*** SPOILERS *** Avengers Endgame Discussions

Which begs the question, how did Steve manage to turn it back into it's fluidic state and back into Jane without anyone knowing? He only had the stones in a case with him.

AND, if a half-celestial Star Lord needed help touching the power stone in GoTG, how in the heck did Steve 1) get the ball it was stored in and 2) transfer it from the case to the ball storage thing without touching it, cause it would have exploded him?
I'd say her powers have been inconsistent. At one moment she is ultimately powerful and then she gets knocked around. They set it up for her to be able to take Thanos on all by herself and then when she does face him, she isn't able to take him down. Very up and down. Same with Thor.

She WAS taking him down rather easily. He put power stone in left hand and popped her.
Other than that she was almost playing with him.

My opinion is that Thanos' strength and fighting skill along with his vicious attack, took Hulk completely by surprise. In fact the beating (I think) gave Hulk an indefinite inferiority complex.

I believe a rematch between the two would have been more evenly balanced. Disney/Marvel decided the story required Hulk to be buried while Thor, Iron Man and Captain America took on Thanos. I kinda see why they took that approach leading to the climax of the last battle.

I think the fact that Thanos has brute strength and intelligence is why Hulk lost. Assuming Banner still has Hulk's full power, I think the outcome would be different now.

Thanos was a seasoned fighter with technique. Hulk only smash.
I liken it to a boxer and puncher. A boxer can flat out embarrass a puncher
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She WAS taking him down rather easily. He put power stone in left hand and popped her.
Other than that she was almost playing with him.

Thanks was a seasoned fighter with technique. Hulk only smash.
I liken it to a boxer and puncher. A boxer can flat out embarrass a puncher.
I knew what you meant. lol
She WAS taking him down rather easily. He put power stone in left hand and popped her.
Other than that she was almost playing with him.
The conclusion I got from the scene was Danvers used both her super strength and power of flight trying to wrestle the gauntlet from Thanos' hand. That was a lot of applied force directed at one hand, which basically made Thanos one-handed. In desperation, he used his FREE hand to grab the Power Stone, knowing he had all the power necessary for his free hand to punch Danvers completely out of the picture. I think their one-on-one battle would have looked slightly different if Thanos had use of both hands.
Which begs the question, how did Steve manage to turn it back into it's fluidic state and back into Jane without anyone knowing? He only had the stones in a case with him.

AND, if a half-celestial Star Lord needed help touching the power stone in GoTG, how in the heck did Steve 1) get the ball it was stored in and 2) transfer it from the case to the ball storage thing without touching it, cause it would have exploded him?
This is all assumption on my part. Stark (probably with help from Rocket also) designed and created the armored Gauntlet to channel the stones power. I would suggest Stark had also made devices for handling the stones also.

What are my thoughts on altering the Reality Stone back into its Aether fluidic state? I honestly have no idea.
By the way, I was at Physical Therapy today, and one of the female PTs saw the movie and thought the same about the "girl power" moment, and that it was forced. What's more, she felt like it actually had the opposite of the intended effect, as far as empowerment goes. She thought it was pandering, and she seemed somewhat embarrassed by it.
By the way, I was at Physical Therapy today, and one of the female PTs saw the movie and thought the same about the "girl power" moment, and that it was forced. What's more, she felt like it actually had the opposite of the intended effect, as far as empowerment goes. She thought it was pandering, and she seemed somewhat embarrassed by it.

It irritated the heck out of my wife. She was more annoyed by it than I was. I rolled my eyes at the scene. She railed on about it after the movie for a good 5 minutes. My daughter was really irritated by it too.
It irritated the heck out of my wife. She was more annoyed by it than I was. I rolled my eyes at the scene. She railed on about it after the movie for a good 5 minutes. My daughter was really irritated by it too.
I think a lot of women found it condescending. I think I probably would have, if I were a female.
The conclusion I got from the scene was Danvers used both her super strength and power of flight trying to wrestle the gauntlet from Thanos' hand. That was a lot of applied force directed at one hand, which basically made Thanos one-handed. In desperation, he used his FREE hand to grab the Power Stone, knowing he had all the power necessary for his free hand to punch Danvers completely out of the picture. I think their one-on-one battle would have looked slightly different if Thanos had use of both hands.

Different how exactly?
Which begs the question, how did Steve manage to turn it back into it's fluidic state and back into Jane without anyone knowing? He only had the stones in a case with him.

AND, if a half-celestial Star Lord needed help touching the power stone in GoTG, how in the heck did Steve 1) get the ball it was stored in and 2) transfer it from the case to the ball storage thing without touching it, cause it would have exploded him?

This is all assumption on my part. Stark (probably with help from Rocket also) designed and created the armored Gauntlet to channel the stones power. I would suggest Stark had also made devices for handling the stones also.

What are my thoughts on altering the Reality Stone back into its Aether fluidic state? I honestly have no idea.

It’s all hokey to begin with but I think they just had to be returned to correct point in time. Nothing more.
It irritated the heck out of my wife. She was more annoyed by it than I was. I rolled my eyes at the scene. She railed on about it after the movie for a good 5 minutes. My daughter was really irritated by it too.

Yeah it’s one of those things.
Not everyone was gonna like it.

In my theater the woman applauded and high five’d each other.

The editing room floor was affected by too much film to edit, agenda, big wig studio exec, etc. IMO.
Different how exactly?
I believe it would have been a slugfest between the two but I am uncertain who would have come out on top if a hypothetical one-on-one fight went uninterrupted. That would have been hard to foresee knowing everyone else would have tried punching Thanos at any given opportunity.
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It’s all hokey to begin with but I think they just had to be returned to correct point in time. Nothing more.
Yours is probably the best assumption. The stones would either revert themselves as they would exist at that particular point in the timeline or, in the case of the Soul Stone, 'wink' out of existence. I would have enjoyed watching the conversation between Steve and The Ancient One when he returned the Time Stone to her.
Yours is probably the best assumption. The stones would either revert themselves as they would exist at that particular point in the timeline or, in the case of the Soul Stone, 'wink' out of existence. I would have enjoyed watching the conversation between Steve and The Ancient One when he returned the Time Stone to her.
I think if the stones were apt to return to their original form and location, just upon being temporally restored, they never could have been taken out of that timeline in the first place. In fact, I think either the abduction of the stones would create alternate timelines for each event, or the moment they took the stones, everything in the original timeline would have changed to the point that they wouldn't have made the trip back in time to begin with.....They should watch more Star Trek, before messing with time.
I think if the stones were apt to return to their original form and location, just upon being temporally restored, they never could have been taken out of that timeline in the first place. In fact, I think either the abduction of the stones would create alternate timelines for each event, or the moment they took the stones, everything in the original timeline would have changed to the point that they wouldn't have made the trip back in time to begin with.....They should watch more Star Trek, before messing with time.
As Captain Kathryn Janeway once famously said during a time traveling ST:Voyager episode, "Alright, let's just get started before my headache gets any worse."

Thinking too hard about time paradoxes is not good for your mental health. :grin:
Okay, the whole time travel thing with divergent timelines was all well and good, but:

When would Steve Rogers ever be okay with wiping innocent people from existence? That is exactly what he did when he went back in time to live a life with Peggy. It was mentioned that she married and had kids with a wounded vet of WWII. Those kids no longer exist.

The kids weren't wiped, they existed in a newly diverged timeline (or original timeline, depending on how you view it). I suppose it could be argued that CA staying there should have been the diverged timeline, making it impossible to line up with meeting back up with Endgame ending as an old man. Then again, maybe it wouldn't change the Endgame timeline since CA wouldn't interfere with frozen CA. Who knows how the butterfly effect impacts this made up movie.
By the way, I was at Physical Therapy today, and one of the female PTs saw the movie and thought the same about the "girl power" moment, and that it was forced. What's more, she felt like it actually had the opposite of the intended effect, as far as empowerment goes. She thought it was pandering, and she seemed somewhat embarrassed by it.

It looks like they doubled down on the strong female scene from Infinity War. It was brief, but as soon as I saw it, I immediately thought "This will generate talk, tomorrow". Everyone has their own thing... me, I have my brain turned off, looking for some sweet laser filled action, so seeing something like Sulu meeting his male partner passes right by without any critical analysis.
First 1 1/2 or so had no action. Myself don't like the Thanos character. All the Avengers had to do early on before he got the stones was take out his eyes. He's blind, Avengers finish him off, end of story. I guess logic wasn't part of the Marvrel universe.

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