ARTICLE: Former Cowboy Mel Renfro has advice for S Roy Williams

dcowboysfan76;1727848 said:
It appears to me that he was out of position and had to reach to grab Lynch....can you tell from the picture.

That picture shows nothing other than the end of the play. The play was a run to the offensive left. Roy grabbed Lynch's facemask and back of his jersey while Lynch was still behind the line of scrimmage and Lynch's momemtum carried the play for a 2 yard gain until Newman laid his helmet to helmet hit. Not a bad angle, just a bad tackle considering he was trying to wrap up but got ahold of the facemask too. Had his hand dropped down and grabbed the front of the jersey, he wouldn't have been penalized or fined.
Please do us all a favor and learn how to break up your quotes.

dcowboysfan76;1727844 said:
If you say so, but to me he's saying that he knows there is room for improvement

Again, every player has room for improvement, and they know it. It doesn't mean they're "lacking confidence."

...maybe you should be accountable.

For other people's mistakes?

Do you actually think the coach will just come out and say you are a liability...nope, they will put you in a position to show your strengths

Ah, so the coaches are lying, then. I get it.

I agree with the coaches. You think they're lying. Hmm.

Pretending something happened? hmmm why was the rule placed?? Seems to me you are pretending it didn't happen

You're pretending that Roy horse collared someone because he took a "pathetic pursuit angle." Not a single one of his horse collars have been because he took a bad angle and got "out of position."

Doesn't matter, Roy W homers will see what they want to see anyways.....

And the Roy bashers will just pretend they see what they want to see, even if it never happens.
dcowboysfan76;1727848 said:
It appears to me that he was out of position and had to reach to grab Lynch....can you tell from the picture.

No, you can't, because it's the end of the play and doesn't have anything to do with his pursuit angle.

Roy was in the middle of the field, behind the linebackers. Lynch ran behind the left tackle and bounced it outside. Roy pursued him and made the tackle for a 2-yard gain. The 5-yard facemask penalty was bad; his angle was anything but.
WoodysGirl;1727132 said:
Isn't that basically what Kevin Burnett weighs,because he can't keep his weight up? And he only plays on passing downs.

Also, didn't Donnie Edwards play that spot for the Chargers when he was there? Not advocating, just saying his weight wouldn't be a factor.
its still taking Roy out of his natural position...

i cant think of any All-Pro SS that was ever switched to ILB, ever.
AdamJT13;1727856 said:
Neither of those plays had anything to do with taking a bad angle. He took a perfect angle against Lynch and stopped him for a 2-yard gain instead of a long run. And on the Clark play, Roy was playing an inside zone, Clark caught the pass several yards to the outside of Roy and ran straight for the sideline -- away from Roy -- to get out of bounds. Roy ran him down from behind and tried to keep him inbounds.
My point is Roy consistently puts himself in bad positions which leave him having to tackle someone from behind with that same technique.....

He's one of the best safeties in the league, and one of the biggest playmaking safeties in the league. If you want to call him a "superstar," that's your opinion.

He is considered one of the best because there aren't many in his position to compare him to...He's ok, but he's not the best we've had.....I must admit this is the longest I've hung on a board, but this is fun.....As a fan I want the best for my team and the SS position can be improved either by Roy or by other means.....He is not a great cover safety, but he's good enough on a team with no Plan B......How about you create a poll and see if the 1000's of posters on this board think that Roy can cover? Many have expressed that he needs improvement, many analysts profess that he's not that good in coverage....many coaches know he's not that good in coverage......but yet you seem to think that he's the best!!
hes not the best but he definitely takes a lot of guff for 1 play here and there, when guys like Reed still give up some plays and are still praised for every step they make.
DallasDW00ds0n;1727889 said:
hes not the best but he definitely takes a lot of guff for 1 play here and there, when guys like Reed still give up some plays and are still praised for every step they make.

No one really takes these guys seriously anyway. They say things like

SuperCows5Xs;1727262 said:
maybe he is a lost cause as a safety. Something with him ain't clickin'.

dcowboysfan76;1727420 said:
Roy is the best at his position. He is very average

How can you argue with such stupidity?
zrinkill;1727958 said:
No one really takes these guys seriously anyway. They say things like

How can you argue with such stupidity?
how did i know i'd find a post by you on the last page of this thread:laugh2:
jimmy40;1727116 said:
When RW is in the HOF he can start taking exception to what Mel says.


I think he would have a very good perception of what can cause problems for a defensive back.
bigbadroy;1727980 said:
how did i know i'd find a post by you on the last page of this thread:laugh2:
I was wondering if you were gonna show up in this thread.

I figured you gave up on it on the first page ..... just like the game day threads.
dcowboysfan76;1727878 said:
My point is Roy consistently puts himself in bad positions which leave him having to tackle someone from behind with that same technique.

And your point is wrong. None of his horse collars have been because he " put himself in bad positions."

He is considered one of the best because there aren't many in his position to compare him to.

You're right, there are only 31 other starting strong safeties. I guess Romo is considered one of the best because there are only 31 other starting quarterbacks, too?

He's ok, but he's not the best we've had.

That's debatable, but it's still irrelevant to this thread.

but yet you seem to think that he's the best!!

Exactly when did I say he was the best coverage safety, or anything like that? (Here's a hint: It hasn't happened. Stop living in your imaginary world and come back to reality for a change.)
AdamJT13;1728288 said:
And your point is wrong. None of his horse collars have been because he " put himself in bad positions."
If you say so.......I guess that you are the expert

You're right, there are only 31 other starting strong safeties. I guess Romo is considered one of the best because there are only 31 other starting quarterbacks, too?
It's obvious there is no realism in you, you consistently attempt to swich the obviousness around....Like I've said previously there aren't many in the league "right now" that he can be compared to, but he's still average compared to those that have played the game before him...

That's debatable, but it's still irrelevant to this thread.
Your opinion

Exactly when did I say he was the best coverage safety, or anything like that? (Here's a hint: It hasn't happened. Stop living in your imaginary world and come back to reality for a change.)
You are the only one who's imagining that Roy has no flaws.....Homer
nyc;1727101 said:
Man, if I were Roy Williams I would take exception to Mel publically critiquing my play. If he has advise, talk to me privately. I find that just a bit disrespectful.

why? he is a HOF player. If you can't be critiqued by a HOF player, someone who played basically the same position, then who can you get critiqued by?

It isn't like Mel Renfro is some smug, armchair QB just spewing his nonsense for all the world to hear.....Mel actually knows what it takes to be a great player in the NFL. I think Roy should take notes and feel appreciative that Mel is actually watching him so closely and willing to lend some advice.
dcowboysfan76;1728300 said:
If you say so.......I guess that you are the expert

Again, you can't come up with a single example.

It's obvious there is no realism in you, you consistently attempt to swich the obviousness around....Like I've said previously there aren't many in the league "right now" that he can be compared to, but he's still average compared to those that have played the game before him.

And you're wrong about that, too. Put Roy in the NFL 15 years ago, and he'd still be one of the best in the league. Same with 25 years ago, 35 years ago and so on.

Your opinion

And everyone else's. You're the only one who's trying to compare him to players from the past. Probably because you've failed to convince anyone he's "average" among players right now.

You are the only one who's imagining that Roy has no flaws.

Now you're making stuff up again. Do I need to point you to the post I made this afternoon, when I said, "everyone has flaws and makes mistakes, including Roy"?

If so, here you go --

And again with the petty namecalling.
AdamJT13;1727869 said:
Please do us all a favor and learn how to break up your quotes.

Again, every player has room for improvement, and they know it. It doesn't mean they're "lacking confidence."

For other people's mistakes?

Ah, so the coaches are lying, then. I get it.

I agree with the coaches. You think they're lying. Hmm.

You're pretending that Roy horse collared someone because he took a "pathetic pursuit angle." Not a single one of his horse collars have been because he took a bad angle and got "out of position."

And the Roy bashers will just pretend they see what they want to see, even if it never happens.

and btw, are you and zrinkill the same person, because you always seem to show up together..........
AdamJT13;1728326 said:
Again, you can't come up with a single example.
Ok, since you need examples of his positioning.......The throw from TJ to Wade...Roy was toast

And you're wrong about that, too. Put Roy in the NFL 15 years ago, and he'd still be one of the best in the league. Same with 25 years ago, 35 years ago and so on.
Roy would not be in the top 10 of any list of SS's over the last 10-20 years

And everyone else's. You're the only one who's trying to compare him to players from the past. Probably because you've failed to convince anyone he's "average" among players right now.
I only stated that there aren't any elite SS's in the league right now, but he's still average

Now you're making stuff up again. Do I need to point you to the post I made this afternoon, when I said, "everyone has flaws and makes mistakes, including Roy"?

Roy has more flaws than many.....
If so, here you go --

And again with the petty namecalling.
If it looks like a dog, barks like a dog, then it must be a

Among a laundry list of flaws, Williams gets burned for big plays because he can’t judge where the ball is. Every team knows that getting Williams in coverage is akin to breaking the bank vault.

What's worse is that Williams takes no responsibility for his poor play—he blames his teammates, or the playcalling. The game against the Giants was a perfect example, with Roy berating Jacques Reeves after a play that HE was responsible for blowing.

This is a team leader? This is a Pro Bowl player?

Like I said though, I am on record for saying that I like the guy..........But I love the TEAM!!
dcowboysfan76;1728300 said:
You are the only one who's imagining that Roy has no flaws.....Homer
he just said before everyone has flaws, are you just not reading or just summarizing?
zrinkill;1727523 said:
Neither Sanders or Harrison have made as many big plays in coverage as Roy for the past 4 years.

They haven't given up as many big plays as Roy has either. Sanders and Harrison seem to also "get" the moment in which they're playing in since they make the biggest plays they make in the biggest games, that's another aspect I like about them both over Roy.

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