*** SPOILERS *** Avengers Endgame Discussions

Going to have to think about my rating for it...

It was good, very good. Just not sure how good compared to some of my all-time favorites.

Much different feel to me than previous film.

Thought the movie had just the right amount of Captain Marvel. And they did a good job at showing how much power she did have. Both the sequence of her saving Tony Stark and her coming back to earth at the height of the battle were done beautifully.

The "girl power" sequence was very noticeable but it didn't bother me.

Loved the Thor sequences... Thought they were very funny.

The going back in time sequences were the worst part of the film for me just because it's so hard to make all of it sound believable and you had so many moving parts to that sequence of events. But truthfully once the writers went down that road, I doubt they could have done anything differently to make it smoother.
Read a couple interesting comments on another "End Game" thread from another forum...

One person only gave the movie 3.5 out of 5 stars because it wouldn't work well as a stand alone movie.

I sorta understand what they're saying. For "End Game" to succeed at the level it does, it needed "Infinity Wars" (not too mention several other MC movies) to lay the ground work. But nicking it a 1 1/2 stars seems overly steep.

Another person posted that there was too much Hawkeye in the movie and not enough Captain Marvel...

Being a Captain Marvel mark I fully support that... lol But really I think they did it right in this movie. They had to devote a lot of screen time to folks that needed to have their stories wrapped up. And it would have been easy for the writers to rely too much on Captain Marvel's powers to save the day. But it was ultimately a good balance. Brie Larson supposedly signed a 7-picture deal with Disney so there's going to be a lot of Captain Marvel in the future.

IMDB reviewers give the movie an 8.9, which feels about right to me.

A great flick, but not quite up there with "The Shawshank Redemption" and "The Godfather" as the greatest movies of all time.
He looked a lot older than he would've been, had he only gone back to 1970, IMO. Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but he looked to be about 80. To be honest, I was surprised he ages like a normal human.

No. He didn’t go back to Peggy on 1970.
He went back around 1945.
He went to 1970 for stone but was in timeline that he would go to at end of movie.
I liked the Thor scenes! But yeah, Cap and the hammer was the best scene...."I KNEW it!!" (Hey wait, your two statements are conflicting. lol)

The only scene I didn't like was the "girl power" scene near the end of the battle. That said, am I the only one who thought Scott's daughter seemed too old?
FINALLY SAW IT friday so i can come in here! :)

yea, i'm sick and tired of the hollywood floggings of girl power. they killed the last star wars to me by all the man-mocking they felt necessary. i'm all for strong female characters, but why does it have to be at the expense of a man?

ANYWAY - the "who's got the glove" rugby scene got a bit silly before it was all said and done.

i'll read more and comment as we go.
I will add this though.

The scene where Tony Maguire/Spider-Man saves the train is one of the BEST scenes in any comic book movie adaptation I have seen in my lifetime. I put it CLEARLY above the Tom Holland/Spider-Man attempting to save the ferry scene after The Vulture splits into two and Iron Man arriving in the nick of time to help at the end (copy spider! copy spider! :muttley: )
well only fair - he owns the worst scene in hollywood during the spiderman 3 dance down the new york street scene.
ok - looks like 1st half so far is about avengers and then we talk comics overall, so i'll just join in with my own thoughts of the movie.

1st up - studio movie grill in the colony sucks. still a bit peeved that for the 3rd time they failed to bring out a food order. my nephew ordered the same thing as me and he got his and when the movie started i just cancelled. anyway - side story done.

time travel is always iffy at best and now we can come and go where we please and just plop ourselves into that timeline. setting it up to where nothing can change where you are you only change *that* reality is going to open up some lazy writing with more holes. i'm not sure this "pandoras box" needed to be opened. but it was, so let's roll with it for now.

fat thor cracked me up. i'm also glad he stayed that way for the movie and not some magical power of something fixed him. seeing his ragnarok crew playing video games was a nice tie-in.

a big plus was captain america using thors hammer. it does seem more and more people these days can use it but i believe this was the first time capt america did.


also not the first time asgard was on earth either. :)

during the glove-ruby scene yea, not a fan of the girlpower floggings and as said above, the who's got the glove got old by the time it was over with too, and it never made it. but that setup ironman's ultimate sacrifice.

i don't get why snapping the fingers killed the person or wipes out that side of their body. thanos did it w/o issue *at all* the first time and only nearly killed himself because he used the stones to destroy the stones. simply changing things didn't phase him one bit. that seemed odd.

you knew the heros coming back would be epic and turn the tides of the battle. it more or less made for a boat load of cameo appearances but that's what happens when you die in a movie. your return is saved for opportune times. :)

capt marvel. in retrospect the movie was meh and her as a character is simply not that engaging. she's dry, boring and in the real world seems to hate men so she just comes across as annoying to me. the only plus i see out of this is perhaps in the next round of MCU we'll get Nova / ronnie raymond and i'd certainly be on board with that.

in all it was a great way to wrap up the past and setup the future. did see the previews for dark phoenix and will be anxious to see how they do this. i remember buying xmen 137 at a comic con and being so lost in the art, story and eventual loss. i didn't like how they did dark phoenix last time and to me this should be like #3 of a new xmen trilogy, or at least 2. you have to set up jean gray before we get to the dark phoenix but it looks like they're going straight for that. we'll see how it works.

i think a ROM movie or appearances could tie in also but how many shape shifting cultures? however since they are related to the skrulls perhaps they could bring them in keep the "skrulls are the good guys" change they made in capt marvel.

anyway - back to endgame. enjoyable to be sure. great way to wrap things up but the logistics gets to me and i hope they don't abuse this time travel schtick now. like - peter goes back to school but for him it's 5 years later. everyone he went to school with has graduated. what was his friend still doing there, unless he died also? maybe they'll wrap this up in the next spiderman and answer these questions. at first i was not a fan of the iron spiderman, but now i dig it cause it does open up a lot. it is time now for the next generation of heros to come on board and we'll see how they decide to do that.

i'd give it a 8 of 10 overall.
ok - looks like 1st half so far is about avengers and then we talk comics overall, so i'll just join in with my own thoughts of the movie.

1st up - studio movie grill in the colony sucks. still a bit peeved that for the 3rd time they failed to bring out a food order. my nephew ordered the same thing as me and he got his and when the movie started i just cancelled. anyway - side story done.

time travel is always iffy at best and now we can come and go where we please and just plop ourselves into that timeline. setting it up to where nothing can change where you are you only change *that* reality is going to open up some lazy writing with more holes. i'm not sure this "pandoras box" needed to be opened. but it was, so let's roll with it for now.

fat thor cracked me up. i'm also glad he stayed that way for the movie and not some magical power of something fixed him. seeing his ragnarok crew playing video games was a nice tie-in.

a big plus was captain america using thors hammer. it does seem more and more people these days can use it but i believe this was the first time capt america did.


also not the first time asgard was on earth either. :)

during the glove-ruby scene yea, not a fan of the girlpower floggings and as said above, the who's got the glove got old by the time it was over with too, and it never made it. but that setup ironman's ultimate sacrifice.

i don't get why snapping the fingers killed the person or wipes out that side of their body. thanos did it w/o issue *at all* the first time and only nearly killed himself because he used the stones to destroy the stones. simply changing things didn't phase him one bit. that seemed odd.

you knew the heros coming back would be epic and turn the tides of the battle. it more or less made for a boat load of cameo appearances but that's what happens when you die in a movie. your return is saved for opportune times. :)

capt marvel. in retrospect the movie was meh and her as a character is simply not that engaging. she's dry, boring and in the real world seems to hate men so she just comes across as annoying to me. the only plus i see out of this is perhaps in the next round of MCU we'll get Nova / ronnie raymond and i'd certainly be on board with that.

in all it was a great way to wrap up the past and setup the future. did see the previews for dark phoenix and will be anxious to see how they do this. i remember buying xmen 137 at a comic con and being so lost in the art, story and eventual loss. i didn't like how they did dark phoenix last time and to me this should be like #3 of a new xmen trilogy, or at least 2. you have to set up jean gray before we get to the dark phoenix but it looks like they're going straight for that. we'll see how it works.

i think a ROM movie or appearances could tie in also but how many shape shifting cultures? however since they are related to the skrulls perhaps they could bring them in keep the "skrulls are the good guys" change they made in capt marvel.

anyway - back to endgame. enjoyable to be sure. great way to wrap things up but the logistics gets to me and i hope they don't abuse this time travel schtick now. like - peter goes back to school but for him it's 5 years later. everyone he went to school with has graduated. what was his friend still doing there, unless he died also? maybe they'll wrap this up in the next spiderman and answer these questions. at first i was not a fan of the iron spiderman, but now i dig it cause it does open up a lot. it is time now for the next generation of heros to come on board and we'll see how they decide to do that.

i'd give it a 8 of 10 overall.

Pretty good write up!

As I've posted previously I am a Captain Marvel mark...

I wouldn't be surprised that the brakes have been put on both her personality development and really a good understanding of her powers so they can save that for the next movie. I kinda like the way they tempered her personality. In her movie quite frankly a big understanding of her personality wasn't needed– Yet. And in this movie... It's overloaded with personality– Giving her a lot of personality development would have been a waste IMO. But we did start to see a brief trickle of what I think her future personality is coming through.

Her scenes in "End Game" were actually filmed prior to her doing her movie, which I find interesting. But the director of her movie was on the set of "End Game" sort of directing the Russo Brothers (the directors of "End Game") on how her character should be portrayed. Again, I think her next film will be filled with a personality reveal.

I read somewhere that the Russo brothers considered 3 characters for the final "snap" of the fingers– Thor, Captain Marvel and Ironman. They crossed off Thor because he still was not truly Thor because of what shape he was in. The did not fully understand Captain Marvel's powers so that's why that character did not get it.

As far as Captain Marvel hating men... As long as she hates all you and loves me... That's good enough. :D
Not sure if someone has already pointed this out, but....

Star Trek Already Did Avengers: Endgame (18 Years Ago)

Good thing I didn't waste my money rofl. I've already seen this before!

Actually, I really don't watch any of this comics into movies shows. Really just doesn't excite me.

And I get that.

But what haven't you seen before?

There isn't anything new, it's just a rehash with different characters and a different setting.
While I don't find a lot written about the character I thought all involved with Thanos did a marvelous job...

Josh Brolin
The writers
The CGI folks

He was the ultimate baddie but certainly had some good points about him that separate him from folks like say Lex Luther or some of the other famous villains.

I thought Thanos' last scene was especially poignant.
i don't get why snapping the fingers killed the person or wipes out that side of their body. thanos did it w/o issue *at all* the first time and only nearly killed himself because he used the stones to destroy the stones. simply changing things didn't phase him one bit. that seemed odd.
There are two reasons why only some people can hold and use the stones without harming themselves, which the general audience may not know. The first reason pertains to the Infinity Gauntlet itself.

The Infinity Stones are essentially cosmic entities of immeasurable power. The Gauntlet was crafted by the Dwarfes, Eitri specifically, who have extensive skill, knowledge and materials for constructing and harnessing enormous power sources. Tony Stark is/was the most brilliant mind in the MCU but he (and possibly even with Rocket's help also) would not be capable of assembling a working prototype, that would channel the stones' power safely enough for a non cosmically endowed being, which leads to the second reason.

The other reason is that the Celestials created the Eternals. Thanos is a Titanian Eternal. The Celestials infused Eternal physiology with cosmic energy. This is the reason why Thanos could wield the stones and non-cosmic beings like Iron Man or even a genetically enhanced human like The Hulk could not without severe consequence. Captain America would have suffered the same fate. I am *pretty* sure Thor would have gotten jacked up too. On a side note, Odin or Hela could have possibly handled the Gauntlet just as well as Thanos.

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