FEATURED Be a Cowboys fan (within the rules) the way you want

But again, that’s your take or view. Which is fine if it works for you.

Whatever works for you within the law in public or within the rules is ok. Regardless whether it turns us off or not .

If fans have ever attended a game it’s a great example .
They have done better than 30 teams in the last 3 years. Fans of other teams would like that.

Depends on context and trajectory. Does a team seem to be plateauing or ascending (progressing)-signs/symptoms/results? And postseason accomplishments always trump regular season ones.
I agree with most of your points. The only caveat with our team is it run as a business first that prioritizes profits and revenue projections as its main objectives. Which should be the goal but risk and opportunities is also valuable in business.

It's funny if a team doesn't spend because their revenue is not as robust as Dallas they are called cheap by media and fans.

Dallas has more incoming revenue but safe decisions are prioritize so the revenue projections are met year ove year. So we draft well and then pay a select few high end compensation. Chances to uplift the team are negated because annual value can be disrupted. This is not a franchise chasing titles any longer.

We are chasing solid annual revenues. IMO, it is evident the players understand this (agent driven likely) and they react accordingly. Why not?

Knowing the true direction of the team makes the fan in me question the whole team.
Regardless the amount of revenue we take in we aren’t allowed to spend anymore on players. All NFL teams have the same Cap to spend .

I hope what you’re referring to is our owners priorities aren’t necessarily motivated by winning championship but rather generating revenue.

Which he’s admitted that remaining “ interesting and relative “ is the primary or initial priority. Which I think most teams are. Our owner is just more open publicly about it.
Great post sir!

Almost every post is a hamster wheel where a poster breaks from commenting on the topic, and instead zeroes in on the poster(s) and away we go. The fan police.

I don’t really understand that much insecurity or vulnerability but no doubt this forum would be greater, the more the topics are debated and commented on. I also think there’s a ton more posters who would engage more if the threads weren’t devolved into poster criticism so quickly and regularly.
Yep, we have over 20,000 fans on this site. And probably cause of a few very vocal minority extremes from both sides it turns most of our fans off from contributing simply not wanting to place themselves in the line of fire.
The organization would of course prefer all fans be more cheerleaders than critics .

That’s just not reality though and they know it. It’s why they tell players to ignore or block out the noise. Much like fans who can’t handle should do here as well.
Are you saying the negative naysayers are the only ones who should have a voice? It works both ways.
They have done better than 30 teams in the last 3 years. Fans of other teams would like that.
They have in regular season as far as total wins but in the playoffs this era the Cowboys have set historically futility marks .
Are you saying the negative naysayers are the only ones who should have a voice? It works both ways.
Not at all. Just like at the games we should cheer and boo depending on results.

What Bob is trying to say here is we should be able to provide our opinions without having to endure personal attacks and attempts to discredit other fans cause they don’t like the message .
Great post. Ultimately the end goal is to win. Guys praying for 4 win seasons? Can’t be me but that’s ok.

That’s a disingenuous argument because you are not finishing the thought. Guys are praying for drastic change and one of the only ways that happens is with collapse (and many are okay with the scorched earth before renewal).
That’s a disingenuous argument because you are not finishing the thought. Guys are praying for drastic change and one of the only ways that happens is with collapse (and many are okay with the scorched earth before renewal).
It’s not disengeous people want to lose to get better. I understand the logic behind it I just don’t agree. I’ve seen this team win 4 games and 5 and it never results in rebuilding.

15 wins in 3 years collectively and it resulted in no changes.
That’s a disingenuous argument because you are not finishing the thought. Guys are praying for drastic change and one of the only ways that happens is with collapse (and many are okay with the scorched earth before renewal).
Because they feel that’s the only way to turn things around . And that’s fine . To them unless you’re playing for SB’s, you suk.

I’d argue that drafting a developing QB’s would place teams in a better position to retool instead of major rebuilds.

Too many times we see teams which hit rock bottom stay there entirely too long .

There’s no guarantee you can recover.
It’s not disengeous people want to lose to get better. I understand the logic behind it I just don’t agree. I’ve seen this team win 4 games and 5 and it never results in rebuilding.

15 wins in 3 years collectively and it resulted in no changes.
Yea, all too often teams which hit bottom stay there for years instead of a quick turn around .
Yep being on the Cowboy Zone and being a Cowboy fan can be interesting at times.

I personally fought for over 21 years (in places where people are born and bred to hate us) to uphold the American privilege of free speech.
So its funny to me when I am personally insulted for expressing my opinion here.
To them I say "you're welcome" or "stand a post."

The weak attempt by some to be opinion regulators amuses me, lol.
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So when anyone says Cowboys fans should meet some definition of what it means to be a good Cowboys fan, I find that humorous.
I believe anybody who’s a regular contributor on this board is a “good Cowboys fan” because being on this board shows passion. So when someone disagrees with me or attacks me I say to myself “meh, if we were sitting in the stands next to each we’d be screaming our heads off for the Boys “.

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