Article: Jeb Bush as NFL Commish?

RCowboyFan said:
But really, why would he? He is rich beyond means. Why would he require that headache, apart from the fact that he is an owner of an NFL team and NBA team, which I think would automatically disqualify him from Commish job or at least I believe it does.
[EDIT] Some are not solely driven by the attainment of wealth, but by newer challenges. Take a glance at his summary biography:

He's much more than a professional sports team owner. His entrepreneurial spirit alone could help guide and improve the League well into the next decade.
fiveandcounting said:
I hope he is the RIGHT man for the job. Maybe CHAD Hutchinson will come back to the NFL, he's been HANGING about.

You know fiveandcounting, that is just so wrong......

Quincy Carter could do a MUCH better job as the Commish!!;)

I did get the reference by the way. :)
Hostile said:
Any former players who would be candidates?

I always thought Walter Payton or Roger Stauabch would be good Commish candidates.

What about Gene Washington, who seems to have some on-the-job experience?

abersonc said:
That's a nice spin buddy -- they deleted your post because of something I said in response.

Again, as I read your post, you were suggesting one group couldn't be objective -- the broader point I was going to make (and did in another post) was that NO politician can be objective - any high profile political person brings a history that at least half the fans don't like -- and some small percentage may react VERY negatively to that. Psychologists call the construct cognitive dissonance -- when someone you hate becomes associated with something you like you either have to a) start to like that person or b) start to hate the thing you liked. Any percentage that chooses Option B is going to hurt the league's interests.

Whatever dude, its obvious you have one track mind. I should have known better. You read what you want, and believe what you want, its obvious you have your agenda. Go ahead, I could care less what you thought I did or what I posted.
Alexander said:
I don't think he would take the cut in pay.

true, plus there's much more responsibility and work, see Tags resigning, I think Roger had enough work playing in the NFL
DallasEast said:
[EDIT] Some are not solely driven by the attainment of wealth, but by newer challenges. Take a glance at his summary biography:

He's much more than a professional sports team owner. His entrepreneurial spirit alone could help guide and improve the League well into the next decade.

Again, I thikn he would have to sell his team to someone or transfer ownership etc. to be a commish. Or at least thats might be the rule, just like Jordan had to relinquish ownership when he wanted to play again. I would think that same rule would apply to any league or league posts.
dwmyers said:
What about Gene Washington, who seems to have some on-the-job experience?


I guess that would be a 180 :laugh1:

Isn't he with the head of the players union or am I having my daily brain fart.
BrAinPaiNt said:
I guess that would be a 180 :laugh1:

Isn't he with the head of the players union or am I having my daily brain fart.

You're thinking of Gene Upshaw, the ex-Raiders lineman. Remember the handsome grey haired gentleman who was calling out draft picks when Tags stopped? He was a WR with the 49ers back in the 60s/70s. That's Gene Washington.

summerisfunner said:
yeah, of High Times magazine

Can't you see the headlines now (with apologies to Commissioner Tagliabue)......

Quincy Carter Highlights Important Role of NFL and Community at Award’s Dinner

Accepting Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America's (CADCA) "Humanitarians of the Year" award, National Football League (NFL) Commissioner Quincy Carter said NFL teams throughout the country are joining forces with communities to help keep America's streets drug-free. Carter and the NFL were honored during CADCA's Drug Free Kids Campaign Award's Dinner held at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.
BrAinPaiNt said:
I guess that would be a 180 :laugh1:

Isn't he with the head of the players union or am I having my daily brain fart.
That's Gene Upshaw :gassy1:
BrAinPaiNt said:
I guess that would be a 180 :laugh1:

Isn't he with the head of the players union or am I having my daily brain fart.

Gene Upshaw. He is talking about Gene Washington, used to play for the 49ers in the 1970s and is the fellow who usually follows Tagliabue when announcing the draft. I think he is like the vice-commisioner or something.
dwmyers said:
What about Gene Washington, who seems to have some on-the-job experience?

I'm a bit surprised his name hasn't been mentioned but I do think there might be a health issue. At the Draft, he clearly has a hard time going up and down steps. Gene's not as vibrant as he used to be. Not that it's all there is to the job, but it might weigh in whether he's told them he'd like to be considered or not.
Yeagermeister said:
That's Gene Upshaw :gassy1:

Well that is my daily brainfart.

I knew it did not sound right but I am tired.

That whole Quincy Crankcase think still has me in tears laughing.
RCowboyFan said:
Again, I thikn he would have to sell his team to someone or transfer ownership etc. to be a commish. Or at least thats might be the rule, just like Jordan had to relinquish ownership when he wanted to play again. I would think that same rule would apply to any league or league posts.
Well, I don't disagree that he would be obligated to sell the Seahawks so that he could avoid a conflict of interests, but this is a multi-billionaire whom we're discussing. He doesn't need the Seahawks. He simply wants to own the franchise.

I mean, it's not unprecedented that an enormously wealthy individual decided to one day attempt to attain a position which 'didn't make sense'. Remember Ross Perot?
Hostile said:
I'm a bit surprised his name hasn't been mentioned but I do think there might be a health issue. At the Draft, he clearly has a hard time going up and down steps. Gene's not as vibrant as he used to be. Not that it's all there is to the job, but it might weigh in whether he's told them he'd like to be considered or not.

There is a list of 4 minority candidates that have been advanced to the NFL by the Pollard Alliance -- the list is not public but it is widely expected that Upshaw and Harold Henderson (vp in charge of labor-relations -- and the highest ranking black executive in the NFL). I haven't seen Gene Washington linked to this story at all. My guess would be that the other two on the list are Ozzie Newsome and maybe Bob Wallace.

Regarding the search process, a search firm will conduct interviews with all potential candidates -- then a sub-committee of owners will screen all the applicants and forward a short list to the full ownership group.
abersonc said:
There is a list of 4 minority candidates that have been advanced to the NFL by the Pollard Alliance -- the list is not public but it is widely expected that Upshaw and Harold Henderson (vp in charge of labor-relations -- and the highest ranking black executive in the NFL). I haven't seen Gene Washington linked to this story at all. My guess would be that the other two on the list are Ozzie Newsome and maybe Bob Wallace.

Regarding the search process, a search firm will conduct interviews with all potential candidates -- then a sub-committee of owners will screen all the applicants and forward a short list to the full ownership group.

Former FCC Chairman and son of Colin Powell Michael Powell has been considered as well..

Bob Kraft was pushing hard for Condi Rice, but she as declined consideration...
DallasEast said:
Well, I don't disagree that he would be obligated to sell the Seahawks so that he could avoid a conflict of interests, but this is a multi-billionaire whom we're discussing. He doesn't need the Seahawks. He simply wants to own the franchise.

I mean, it's not unprecedented that an enormously wealthy individual decided to one day attempt to attain a position which 'didn't make sense'. Remember Ross Perot?

I disagree, it made sense :D

Seriously, I just think this is much of challenge for a guy like him. Its one thing if NFL was in shambles and someone needed to bring it back to glory. Heck he is the real "brain" behind Microsoft originally. Money, is just tool, which gets them the "Power". And he has plenty of it, IMO.

Now I can see where guys like Arthur Blank or Jerry Jones would fit the mold of taking up the challenge though. Although Jerry loves Cowboys too much to relinquish his ownership, even if he did, he would hand it over to his kids, which wouldn't resolve the conflict of ownership, IMO.

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