CZ POLL Are you happy with Dak Prescott as the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys this season?

Are you happy with Dak Prescott as the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys this season?

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I think I will be happy with the defense. I am neither happy or unhappy having Dak at QB. It is just a reality to be faced. Based on history, I am sure there will be games when I will be unhappy with Dak. Other games I will be happy and wondering why he can't play that way every week.

The Good Dak/Bad Dak thing has to end at some point. If he becomes Bad Dak full time then it is time to move one. If he becomes Good Dak full time we will all be very happy to have him. The frustration is just when you think they are on track, Bad Dak shows up to have a bad game.


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In the six games we lost last year including the playoff game to SF, defensive teams blitzed less and dared us to run or throw short dink and dunk passes to move the ball. For the most part it was an effective strategy. Let’s look at the games we lost and what % our opponents blitzed: (credit to Bob Sturm for the stats)

  • Tampa BayL 31-29– they actually blitzed 50% of the offensive plays we ran and we lost. But we racked up a ton of yards and arguably should have won the game if the damn kicker didn’t miss XP and a chip shot FG.
  • Denver- L- 30-15- they only blitzed 14% of our snaps. Denver was one of the first teams to recognize that blitzing us was a mistake. They usually rushed 4 and dropped 7 into coverage. Our second worst offensive game of the year.
  • Kansas City- L- 19-9- they only blitzed 25% of our snaps. Using mostly the same approach as Denver, they frustrated us all day using mostly a 4 man rush.
  • Las Vegas- L- 36-33- Amazingly, the raiders only blitzed us 4% of the time. We racked up yards but had loads of mistakes and our defense stunk it up. But again, the low blitz numbers resulted in a L.
  • Arizona- L- 25-22– the cards did blitz 35% of the time and was able to frustrate our offense completely until the 4th qtr.
  • SF WC game- L- 23-16– the niners only blitzed 18% of the time. Their front 4 were able to put pressure on Dak and also stop the run.
The teams that blitzed us a lot- Carolina, Minnesota, WFT and the Eagles- all got beat consistently. We beat them all. Bottom line- we have made blitzes pay. Now the offense must find a way to make the cover 2 no blitz D pay.

Why Defensive Coordinators stopped blitzing us last year​

Publish DateJune 6, 2022 Bobhaze
in all of those games, those teams rushed and created pass pressure with 4, or 5 and dropped 6 or 7 into coverage. when you can do that, without blitzing and create pressure, you will have success most of the time.

also, Dak played bad in some of those games, no denying that. its just that all phases of the team tend not to click at the same time, that includes players and coaches.


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
There are sure a lot of the NO posters who joined at the same time and have few or no posts.

Wonder why :muttley:


Junior College Transfer
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What do you expect from the brainiacs here? The great thing about these polls is they expose the knuckleheads. There’s a large number of fans here that would move on from Dak right this moment, a month before training camp and go with another QB, regardless who it is. That’s the mindset you’re dealing with on this board.
You suffer for our sins, right, kkj?


Junior College Transfer
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I mentioned brainiacs and look who comes calling. :laugh:
I was named most interesting at me secondary school and am known for my generosity when I return from the food pantry downtown.
I am learning and growing.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Uh……Hurts offense hung 31 points on that same Niners defense

Football for dummies indeed.

the difference between you and I is that you see everything through the prism of “defending Dakota” when commenting on virtually every aspect of Cowboys football

Unlike you, I don’t have any of that type of skin in the game when discussing the Cowboys.
Philly had a better team than us. Although we still beat them.


Safety third
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Had that been Dak, the ONLY thing that mattered would be “the Cowboys lost!”
It cracks me up that the same people who are blaming Hurts for the SB loss are the same people that blamed everyone but Dak for the losses against the Rams and the Packers in the playoffs.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Poll results from previous Dak Prescott polls ..

Dec 15, 2020 -- Do you want Dak Prescott back as quarterback in 2021?
Yes (366) / No (115)

Nov 29, 2021 -- Are you happy with Dak as the quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys?
Yes (314) / No (132)


Well-Known Member
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It cracks me up that the same people who are blaming Hurts for the SB loss are the same people that blamed everyone but Dak for the losses against the Rams and the Packers in the playoffs.
It cracks me up that some Cowboy fans stand up for other teams more than their own.


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That’s Daks MO. He basically does great against terrible teams.
Tampa was a terrible team? They were top 10 in passing yards allowed and he shredded them week 1 of the playoffs on the road. How about the Eagles? He ***** slapped them for 347 yards. He is too inconsistent but he doesn’t just do good against terrible teams.


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The same as the 49ers did us. Although we might as well not have had a qb playing as bad as Dak played. Once Pollard went down I lost interest because I knew the game was over. And the Eagles knocked out their QB. If the Cowboys did that it might have been a more interesting game. Still don't know if we would have won though.
So you are a Cowboy fan and you lost interest in a playoff game while it was tied? Sorry, but something doesn’t pass the smell test there…


Well-Known Member
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Since we are around a month away from the start of training camp, I thought it would be a good time to gauge the satisfaction level with Dak Prescott as the Dallas Cowboys quarterback.

As always, I do not provide "easy out" options in CZ Polls because that defeats the purpose of the polls.
OMG another one of these poles on a subject that has been over debated.

I was happy with Roger staubach I'm satisfied with Dak .and since like you the NFL doesn't provide a lot of options I'm very glad we have him
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