Archer: Jerry said, "you'll know it when you see it" regarding potential change to Romo


Cowboys 24/7/365
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I think our fanbase is officially divided. Quite sad to see if I'm being perfectly honest lol. I've never seen a 11-2 team's fan base divided like ours. We're all Cowboys fans and we all want to see them win a Super Bowl and we should support decision whatever decisions the team's make. Sure, we can disagree on it and discuss it here on the forum, but we have no say in the decisions. I didn't think this forum could sink lower than last year when we had fans rooting for losses, but I believe it has. It's a damn shame because I love coming on here and discussing topics with all these great and diehard Cowboys fans on here. But seeing how divided it is now, seeing people brand each other "Romo lovers" or "Dak lovers" is just sad and it makes our fan base look bad in general.
It could be argued that the fanbase has been divided since Prescott played junior high football. Maybe longer than that. Exactly how long has Romo been in Big D?


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So if the coaching staff replaces Dak does that mean they must have some "agenda" besides winning?

And its not about how many games he's won vs how many he's lost. Its a matter of teams discovering a weakness in Dak's game, exploiting it, and essentially shutting down our offense. And teams are going to keep exploiting it every week until he learns to beat it.

I think he will figure it out. But if he cant do it sooner rather than later they may decide to put Romo in.

Simple logic. No agenda other than making whatever move gives you the best chance to win a Super Bowl this year.
heh - funny part is - of that i've never disagreed. i just think those clamoring for romo now never wanted dak to start anyway. they see an op to get him "back in the game" and are diving on it and minimizing what dak has in fact done.

if the coaches feel dak can't do it anymore or that his mojo is finished for the year, that is their call and agree or disagree with them, they're still going to make it. if dak comes out sunday and just falls on his face and deserves to be pulled cause of his play and his play alone, great. i'm 100% fine with it and so glad we do in fact have romo on the bench ready to go.

however, i do question the entire "ready to go" scenario.

he's played what, 2 games in 2 years? in training camp a simple tackle broke his back and put him out. he's not played in a game for a year or more at this point. i *do not* feel he will walk on the field and be *only* the good things we've ever seen from romo in his career.

he can light it up to be sure, or he can choke more than a king kong heimlich maneuver can handle. both are very real possibilities and it just seems people are ignoring all the times romo's late game chokes cost us. and before the romo parade dogs on me for that statement, he has in fact choked away some games.

he's won quite a few also.

so which romo will we get?

those saying ROMO NOW, to me, have agendas. i suppose to them i do also but it's not to keep dak in, it's to not bail on him cause of fan pressure but i don't really think that would be the reason. i just can't see the coaches hanging out in here taking the temp of all the fans who have *romo* somewhere in their username.

dak has figured out so much already. maybe he is on overdrive and not fair to think he can keep this up. but i don't see his performance alone as why we're struggling in the last few weeks. i see a team still looking for an overall identity and if we give the team back to romo, we also delay that change that can and will happen likely next year.

i want to win. i'd love for dak to get it but also understand i'd love to see romo take us there too. i'm honestly torn but i don't like moving around on indecision as if that's going to help us more than hurt.


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I think there is a 3rd option: Play Dak and allow him to lead us to the Super Bowl THIS YEAR!

Whos leading us to the SB this year is Zeke. Dak has played a big part too, but the key stone is Zeke, not Dak. Oh, and if Romo goes back to the starting O, it would be the same. This team is not the same without #21.


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Calling an interception in a late season game between a 4-12 team and a 15-1 team "costly" is pretty hysterical, even for a Dak slobberer...

Oh, how we soon forget. Remember, the Cowboys - led by Romo - had just beaten the Dolphins. Remember, Romo's video clip, "Let's win the whole d**n thing?" The Cowboys thought they could run the tables with Romo back. Oops.

Second, Romo threw two first half pic sixes. If you're thinking about running the tables and getting into the playoffs, I'd say that's not a meaningless game.

Third, I notice you didn't mention anything about the Denver and Green Bay games where he threw picks - which is what this thread was about originally.

To answer the question, YES, Romo HAS thrown costly interceptions since 2012.

Yours truly,

The Dak slobberer. :D


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Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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I think our fanbase is officially divided. Quite sad to see if I'm being perfectly honest lol. I've never seen a 11-2 team's fan base divided like ours. We're all Cowboys fans and we all want to see them win a Super Bowl and we should support decision whatever decisions the team's make. Sure, we can disagree on it and discuss it here on the forum, but we have no say in the decisions. I didn't think this forum could sink lower than last year when we had fans rooting for losses, but I believe it has. It's a damn shame because I love coming on here and discussing topics with all these great and diehard Cowboys fans on here. But seeing how divided it is now, seeing people brand each other "Romo lovers" or "Dak lovers" is just sad and it makes our fan base look bad in general.
This has little to do with Dak, IMO. This is really a pro versus anti Romo debate with Dak as a new pawn.. It's been going on for years here. Poor Dak just got caught in the middle.


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Oh, how we soon forget. Remember, the Cowboys - led by Romo - had just beaten the Dolphins. Remember, Romo's video clip, "Let's win the whole d**n thing?" The Cowboys thought they could run the tables with Romo back. Oops.

Second, Romo threw two first half pic sixes. If you're thinking about running the tables and getting into the playoffs, I'd say that's not a meaningless game.

Third, I notice you didn't mention anything about the Denver and Green Bay games where he threw picks - which is what this thread was about originally.

To answer the question, YES, Romo HAS thrown costly interceptions since 2012.

Yours truly,

The Dak slobberer. :D

Anyone who brings up the Denver game to try and knock Romo is clueless so no point even having a discussion.


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Whos leading us to the SB this year is Zeke. Dak has played a big part too, but the key stone is Zeke, not Dak. Oh, and if Romo goes back to the starting O, it would be the same. This team is not the same without #21.
They guy who couldn't overcome a 3 point disadvantage? It's all about the QB


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So the lack of 3rd down conversions through the air is not on Daky poo....because reasons. Yes, Dez slipped. That's one drive. What about all the others? Got any reasons for that?

And another "I love Romo so much!" post. Apparently if you say that, you're totally unbiased!

Check any of my old posts and see if I was ever anti-Romo if you want. According to Broaddus after his game replay, the long INT to Dez was on Dak, since Witten was open, although he wouldn't have gotten the first down, so in the end the long INT would have lead to the same result as a solid punt if the team tackled the db. On the others, there weren't many open and the DE's were setting the edge so Dak couldn't run.

This was just as much on the playcalling as Dak. Dez being completely out of the game, Witten being double all game and the cold wet surface...yeah, not exactly stuff to give a QB confidence.


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Other than Dez, I can't really fault any of the receivers.

Butler dropped a TD that hit him in the stomach, and TW couldn't catch a pass that was agreeable a little high, but a professional #2 receiver playing for his big contract has to make that catch. I'm not necessarily defending Dak's play as he was not good last night, but the entire offense outside of Zeke played like crap from what I saw.


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Oh, how we soon forget. Remember, the Cowboys - led by Romo - had just beaten the Dolphins. Remember, Romo's video clip, "Let's win the whole d**n thing?" The Cowboys thought they could run the tables with Romo back. Oops.

Second, Romo threw two first half pic sixes. If you're thinking about running the tables and getting into the playoffs, I'd say that's not a meaningless game.

Third, I notice you didn't mention anything about the Denver and Green Bay games where he threw picks - which is what this thread was about originally.

To answer the question, YES, Romo HAS thrown costly interceptions since 2012.

Yours truly,

The Dak slobberer. :D
Please do not count me among anyone who actually thought that team was going to the playoffs at that point. The odds were mathematically outrageous.
I would say the Green Bay game, yes that would count. It should have never gotten to that point, no thanks to the defense giving up FIVE touchdowns in the 2nd half, including 3 80 yard drives... but the interception did not have to happen there.
Denver, nope sorry. Been over that a million times. Defense gave up most points in a loss ever in NFL history and it took 500 yards and 5 TDs to even get to a point where there's even a game to care about at the end. Calling that costly is just nitpicking the timing. Green Bay was costly because of timing AND boneheaded decisions by Tony before and including the play.


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I guess Romo throwing 3 ints against the Commanders was just a dream? or 3 turnovers against the Eagles in 08 while scoring 6 points was just a dream as well? or 3 other turnovers against the Giants in 2011.. again.. a dream? All elimination games. People think we have Tom Brady on the bench.. instead we have a fantasy QB that has 2 wildcard playoff wins in 10 years.
It will be different this year!!! I promise!!! XOXOXOO ROMO


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They guy who couldn't overcome a 3 point disadvantage? It's all about the QB
Bailey missed a fg. Church dropped two INTs that would have had the cowboys in scoring position, Durant another. A stupid holding call on special teams wiped out a Beasley run to the NYG 29 yard line. Hows this all on Dak? Sure, he's been leading the team down long drives all season, it just didn't happen this game. After 11 wins in a row all you cowards want to drop him, I can't believe it.


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I get befuzzled when folks try to degrade Romo for lack of playoff success like there hasn't ever been a great QB that's played and not won the SB. The odds are severely stacked against every team every year. Funny, the odds are well stacked against us even this year, but whoever is playing QB will somehow shoulder all the blame for a loss. I mean how often does Patrick Crayton's name come up for his dropped pass, or Dez Bryant for not hanging on to the football, or DeMarco Murray for fumbling? No, it's just Tony Romo, it's all his fault.


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The playcalling has been horrible on multiple fronts. One, the playcalling has not adjusted when Dak has either been getting regularly pressured,or when there is regular blitzing or when the WR's aren't getting open. On key 3rd downs, even in short yardage, Zeke is inexplicable pulled out of the game. Again, on 3rd and short, deep pass plays are getting called, even when the run game is working. And this is just a short summary of the perplexing playcalling of the last two weeks.

So much wrong with this.

Dak has not been getting pressured often. He simply holds the ball so long, the pressure gets there. The ball should be gone quickly.

Blitzes mean guys are open. Hot routes. Throw it, Dak!

You don't know the receivers aren't open. In the NFL, one step is open.

Zeke asked out of the game a few times. He carried it 24 times. How much of beating do you want him to take? I do agree I'd rather see Morris than Dunbar.

Deep passes aren't called per se. There's a guy in the flat. A guy or two over the middle. A guy or two deep. DAK DECIDES WHERE TO THROW IT.

Romo changes blocking schemes, routes, entire plays altogether at the line of scrimmage to beat these looks. Dak does not. Not yet.


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Bailey missed a fg. Church dropped two INTs that would have had the cowboys in scoring position, Durant another. A stupid holding call on special teams wiped out a Beasley run to the NYG 29 yard line. Hows this all on Dak? Sure, he's been leading the team down long drives all season, it just didn't happen this game. After 11 wins in a row all you cowards want to drop him, I can't believe it.

He ain't know....

Check the avi

I'm a Dak guy!


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Bailey missed a fg. Church dropped two INTs that would have had the cowboys in scoring position, Durant another. A stupid holding call on special teams wiped out a Beasley run to the NYG 29 yard line. Hows this all on Dak? Sure, he's been leading the team down long drives all season, it just didn't happen this game. After 11 wins in a row all you cowards want to drop him, I can't believe it.

He's scored 17 points in two weeks.


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Injury to Prescott is the only way my QB sees the field as the starter for the Cowboys. You'll know Prescott's injured when you see it...that's what Jerry means.

Nothing to see here...