CZ POLL Are you happy with Dak Prescott as the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys this season?

Are you happy with Dak Prescott as the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys this season?

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What do you expect from the brainiacs here? The great thing about these polls is they expose the knuckleheads. There’s a large number of fans here that would move on from Dak right this moment, a month before training camp and go with another QB, regardless who it is. That’s the mindset you’re dealing with on this board.
Definitely reflects that camp here in the Zone.

A lot of them would actually enjoy a full year down the very three years any time it didn’t look like a dynasty was around the corner.

PA Cowboy Fan

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So you are a Cowboy fan and you lost interest in a playoff game while it was tied? Sorry, but something doesn’t pass the smell test there…
Yea right. That offense couldn't score anything. Couldn't hardly move the ball and I'm supposed to believe that Dak could step up and lead us to victory after the way he was playing in that game. Only a crazy homer would believe that. Wish I could live in la la land.


Cowboys Diehard
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If I were any happier than I am with Dak Prescott as my QB, I couldn't quit laughing . . .:grin:


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Tampa was a terrible team? They were top 10 in passing yards allowed and he shredded them week 1 of the playoffs on the road. How about the Eagles? He ***** slapped them for 347 yards. He is too inconsistent but he doesn’t just do good against terrible teams.
Tampa towards the end there was a very depleted team. Not really the same team we met to start the season against. Also nowhere close to the squad that won the Super Bowl a couple of seasons ago with Brady at the helm. We were lucky to catch them at a time where they backed into the playoffs. Then the following week we went up against a quality opponent and the offense got its *** handed to it.

Fastpitch Dad

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A waste of time? Did you actually believe, for even a moment, that anything written in this forum would change anything within the Cowboys organization?

This is a fan forum...for fans. Its purpose is to act as a place where fans can express their opinions about the team, debate, and once in a while, if open minded, learn a thing or two.
You should cut and paste this in every thread.

Very well stated.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Tampa towards the end there was a very depleted team. Not really the same team we met to start the season against. Also nowhere close to the squad that won the Super Bowl a couple of seasons ago with Brady at the helm. We were lucky to catch them at a time where they backed into the playoffs. Then the following week we went up against a quality opponent and the offense got its *** handed to it.
Can't for the life of me figure out why people are so proud and boastful of the tampa playoff game. Bucs were a team in complete disarray. Dysfunctional (retired, divorced, unretired, retired), OLD QB, the guru had coached stepped aside for a JAG coach, injuries.

Yes...glad we played well and won, of course.

Then we wet ourselves in a very winnable game at tough 9ers.

Dak in a nutshell. OUr a nutshell.


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No one should be happy with anyone on this roster until that Lombardi Trophy is back in Dallas.

ESPECIALLY Including the players themselves. Otherwise you’re just enabling.

Landry, Jimmy and Parcells didn’t get in the HOF because they were happy with fame, public perception, stats, big contracts and a Star on the head.


Safety third
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Poll results from previous Dak Prescott polls ..

Dec 15, 2020 -- Do you want Dak Prescott back as quarterback in 2021?
Yes (366) / No (115)

Nov 29, 2021 -- Are you happy with Dak as the quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys?
Yes (314) / No (132)
Wasn't there a poll pretty soon after the 2021 loss to the 49's?

I am borderline certain there was.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Wasn't there a poll pretty soon after the 2021 loss to the 49's?

I am borderline certain there was.
Yeah, but polls after losses are never accurate because emotions and frustrations are high and many fans want everyone released or fired immediately, sometimes before the plane ride back.

I sometimes create CZ Polls after losses simply to give everyone a chance to vent frustrations, but the poll results are usually not useful in the long term.


Safety third
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Yeah, but polls after losses are never accurate because emotions and frustrations are high and many fans want everyone released or fired immediately, sometimes before the plane ride back.

I sometimes create CZ Polls after losses simply to give everyone a chance to vent frustrations, but the poll results are usually not useful in the long term.

I'm happy to know I haven't completely lost touch with reality. (pun intended :cool:)


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The knuckleheads would rather have an average QB. Go look at the names of QBs that are mentioned that fans would rather have than Dak. Lol You’re one of those who needs to open their eyes and recognize that he’s one of the better QBs in the league despite his flaws. Who are these options you’re talking about that Jerry isn’t interested in? Some of you may be interested in a lesser QB but he’s not, nor do the fans that care about the team.
It’s the fans that care about the team that see Dak for what he is, a average QB who has good games against the weakest teams and disappears against the good ones. There are always opportunities and options just look around and see other teams have done, it’s just that Jerry likes his guy and it’s more important to him to say my guy is great he’s the guy I drafted. It’s all about Jerry trying to prove he’s a football genius. It’s knucklehead fans like you who can’t see the forest because of the trees especially that deadwood Dak.


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All those who think Dak Prescott is the problem over the last 27 years, that is why I call you Arlington Jonesboys fans.

You have an Owner, GM, and defacto Head Coach who is the same person that could not get along with 3 Hall of Fame Head Coaches (fired 2 and ran off 1)), does not have winning a Super Bowl as his priority ("stay relevant" Jones quote), who had Tony Romo at QB (Dak and Tony states about the same except Dak has more wins and less interceptions his first 7 years), and you really think that it is Dak Prescott fault you have not seen a NFC Championship game in 27 years and won't play in one in 2024?

Roger Staubach, Troy Aikman, Danny White, Don Meredith, Craig Morton, John Elway, Dan Marino, Tom Brady, Joe Montana, Peyton Manning, Drew Brees, or Pat Mahomes could not get to a championship game or Super Bowl with Jerry Dumbo GM Jones as owner, GM, and defacto Head Coach. Because his priority is relevance and making money being no.1 not Super Bowls being no. 1.

These 27 years have been all about Jerry Dumbo GM Jones and the Arlington Jonesboys. The results speak for themselves.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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It’s the fans that care about the team that see Dak for what he is, a average QB who has good games against the weakest teams and disappears against the good ones. There are always opportunities and options just look around and see other teams have done, it’s just that Jerry likes his guy and it’s more important to him to say my guy is great he’s the guy I drafted. It’s all about Jerry trying to prove he’s a football genius. It’s knucklehead fans like you who can’t see the forest because of the trees especially that deadwood Dak.
Dak is better than an average QB and the fans cares about the team wouldn’t want to risk taking the chance of moving on from him and ending up with a worse option. If you look around the league many teams are dissatisfied with their QB situation. Three of the first four picks in this year‘s draft were QBs. No guarantees any one of those QBs turn out to be the answer their teams are looking for. You sound like one of those fans that think great QBs grow on trees.


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Yea right. That offense couldn't score anything. Couldn't hardly move the ball and I'm supposed to believe that Dak could step up and lead us to victory after the way he was playing in that game. Only a crazy homer would believe that. Wish I could live in la la land.
I guess understanding football is living in la la land to you. You are either lying or not even a Cowboy fan at all. The moment at which Pollard got hurt the score was 6-6 and we were in FG range. To say you knew the game was over at that particular point is just silly. I bet you were saying the game was over all week before it even started. Worst kind of "fan"...


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Definitely reflects that camp here in the Zone.

A lot of them would actually enjoy a full year down the very three years any time it didn’t look like a dynasty was around the corner.
There is a lot of fans who would rather lose every week with a scrub QB than have a shot at the playoffs every year with Dak. I see fans pulling against Dak and the team every week in the game chat. Once we lose a couple of games, they’re pulling for us to tank. You won’t find a stranger group of fans anywhere than here.


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There is a lot of fans who would rather lose every week with a scrub QB than have a shot at the playoffs every year with Dak. I see fans pulling against Dak and the team every week in the game chat. Once we lose a couple of games, they’re pulling for us to tank. You won’t find a stranger group of fans anywhere than here.
Perhaps you should find a team with fans you like better, or even better stop creating straw men and beating those up. Some of that crap you claim is ridiculous, and is just a reflection of your own inability to cope with disagreements about opinions of a player.

PA Cowboy Fan

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I guess understanding football is living in la la land to you. You are either lying or not even a Cowboy fan at all. The moment at which Pollard got hurt the score was 6-6 and we were in FG range. To say you knew the game was over at that particular point is just silly. I bet you were saying the game was over all week before it even started. Worst kind of "fan"...
Yea I've been a fan for nearly 50 years so don't even go there. I remember when we actually used to play for something important. Excuse me if I expect more out of this team and no I actually thought we had a chance after the way we played at TB. But no surprise we came up short again . Oh yea I expected Dak who was playing awful to actually lead us to victory with no running game. I'm sorry but don't make me laugh. And you know what....I was right as usual. Just once I would like one of you guys to come in after a big game and say I told you so. But it never happens. Hasn't happened this century. And I just love how if anyone disagrees with you guys then we must not be a Cowboy fan. That's a joke. And I don't have to prove anything to you anyway. I've payed my dues with this team and I'll support them the way I want.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Perhaps you should find a team with fans you like better, or even better stop creating straw men and beating those up. Some of that crap you claim is ridiculous, and is just a reflection of your own inability to cope with disagreements about opinions of a player.
Perhaps some of you should find a team with a QB you like better. It’s because of fans like you the board is littered with Dak hate, and we have to put up with polls like this every year. Anyone who frequents this board regularly knows I speak the truth. There’s fans that pull against the team and Dak so the Cowboys will get rid of him. They want a high draft pick because they think that guarantees we’ll end up with a better QB than Dak. There’s fans that have admitted they want the team to lose just to get rid of Dak. Try opening your eyes!


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Yea I've been a fan for nearly 50 years so don't even go there. I remember when we actually used to play for something important. Excuse me if I expect more out of this team and no I actually thought we had a chance after the way we played at TB. But no surprise we came up short again . Oh yea I expected Dak who was playing awful to actually lead us to victory with no running game. I'm sorry but don't make me laugh. And you know what....I was right as usual. Just once I would like one of you guys to come in after a big game and say I told you so. But it never happens. Hasn't happened this century. And I just love how if anyone disagrees with you guys then we must not be a Cowboy fan. That's a joke. And I don't have to prove anything to you anyway. I've payed my dues with this team and I'll support them the way I want.
So you thought we had a shot coming in and when we were about to take the lead at the end of the first half you "knew" it was over? Makes sense...

and who are these "you guys" you think I'm a part of. That's a bizarre out of left field comment. I for one thought we would lose the game, but that's a far crying from knowing we would...
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