Belicheat, Brady claim ignorance; NFL Statement Post #434

It shows Bill Bellichek pays attention to the minutest details, including the balls being flat, which is the point. The point being, he understands the implications of the type of ball, enough to practice it mercilessly which you denied.

It shows that he pays attention to those details IN PRACTICE. And that's because they're trying to simulate game-time conditions. A lot of teams do that.

But that doesn't mean he pays attention to them during the game.
It shows that he pays attention to those details IN PRACTICE. And that's because they're trying to simulate game-time conditions. A lot of teams do that.

But that doesn't mean he pays attention to them during the game.

He has a record of being a liar and a cheater. Why do you keep making excuses for a liar and a cheater?
You sure give a lot of benefit of doubt to a proven cheater and liar.

Almost all coaches lie, unless you think coaches really discuss their game plans or tell who they're going to draft.

Second, it's not an issue of me giving him the benefit of doubt. The quarterbacks who play the game or who have played the game are giving him the benefit of the doubt. They're the ones who are saying that the coaches don't pay attention to that.

And since neither you nor I have played the quarterback position on that level and aren't knowledgeable about those nuances, I tend to listen to those who do know and who have played.

Besides, I've asked whether this was a violation of a written rule. And to those I've asked that question, I've been met with silence. Can you show me where deflating the balls are against the written rules? I sure would appreciate it if you could. Thanks.
He is responsible for what takes place, it is great passing the buck to everyone else but 1 man is in change on that sideline. Hell by the time the pats are done the ball boy will be serving the punishment. You can do the lawyer act all you want but at the end of the day the HC is fully responsible for his team and the actions of his team on that field.

Again, that's not what many of the quarterbacks who have played on the NFL level say.
Now, you are correct that the league may ultimately hold the Patriots as an organization responsible. But that doesn't mean Belichick himself knew this was happening.
I say Brady knew, but not necessarily Belichick.
Almost all coaches lie, unless you think coaches really discuss their game plans or tell who they're going to draft.

Second, it's not an issue of me giving him the benefit of doubt. The quarterbacks who play the game or who have played the game are giving him the benefit of the doubt. They're the ones who are saying that the coaches don't pay attention to that.

And since neither you nor I have played the quarterback position on that level and aren't knowledgeable about those nuances, I tend to listen to those who do know and who have played.

Besides, I've asked whether this was a violation of a written rule. And to those I've asked that question, I've been met with silence. Can you show me where deflating the balls are against the written rules? I sure would appreciate it if you could. Thanks.

The league has set standards for the air pressure in the ball and how much the ball can weigh. By halftime, the pats balls were 2 lbs under the lowest allowable limit for the air pressure. That fact does not appear to be in dispute. If it is, why is everyone and their mother talking about this? Are you disputing the league has written standards for game balls?
Almost all coaches lie, unless you think coaches really discuss their game plans or tell who they're going to draft.

Second, it's not an issue of me giving him the benefit of doubt. The quarterbacks who play the game or who have played the game are giving him the benefit of the doubt. They're the ones who are saying that the coaches don't pay attention to that.

And since neither you nor I have played the quarterback position on that level and aren't knowledgeable about those nuances, I tend to listen to those who do know and who have played.

Besides, I've asked whether this was a violation of a written rule. And to those I've asked that question, I've been met with silence. Can you show me where deflating the balls are against the written rules? I sure would appreciate it if you could. Thanks.

I found the NFL written rule in a online search that took me less than 10 seconds. I'm not wasting 10 more seconds sharing it with the likes of you. Spend the 10 seconds finding it yourself.

An the ol' "they all do it" excuse once again. The guy is a liar and a cheater. Keep making excuses for him you won't hear from me about it anymore as I won't see your replies. I'm on to you
Again, that's not what many of the quarterbacks who have played on the NFL level say.
Now, you are correct that the league may ultimately hold the Patriots as an organization responsible. But that doesn't mean Belichick himself knew this was happening.
I say Brady knew, but not necessarily Belichick.

regardless HC is responsible. He is the one in charge. As for what other QB may have done I can't say but fact is the NFL has a rule pertains to the ball and the specs of that ball and those rules were violated. Had it been 1 out of 12 I would not think anything of it but when 11 out of 12 were 2 pounds less than what is allowed by rules then I have a issue with it and players and coaches do not get to choose which rules they will follow and which ones they will violate, it is not up to them.

I was glad to see Troy Aikman come out strong on this as well, he feels the punishment that Payton got in NO should be applied in NE.
regardless HC is responsible. He is the one in charge. As for what other QB may have done I can't say but fact is the NFL has a rule pertains to the ball and the specs of that ball and those rules were violated. Had it been 1 out of 12 I would not think anything of it but when 11 out of 12 were 2 pounds less than what is allowed by rules then I have a issue with it and players and coaches do not get to choose which rules they will follow and which ones they will violate, it is not up to them.

I was glad to see Troy Aikman come out strong on this as well, he feels the punishment that Payton got in NO should be applied in NE.

According to a troll here NFL QBs were lining up en masse defending St. Belichick
Almost all coaches lie, unless you think coaches really discuss their game plans or tell who they're going to draft.

Second, it's not an issue of me giving him the benefit of doubt. The quarterbacks who play the game or who have played the game are giving him the benefit of the doubt. They're the ones who are saying that the coaches don't pay attention to that.

And since neither you nor I have played the quarterback position on that level and aren't knowledgeable about those nuances, I tend to listen to those who do know and who have played.

Besides, I've asked whether this was a violation of a written rule. And to those I've asked that question, I've been met with silence. Can you show me where deflating the balls are against the written rules? I sure would appreciate it if you could. Thanks.

Is this a serious question?
No, he said today he has no explanation on what happened. What he wants everyone to think by saying that is that he doesn't have any clue as to why the 11 balls were deflated. What I said is I guarantee he knows exactly what happened and he knew it within 30 minutes of finding out this was an issue. Therefore, he was lying though his teeth today and that was my point.

Did you hear the question?
If he wasn't involved in the situation, how would he know?
He told the press to, essentially, talk to Brady because, based on what every other quarterback has said, the quarterback and the ball boy would know.
You don't know what happened enough to guarantee anything. You can speculate, and maybe after the situation occurred, and it was brought to Belichick's attention, maybe he asked Brady, "What happened?"
That's plausible. Or he could have said, "You'll have to handle this one, Tom."
You don't know. We don't know. That's why there's an investigation ongoing.
I'll wait to hear what it reveals.
regardless HC is responsible. He is the one in charge. As for what other QB may have done I can't say but fact is the NFL has a rule pertains to the ball and the specs of that ball and those rules were violated. Had it been 1 out of 12 I would not think anything of it but when 11 out of 12 were 2 pounds less than what is allowed by rules then I have a issue with it and players and coaches do not get to choose which rules they will follow and which ones they will violate, it is not up to them.

I was glad to see Troy Aikman come out strong on this as well, he feels the punishment that Payton got in NO should be applied in NE.

Well, if they actually broke a rule, then someone will be held responsible. But you know as well as I do, that there's a lot of sword falling around situations like this. Sometimes, people not associated with an act will get the blame because they are associated with the organization.

My point is it doesn't necessarily follow that Belichick knew about this incident. That's separate from whether he and the Patriots, by extension and because of their leadership position, will be punished for it.
According to a troll here NFL QBs were lining up en masse defending St. Belichick

"It's obvious that Tom Brady had something to do with this," Aikman said. "I know going back to when I played, they've loosened up the rules in terms of what each team is able to do with the footballs coming into the game. Used to, the home team provided all the balls. And now, each team brings their footballs the way they like them and break 'em in. Used to you couldn't break them in. So for the balls to be deflated, that doesn't happen unless the quarterback wants that to happen, I can assure you of that. Now the question becomes did Bill Belichick know about it."
So what should the penalty be? Aikman, who has adamantly contested the NFL's ruling against the New Orleans Saints for allegedly issuing bounties on players, used them as an example to challenge the NFL.
"This whole comment by Roger Goodell based on the Saints when Sean Payton got suspended for the year, and he says 'ignorance is no excuse,' that's going to come back to haunt him again," Aikman said "That haunted him during the whole Ray Rice situation with he, himself, and now it's going to haunt Roger Goodell in terms of what the punishment is for the New England Patriots and Bill Belichick. If ignorance is no excuse, and it wasn't for Sean Payton."
Aikman noted the difference between the Saints' charge and the Patriots' offense, and says the NFL must take a significant stand.

You guarantee? So what's your evidence?

Second, just because he finds out later doesn't mean he knew when it occurred. This is the gotcha game.
He could very well have found out later and then when asked if he knew about the deflated balls, responded by saying, "I didn't know." You can just as easily assume that he meant he didn't know at the time the balls were deflated. And that's why you ask follow-up, clarifying questions.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the NFL declare after the "Bountygate" investigation that Sean Payton had no prior knowledge to what was going on, yet he still got suspended for a year. I think Baby Bill is worried the same will happen to him, hence the throwing Brady under the bus.
What's amaZing to me is that everyone is acting like this is new, different, or that every single QB in the NFL doesn't do it!!!! #worststoryinnflhistory
Well, if they actually broke a rule, then someone will be held responsible. But you know as well as I do, that there's a lot of sword falling around situations like this. Sometimes, people not associated with an act will get the blame because they are associated with the organization.

My point is it doesn't necessarily follow that Belichick knew about this incident. That's separate from whether he and the Patriots, by extension and because of their leadership position, will be punished for it.

As Aikman said Sean Payton was hit with a year suspension and was told 'ignorance is no excuse,'
What's amaZing to me is that everyone is acting like this is new, different, or that every single QB in the NFL doesn't do it!!!! #worststoryinnflhistory

You putting a hashtag on your opinion doesn't make it a fact
Did you hear the question?
If he wasn't involved in the situation, how would he know?
He told the press to, essentially, talk to Brady because, based on what every other quarterback has said, the quarterback and the ball boy would know.
You don't know what happened enough to guarantee anything. You can speculate, and maybe after the situation occurred, and it was brought to Belichick's attention, maybe he asked Brady, "What happened?"
That's plausible. Or he could have said, "You'll have to handle this one, Tom."
You don't know. We don't know. That's why there's an investigation ongoing.
I'll wait to hear what it reveals.

It is not plausible at all to think that when he spoke this morning, he didn't know exactly what happened. He knows who did it, when they did it, how they did it, and the reason they did it. Did he know during the game? Who knows. Did he know by this morning and thus lied through his teeth? 100% unequivocally yes! There is no way he let three days go by without finding out exactly what happened. There can only be a handful of people who could have done it. If Belichick wasn't the mastermind in the first place, then everyone that had access to those balls and could have done was probably escorted to his office by lunchtime on Monday.

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