*** SPOILERS *** Avengers Endgame Discussions

There are two reasons why only some people can hold and use the stones without harming themselves, which the general audience may not know. The first reason pertains to the Infinity Gauntlet itself.

The Infinity Stones are essentially cosmic entities of immeasurable power. The Gauntlet was crafted by the Dwarfes, Eitri specifically, who have extensive skill, knowledge and materials for constructing and harnessing enormously power sources. Tony Stark is/was the most brilliant mind in the MCU but he (and possibly even with Rocket's help also) would not be capable of assembling a working prototype, that would channel the stones' power safely enough for a non cosmically endowed being, which leads to the second reason.

The other reason is that the Celestials created the Eternals. Thanos is a Titanian Eternal. The Celestials infused Eternal physiology with cosmic energy. This is the reason why Thanos could wield the stones and non-cosmic beings like Iron Man or even a genetically enhanced human like The Hulk could not without severe consequence. Captain America would have suffered the same fate. I am *pretty* sure Thor would have gotten jacked up too. On a side note, Odin or Hela could have possibly handled the Gauntlet just as well as Thanos.
ok - i did wonder about that but i didn't see it really spelled out in the movie. thank you.
I read somewhere that the Russo brothers considered 3 characters for the final "snap" of the fingers– Thor, Captain Marvel and Ironman. They crossed off Thor because he still was not truly Thor because of what shape he was in. The did not fully understand Captain Marvel's powers so that's why that character did not get it.
I believe the current Captain Marvel (and her Nega Bands predecessor) would have used the Gauntlet without physical harm. Danvers' power is an adapted form of infinity stone energies. However, I do think the Gauntlet and her power would cancel each other out if she attempted to use it, which would return her to a normal human being. Just my opinion.
Read a couple interesting comments on another "End Game" thread from another forum...

One person only gave the movie 3.5 out of 5 stars because it wouldn't work well as a stand alone movie.

I sorta understand what they're saying. For "End Game" to succeed at the level it does, it needed "Infinity Wars" (not too mention several other MC movies) to lay the ground work. But nicking it a 1 1/2 stars seems overly steep.

It sounds like either a) a person just looking for something to not pick about, or b) someone who fails to realize what the film is. It's the culmination of 21 other films, trying to include every character that Marvel has brought to the screen, of course it's going to depend on having see other films, that's the point.

Another person posted that there was too much Hawkeye in the movie and not enough Captain Marvel...

Being a Captain Marvel mark I fully support that... lol But really I think they did it right in this movie. They had to devote a lot of screen time to folks that needed to have their stories wrapped up. And it would have been easy for the writers to rely too much on Captain Marvel's powers to save the day. But it was ultimately a good balance. Brie Larson supposedly signed a 7-picture deal with Disney so there's going to be a lot of Captain Marvel in the future.

IMDB reviewers give the movie an 8.9, which feels about right to me.

A great flick, but not quite up there with "The Shawshank Redemption" and "The Godfather" as the greatest movies of all time.

Again, it feels like missing the point. They needed to focus on the stories and characters being wrapped up, not those being introduced and still around going forward. This film was a closure.
ok - i did wonder about that but i didn't see it really spelled out in the movie. thank you.
The interesting thing about both Hulk getting severely injured and Iron Man being mortally wounded using the Gauntlet is that the actual construction of the prototype was a testament to Stark's genius. Everyone should remember what happen to Quill holding the stone barehanded in the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie.

Quill's father, Ego, was a Celestial. Even so, he could barely withstand the stone's power. Although flawed, Stark created a device that a non-cosmic being could utilize long enough without completely destroying the user. That is an awesome accomplishment by anyone who did not have full knowledge or the materials necessary for building a *safe* Infinity Gauntlet.

Fury (quick paraphrase): "This is Mr. Beck. He is from Earth but not ours. Snapped into our universe."
Peter: "You mean to say there is a multiverse?"

There is your tie in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grin:

~Does Bruce Willis jig dance from The Last Boy Scout~

Unless this is one of Mysterio's usual m.o. and he is from this Earth and is running a con on everyone, including S.H.I.E.L.D. :( That would really piss me off. Not Mysterio running a con but that the tie-in is all my imagination.
Fury (quick paraphrase): "This is Mr. Beck. He is from Earth but not ours. Snapped into our universe."
Peter: "You mean to say there is a multiverse?"

There is your tie in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grin:

~Does Bruce Willis jig dance from The Last Boy Scout~

Unless this is one of Mysterio's usual m.o. and he is from this Earth and is running a con on everyone, including S.H.I.E.L.D. :( That would really piss me off. Not Mysterio running a con but that the tie-in is all my imagination.

Put me down as thinking it is all part of his con.
Put me down as thinking it is all part of his con.
You could be right but I am jumping at any possible crumb they toss out maybe connected to their newly acquired character properties.
You could be right but I am jumping at any possible crumb they toss out maybe connected to their newly acquired character properties.

I can’t blame you but I’m not getting my hopes up. I’ll prefer to be pleasantly surprised instead.
Fury (quick paraphrase): "This is Mr. Beck. He is from Earth but not ours. Snapped into our universe."
Peter: "You mean to say there is a multiverse?"

There is your tie in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grin:

~Does Bruce Willis jig dance from The Last Boy Scout~

Unless this is one of Mysterio's usual m.o. and he is from this Earth and is running a con on everyone, including S.H.I.E.L.D. :( That would really piss me off. Not Mysterio running a con but that the tie-in is all my imagination.
I don't recall ever hearing about Mysterio's origins, so I have no idea if it's a con or not. Also, I'm not sure whether he actually starts off as a good guy, then gets "Goblined", or if he's just playing the hero in the scenes we've seen.
The first season was really good. After that, it went downhill fast...avalanche fast.

That's funny you should say that. I watched the first season back before season two came out. I liked it, but never ended up watching any more of it. (waiting for the next season dooms a lot of shows for me, I just forget about them before season 2 comes out) About a week or two ago, a buddy I had told about it a long time ago had came over and said the exact opposite. He said the first season sucked, but the rest were good. So I started watching it again. I'm through the first two season now (re-watched the first) and I've got to say. The second season was stupid. The plot was okay, but the fact that many of the characters completely flipped in their personalities. It was disgusting display of screenplay writing. (I mean how can you even do that to a show?)

Finn, Kane, Thelonious, Octavia, Bellamy, even Murphy. I mean I get Bellamy, Octavia, Jasper and maybe even Kane, but what they did to Finn and Thelonious was just stupid and idiotic. I mean from the biggest person wanting peace (Finn) to mass murdering 18 people. Then Thelonious going from being the strong and wise leader to being a complete and utter dumb*** chasing ghost stories of sort.

That said, Lindsey Morgan.
That's funny you should say that. I watched the first season back before season two came out. I liked it, but never ended up watching any more of it. (waiting for the next season dooms a lot of shows for me, I just forget about them before season 2 comes out) About a week or two ago, a buddy I had told about it a long time ago had came over and said the exact opposite. He said the first season sucked, but the rest were good. So I started watching it again. I'm through the first two season now (re-watched the first) and I've got to say. The second season was stupid. The plot was okay, but the fact that many of the characters completely flipped in their personalities. It was disgusting display of screenplay writing. (I mean how can you even do that to a show?)

Finn, Kane, Thelonious, Octavia, Bellamy, even Murphy. I mean I get Bellamy, Octavia, Jasper and maybe even Kane, but what they did to Finn and Thelonious was just stupid and idiotic. I mean from the biggest person wanting peace (Finn) to mass murdering 18 people. Then Thelonious going from being the strong and wise leader to being a complete and utter dumb*** chasing ghost stories of sort.

That said, Lindsey Morgan.
Yeah, she is ridiculously smokin'.
Yeah, she is ridiculously smokin'.
So. I just watched episode one of season three. Umm, wow. That went off the deep end quick! This show is crazy in how it changes characters behaviors from season to season! Clarke? Love the red dreads lol. What the hell just happen? Jasper? lol

I can't watch this crap. That's just way to ridiculous.
So. I just watched episode one of season three. Umm, wow. That went off the deep end quick! This show is crazy in how it changes characters behaviors from season to season! Clarke? Love the red dreads lol. What the hell just happen? Jasper? lol

I can't watch this crap. That's just way to ridiculous.
Yeah, it's like the writers get fired at the end of every season, and the new writers are only allowed to know the characters' names.
Fury (quick paraphrase): "This is Mr. Beck. He is from Earth but not ours. Snapped into our universe."
Peter: "You mean to say there is a multiverse?"
There is your tie in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grin:

~Does Bruce Willis jig dance from The Last Boy Scout~

Unless this is one of Mysterio's usual m.o. and he is from this Earth and is running a con on everyone, including S.H.I.E.L.D. :( That would really piss me off. Not Mysterio running a con but that the tie-in is all my imagination.
I don't recall ever hearing about Mysterio's origins, so I have no idea if it's a con or not. Also, I'm not sure whether he actually starts off as a good guy, then gets "Goblined", or if he's just playing the hero in the scenes we've seen.
His comic book origin was con man. Click here for Mysterio's Marvel.com bio.

I have read that the MCU will tinker with the character's origin, making him a sorcerer from another Earth but I got that information from a Wiki page. I do not trust Wikipedia unless other verifiable sources corroborate data posted on it.

It is funny. I am the type of person who would be normally hyped more for Dark Phoenix but Spider-Man: Far From Home is fueling most of my anticipation.
His comic book origin was con man. Click here for Mysterio's Marvel.com bio.

I have read that the MCU will tinker with the character's origin, making him a sorcerer from another Earth but I got that information from a Wiki page. I do not trust Wikipedia unless other verifiable sources corroborate data posted on it.

It is funny. I am the type of person who would be normally hyped more for Dark Phoenix but Spider-Man: Far From Home is fueling most of my anticipation.
The clip above would seem to corroborate the Wiki page theory. Thanks for the link!

Apparently there's a lot more to the Spidey comics than I ever knew! Never knew there was a second one after Peter, for instance.
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