer' strength & faith more than doublely than it did mine when that load was bestowed, Bro!


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