Audio: Jerry Jones lays down the law!!!

So the better plan is to have fired multiple GMs? Good plan. Maybe it's just me, but I have never seen a GM who equaled playoff wins. Not once in my life. Not defending Jerry so much as I am attacking what i think has always been a foolish idea of what is wrong, who the GM is.
Hostile;3047363 said:
So the better plan is to have fired multiple GMs? Good plan. Maybe it's just me, but I have never seen a GM who equaled playoff wins. Not once in my life. Not defending Jerry so much as I am attacking what i think has always been a foolish idea of what is wrong, who the GM is.

GMs are like coaches. Their success with teams only lasts so long.
Unfortunately, when the GM owns the team and his name is Jerry it makes no difference if he has success or not.

The team is stuck with him. Top level guys/gals get let go all the time in huge businesses just because they have become to comfortable and feel to safe. That won't happen here unless SJ decides to slip some thing in Jerrys drink some day. So there is hope.
Dave_in-NC;3047364 said:
GMs are like coaches. Their success with teams only lasts so long.
Unfortunately, when the GM owns the team and his name is Jerry it makes no difference if he has success or not.

The team is stuck with him. Top level guys/gals get let go all the time in huge businesses just because they have become to comfortable and feel to safe. That won't happen here unless SJ decides to slip some thing in Jerrys drink some day. So there is hope.
Again, in all my years as a fan I have never seen a GM who equals wins, and playoff wins. Who the GM is as it pertains to what is wrong with this team is a strawman.

The Cowboys have supported the Salvation Army for the same 13 year drought. Maybe the Red Cross or Goodwill put a curse on us?
Hostile;3047367 said:
Again, in all my years as a fan I have never seen a GM who equals wins, and playoff wins. Who the GM is as it pertains to what is wrong with this team is a strawman.

The Cowboys have supported the Salvation Army for the same 13 year drought. Maybe the Red Cross or Goodwill put a curse on us?

In most cases you are correct. In the case of the Cowboys you are wrong.
99.9% of GMs in any sport don't insert them selves in matters like Jerry is said to. As admitted by Jerry himself. Jerry wears to many hats including the coaching cap when he sees fit. It's his team to screw up I guess is the correct answer.
Hostile;3047363 said:
So the better plan is to have fired multiple GMs?

No, how about hiring one and holding them accountable. Right now, we are relying on Jones to reinvent himself if things don't go well. We've been through three Jones personality shifts since Johnson left. This one is more similar to that we had with Gailey/Campo than with Parcells.

Continuity is only good if it pays off in results. Even those who have fired multiple GMs have more playoff appearances and wins in the last decade. It doesn't mean it is completely right, but it is better than what we have done.

Good plan. Maybe it's just me, but I have never seen a GM who equaled playoff wins. Not once in my life.

I have yet to see Jerry Jones win a playoff game with the current model he employs right now. Believe him if you wish, but he was simply too much of a football neophyte back in the 1990s to cross the line from ownership into the GM realm nearly as much as he does now. First, he partnered with Coach Johnson more than he has with any other coach and second, he simply wasn't as involved as he is now. The coach was the face of the franchise. The players answered to him, not the GM. Not the owner.

That is what irked him to the point of the divorce. Three Super Bowls will make anyone think they are right. What is the issue now is that it isn't the same game. The players have changed. The finances have changed. But I cannot say that Jerry Jones has changed along with it.

Not defending Jerry so much as I am attacking what i think has always been a foolish idea of what is wrong, who the GM is.

The GM. The owner. The coach. Those three moving parts are what makes a franchise tick. The successful model in today's NFL follows this process.

In every environment the "owner" will have the same power, the degree in which they choose to exercise that is discretionary. It is a choice. You simply don't see Bob Kraft or the Rooneys involving themselves in the minuate. Jones cannot bring himself to go to that level of inactivity. Is it his right? Certainly. Is it intelligent or has it demonstrated itself to be successful? I'd say since over half of his 20 years of that behavior are futile, with the last 13 more extreme than the previous seven, I'd have to say no.

What exists here is a philosophical debate. Would you rather have a democratic process with three separate and distinct thought processes in place with a checks and balances scenario with one having ultimate veto power or a quasi-autocratic one where everything even down to the culture of the football team resting with one individual?
Doomsay;3047179 said:
A real GM hires real coaches and doesn't undermine their relationship with the players.

You talk a lot but don't really seem to say anything as far as I can tell. No paranoia here, just obvious take aways from Jerry's misadventures with unqualified coaches. You don't have to be privy to every internal nuance to understand the difference between unfettered Jerry and Jerry matched with a coach with some degree of spine. Justify his record with not-ready-for- prime-time-coaches, and perhaps we've got something to talk about.

The only thing that you've been "shooting" here are blanks. Taking refuge in the "nobody really knows what's going on" arguement really doesn't lend itself to having to many discussions on the team other than what we see on Sundays.

Wade's record is better than Parcells. That enough for you.
Dodger12;3047198 said:
It never ceases to amaze me how some people are critical of another poster's opinions because it can't possibly be the truth and/or they don't know what goes on behind closed doors, yet go on to give his/her own opinion and claims it to be the truth.

By your own standard, you can't possibly know whether Jerry's a controlling meglomaniac unless you've either worked for the man or sat in the same room during staff meetings. You talk of sound bites and taking Jerry's own words out of context yet refuse to see or accept what many fans feel is overwhelming evidence of his incompetence as GM.

The sad reality is that we as fans have come to accept a lower standard of what we define as success for this team by just hoping to win a playoff game. Our expectations have been tempered. This team was once measured by Superbowls and competing for them. That's probably the biggest indictment of what jerry has done to this team and it's fan base, IMO.

It's a statistical probability that the answer lies in the middle. That's not rocket science. I said I made assumptions. Assumptions aren't fact. Read more carefully before talking about sad realities.
Jed_70;3047261 said:
However, I think we can all agree that[/COLOR] you'd be hard pressed to find another team in the league that would take Jerry Jones over their current GM.

I think if Jerry Jones was 'Joe Smith' and had the track record he did, there would or at least should be plenty of teams that would want Jerry over their current GM. Although at his age, teams seem to like younger GM's these days.

I'd personally take Jerry's GM skills over the GM's for the following teams and not even think twice about it:

Kansas City (pre-Pioli)
Tampa Bay
San Francisco
St. Louis

Overall, I've been very happy with the drafts and free agent pickups since 2003.

Alexander;3047372 said:
No, how about hiring one and holding them accountable. Right now, we are relying on Jones to reinvent himself if things don't go well. We've been through three Jones personality shifts since Johnson left. This one is more similar to that we had with Gailey/Campo than with Parcells.

Continuity is only good if it pays off in results. Even those who have fired multiple GMs have more playoff appearances and wins in the last decade. It doesn't mean it is completely right, but it is better than what we have done.

I have yet to see Jerry Jones win a playoff game with the current model he employs right now. Believe him if you wish, but he was simply too much of a football neophyte back in the 1990s to cross the line from ownership into the GM realm nearly as much as he does now. First, he partnered with Coach Johnson more than he has with any other coach and second, he simply wasn't as involved as he is now. The coach was the face of the franchise. The players answered to him, not the GM. Not the owner.

That is what irked him to the point of the divorce. Three Super Bowls will make anyone think they are right. What is the issue now is that it isn't the same game. The players have changed. The finances have changed. But I cannot say that Jerry Jones has changed along with it.

The GM. The owner. The coach. Those three moving parts are what makes a franchise tick. The successful model in today's NFL follows this process.

In every environment the "owner" will have the same power, the degree in which they choose to exercise that is discretionary. It is a choice. You simply don't see Bob Kraft or the Rooneys involving themselves in the minuate. Jones cannot bring himself to go to that level of inactivity. Is it his right? Certainly. Is it intelligent or has it demonstrated itself to be successful? I'd say since over half of his 20 years of that behavior are futile, with the last 13 more extreme than the previous seven, I'd have to say no.

What exists here is a philosophical debate. Would you rather have a democratic process with three separate and distinct thought processes in place with a checks and balances scenario with one having ultimate veto power or a quasi-autocratic one where everything even down to the culture of the football team resting with one individual?
I have to run to Church so I cannot give this post the response it does deserve. I apologize to you for that. I believe Jerry is held accountable and it is by the fans. I also believe he holds himself accountable. Others are free to disagree. I cannot change that.

I defend Jerry when I feel he is right. I criticize when I feel that he is wrong. The primary job of a GM is to assemble the staff and team that is put on the field. He is in charge of Free Agency, the Draft, the Cap, etc. I see where this team meets good standards as it pertains to these things. Is it perfect? No, but neither is any other team.

1. We are not strapped by the Salary Cap to where we cannot keep or sign our Free Agents and need to deplete our rosters with cap saving moves.

2. We have drafted well. Not every year, but again no team does. This team is still hitting better than average on Draft picks. Anyone who wishes to debate this is welcome to. I can show you where the best GM in NFL History (IMO) also missed on entire Drafts and picks. Our Scouting Department is doing a great job.

3. The team is not abandoning ship. Why this is not taken into account is beyond me. The players do not criticize the way things are run.

Do I like everything? Of course not. I am not a Wade fan. Especially when I see coaches out there unemployed who I think are better. I understand not pulling the plug after 2 years. Sort of.

He doesn't do everything the way I would, but the idea that Jerry Jones is a know nothing, bumbling, meddling idiot is about bitterness over the team's inability to win more than it is actual facts about what is wrong.

Am I satisfied? No. Point blank I am not. But I am not going to sit here and wrongly think that the biggest problem or only problem is Jerry Jones when I can clearly see a talented, well assembled team on the field winning. It needs to translate into post season wins. I won't deny that. But the idea he is the reason why we are losing is as foreign to me as the Salvation Army, strength coach, and mascot ideas I have also heard floating around. All have been in place exactly since our last playoff win.

It comes down to execution on the football field not the GM in his luxury box. Always has.
Alexander;3047354 said:
The results prove it. Jerry Jones as the GM in today's NFL (the last decade plus with free agency) has not shown the ability to field a consistent winner. Period.

Dallas has had 4 consecutive winning seasons in a row and right now it appears we'll have another winning record.

We've had 5 of the last 6 seasons with winning records. And in the last 10 years, we've had .500+ seasons.

Seriously, go watch another team because if you're telling us that in the last 10 years the results prove that Jerry couldn't field a consistent winner, then that proves your blind hatred for the team.

Hey, he's not going anywhere unless he dies. He's the biggest part of the team you will find. There's 31 other teams to root, plenty of them with owners who are not General Managers, that anybody can watch on a weekly basis with the Sunday Ticket. Not that hard to do.

Makes me root even harder for this team knowing that it would piss off so many people if it won big.
Yakuza Rich;3047411 said:
Dallas has had 4 consecutive winning seasons in a row and right now it appears we'll have another winning record.

We've had 5 of the last 6 seasons with winning records. And in the last 10 years, we've had .500+ seasons.

Seriously, go watch another team because if you're telling us that in the last 10 years the results prove that Jerry couldn't field a consistent winner, then that proves your blind hatred for the team.

Hey, he's not going anywhere unless he dies. He's the biggest part of the team you will find. There's 31 other teams to root, plenty of them with owners who are not General Managers, that anybody can watch on a weekly basis with the Sunday Ticket. Not that hard to do.

Dodger12;3047198 said:
The sad reality is that we as fans have come to accept a lower standard of what we define as success for this team by just hoping to win a playoff game. Our expectations have been tempered. This team was once measured by Superbowls and competing for them. That's probably the biggest indictment of what jerry has done to this team and it's fan base, IMO.

My point exactly Yazuka. Thanks for proving it.

And that point about rooting for another team is just an assinine copout. Should diehard Commanders fans go root for another team just because Snyder is not leaving and won't quit meddling? I, as well as other posters, will continue to speak my mind on a message board so long as I'm allowed to do so. If you don't like it, go post somewhere else (by your logic).
Chocolate Lab;3047430 said:
Makes me root even harder for this team knowing that it would piss off so many people if it won big.

Just speaking for myself, but you're wrong about it pissing off so many people if we win. Maybe it would piss off some trolls who post here to get a rise out of our fan base; but not even the most ardent anti-Jerry poster is rooting for a loss.
Dodger12;3047437 said:
Just speaking for myself, but you're wrong about it pissing off so many people if we win. Maybe it would piss off some trolls who post here to get a rise out of our fan base; but not even the most ardent anti-Jerry poster is rooting for a loss.

Exactly. No one would be pissed if the Cowboys won. It's the fact that the Cowboys aren't winning doing things Jerry's way and that they haven't won a post season game in almost a decade and a 1/2. That's what pisses most of us off.

If we were having some degree of success, like the Eagles, then I'd be right there with the rest of the guys singing Jerry's praises.

But when you have this fraud constantly thumping his chest, with his "I did this, I did that, I'm the final decision maker", BS, it bothers me. Especially when he has nothing at all to show for doing things his way.
Dodger12;3047437 said:
Just speaking for myself, but you're wrong about it pissing off so many people if we win. Maybe it would piss off some trolls who post here to get a rise out of our fan base; but not even the most ardent anti-Jerry poster is rooting for a loss.

Unfortunately, I believe you overestimate some of these people.
Dodger12;3047431 said:
My point exactly Yazuka. Thanks for proving it.

And that point about rooting for another team is just an assinine copout. Should diehard Commanders fans go root for another team just because Snyder is not leaving and won't quit meddling? I, as well as other posters, will continue to speak my mind on a message board so long as I'm allowed to do so. If you don't like it, go post somewhere else (by your logic).

Yes, they should.

For starters, they are the Commanders. No need to root for them. :)

Secondly, why put money in Snyder's wallet? The same with Jerry. If you hit him in the wallet and he sees the ratings go down on his game, he's likely to eventually change the way he does things.

This happened back in '02 where after three 5-11 seasons the Cowboys still sold out games, but their income wasn't where Jerry has liked it to be and we were mostly a 1pm Sunday game. What happened? He hired Parcells.

Whether we like it or not, Jerry Jones IS the Dallas Cowboys. If you hate him so much and you believe that all he brings is failure to the team that will never get sorted out as long as he's owner and gm, boycott the team and/or find another team to root for.

Coming from NY, I grew up a Yankees fan and they had the same exact problem with Steinbrenner. After awhile I just started boycotting the team all together, along with many other fans. Fortunately, Steinbrenner got suspended from baseball for something else, but when he came back he was much more hands off and hired a GM in Brian Cashman to build the team.

It's like going to a restaurant with an owner who is also the chef and that they can't stand the owner's menu and cooking, but they'll keep going there over and over and over again and still complain about the food.

It's alright to complain from time to time, but it's obvious that no matter what Jerry does short of winning a Super Bowl, they will hate Jerry and complain about him. If he didn't own the team, then there would be hope that he would be fired, but he's not going to fire himself unless he gets hit in the wallet and in the TV ratings.

If I was a Skins Fan I would have alot of reservations about continuing blind support.

Rightnow I'm not buying anything Cowboys related untill the Play-Off draught is releaved.

That's my right and responsibility.
Yakuza Rich;3047411 said:
Seriously, go watch another team because if you're telling us that in the last 10 years the results prove that Jerry couldn't field a consistent winner, then that proves your blind hatred for the team.



Yes. Everyone who bothers to post about this team really has nothing but blind hatred for them and if they have the unmitigated nerve to express displeasure about no playoff wins in 13 years, they need to go elsewhere.
I just wonder what the rallying cry will be once we win a playoff game and the "13 years without" will no longer hold.

Because we all know that's an incredibly arbitrary point. The Skins and Raiders have won playoff games since we have, but no one would rather be them. At least, no reasonable person would.

If I could make a poll, I'd start one on this.

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