*** SPOILERS *** Avengers Endgame Discussions

Agreed but there were three incarnations, even though the third was almost completely forgettable. Jessica Alba is a vision to look at and Michael Chiklis had much of Ben Grimm's mannerisms down but the best casting I saw out of all three films in my opinion were Chris Evans as the Human Torch and (surprisingly even to me) Kara Mara as Susan Storm. Everyone else missed the mark, although I think Michael B. Jordan did not get a fair shake as the last Human Torch as far as his script.


No love for this one?
My daughter's patrol shift finally ended, so she took the opportunity yesterday to see the movie on her off day. She said she enjoyed it about the same as Infinity War. When I asked about the "girl power moment", she said the sequence seemed integrated well into the entire movie. She recognized the scene could be taken as pandering to her and the female audience but did not feel slighted by it personally.

That is two female perspectives down, counting my wife's assessment. Now if I can only wait out six other women I know who said they definitely plan to go see the movie but are dragging their feet. :rolleyes::(
:laugh:I am so happy that particular project never saw the light of day simply due to the picture alone.

I remember being pretty excited for that movie.Back in the late 80s/early 90s i used to rent a lot of B movies from my local video store (loved the full moon productions). I saw a preview for it on one that I rented. Kept waiting and waiting but it never came out. Then I heard it was pulled. Not long after I had a chance to buy a bootleg copy at a comic book convention but bought Gunhed instead. Seen it in recent years, I think I made the right choice.
I remember being pretty excited for that movie.Back in the late 80s/early 90s i used to rent a lot of B movies from my local video store (loved the full moon productions). I saw a preview for it on one that I rented. Kept waiting and waiting but it never came out. Then I heard it was pulled. Not long after I had a chance to buy a bootleg copy at a comic book convention but bought Gunhed instead. Seen it in recent years, I think I made the right choice.

The story behind that Corman film is pretty interesting and quite bizarre. One of the streaming sites has a documentary about it, not sure if it was on Amazon, Hulu, or Netflix though.
The story behind that Corman film is pretty interesting and quite bizarre. One of the streaming sites has a documentary about it, not sure if it was on Amazon, Hulu, or Netflix though.

Really? Gonna have to go look for that. Thanks
There's a cool theory going around that coincides with one of my own. Not sure how many of you are familiar with the character of Namor the Sub Mariner. In short, he's the Marvel version of Aquaman and their ruler of Atlantis (though more complicated). Anyway, the rights issues for the character have been tied up for year but now it appears Marvel can use him, but apparently like Hulk, in other films, and not a solo film.

The new theory speculates that the "underwater earthquake reported near Wakanada in Endgame somehow ties into Namor and Atlantis and that will be the setup for the next Black Panther film. I thought they would use the character in that second film and this new theory corroborates that, at least a little bit.

With all of the characters stepping away, it's likely that they will now begin the process of bringing new ones into the party.

One of my favorite teams were 'The Defenders' including Dr Strange, Silver Sufer, Hulk and Namor. There was an epic series where they fight the Avengers to get the Evil Eye pieces all over the globe
One of my favorite teams were 'The Defenders' including Dr Strange, Silver Sufer, Hulk and Namor. There was an epic series where they fight the Avengers to get the Evil Eye pieces all over the globe

I don't remember that one, was it strictly in the Defenders comic?
It was a series of 6-7 comics
Planned by Loki and Dormammu

Was a great series

We're any of those actual Avenges issues? I ask because I have an extensive collection and don't remember that storyline?
It was one of my favorite series

I always loved the rag tag misfit heroes (Defenders) better than the rich too corporate heroes (Avengers)

I can understand that. But the Avengers were ALWAYS my team and my favorites. Even when seemingly everything else had a new 'X' on it.

Loved the West Coast Avengers as well. Go Whackos! They were the Guardians of the Galaxy before the Guardians happened in my opinion.
XMen is the only comic I ever read regularly. I liked it much more than any of the movies.

Fox has never gotten the mileage out of the X-Men movie franchise. The films that did succeed did so DESPITE FOX, not BECAUSE of them. They barely scratched the surface of what they had, and screwed up stories and timelines so badly that halfway through they had to hit the reset button and retcon their own screwups.

I can't wait to see what Marvel might due with the property, I just fear things will go back to the days where everything had that X on it.

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