I've 'forted-up' twice in the stacked or condensed close confines of apartment living ,first time I'd just gotten married ( SHEESE, around Halloween, the step-son was about 10 , him& the other kids, they were running around like accident zombies in rags& fake blood with two liter plastic soda pop bottles filled with dry ice & some water to make
smoke ,which I thought was kinda cool after I'd paid some attention, I'd noticed the kid was screwing the lid down on the bottle to
save his smoke,,,

I told him to not do that or it'll blow up in a bad way while your holding it,,,well,they got all happy and excited & I didn't know why as they split out the door, about 10 minutes later Ka-Boomo,,,Man! it sounded like a 10ga. shotgun Fired off out in the parking lot,about 2 dozen different car alarms were sounding off,then this thunderous herd of laughing scared little **** heads came running in thru the front door,,,the police sirens soon followed,,,I hated apartment living.