Belicheat, Brady claim ignorance; NFL Statement Post #434

As Aikman said Sean Payton was hit with a year suspension and was told 'ignorance is no excuse,'

Of course, ignorance sure was an excuse for Gooddell and the NFL about the Ray Rice thing.

You have a corrupt organization deciding the punishment for a corrupt man and team. I'm sure it will all work out fair and honest lol
"It's obvious that Tom Brady had something to do with this," Aikman said. "I know going back to when I played, they've loosened up the rules in terms of what each team is able to do with the footballs coming into the game. Used to, the home team provided all the balls. And now, each team brings their footballs the way they like them and break 'em in. Used to you couldn't break them in. So for the balls to be deflated, that doesn't happen unless the quarterback wants that to happen, I can assure you of that. Now the question becomes did Bill Belichick know about it."
So what should the penalty be? Aikman, who has adamantly contested the NFL's ruling against the New Orleans Saints for allegedly issuing bounties on players, used them as an example to challenge the NFL.
"This whole comment by Roger Goodell based on the Saints when Sean Payton got suspended for the year, and he says 'ignorance is no excuse,' that's going to come back to haunt him again," Aikman said "That haunted him during the whole Ray Rice situation with he, himself, and now it's going to haunt Roger Goodell in terms of what the punishment is for the New England Patriots and Bill Belichick. If ignorance is no excuse, and it wasn't for Sean Payton."
Aikman noted the difference between the Saints' charge and the Patriots' offense, and says the NFL must take a significant stand.


Don't agree that an air pressure difference is of greater concern than player safety issues.
Don't agree that an air pressure difference is of greater concern than player safety issues.

Problem is saints that season had no more rouging calls or unsportsman like conduct than any other team. What they did was not effecting the outcome of a game. That was Troy Point
We all know the answers to those questions.

It's funny that over the years Jerry Jones has been probably the most scrutinized owner in the league all the while the Rooneys, Maras and Kraft have really been viewed as saints that have been instrumental to the league becoming what it is today.

Those guys are probably the most corrupt, unfair owners in professional sports that go out of their way to illegally stick it to their opposition. Their tactics, which I won't get into, have set the game back years and have thrown respect as it pertains to the integrity of the game out the window.

Great Post!

I almost lost my breakfast this morning when they announced the NFL sportsmanship award would be called The Art Rooney Award.
Don't agree that an air pressure difference is of greater concern than player safety issues.

One is flagrantly cheating on the field of play to get an advantage over an opponent and the other is basically a minor violation of cap rules against paying players outside of their contract. Which one should be of greater concern?
What's amaZing to me is that everyone is acting like this is new, different, or that every single QB in the NFL doesn't do it!!!! #worststoryinnflhistory

Probably because it's not normal, and it is cheating in order to gain a specific advantage. One that team benefits from financially, as well as in terms of just winning games. It's actually perpetrating fraud on consumers, when you think about it.

I'd throw the book at them. And I'll be pretty disappointed in the league if the consequences for repeatedly cheating--no matter how small the degree might be in this case--aren't very significant. This one shouldn't be swept under a rug coming on the heels of all the other PR troubles the NFL had this season. Protect the Badge, and all.
My assessment of their respective interviews:

Belichik actually appeared somewhat credible.

Brady appeared guilty as sin.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the NFL declare after the "Bountygate" investigation that Sean Payton had no prior knowledge to what was going on, yet he still got suspended for a year. I think Baby Bill is worried the same will happen to him, hence the throwing Brady under the bus.

You're not wrong. But that's not my argument.
Problem is saints that season had no more rouging calls or unsportsman like conduct than any other team. What they did was not effecting the outcome of a game. That was Troy Point

The Peyton penalty was rediculous and it was demonstrated to have not manifested itself in the form in any tangible way as you correctly indicated. The suspension was window dressing to make it appeared that the league cared about player safety. This is similar in that the psi had nothing to do with the outcome of the game because the other team quit at halftime. Neither of these situations had any impact both had the potential to but neither did. Just because Goddell was an idiot one time doesn't mean he should do it again. I was only pointing out the issues at large being unequal player safety outweighs tampered equipment but neither case impacted the game enough to warrant the media scrutiny.
I'm sure the talking points have been given to Brady to also weasel through this... Something to the effect of " we don't use one ball all the time, and the weather makes them feel different from one point in the game to another "

Also " No I never deflated a ball"... Bill Clinton special answer.......


Finger pointing....


(Same amount of words) lol
Wonder if Vegas get's involved. If the integrity of the game is challenged and cheating isn't punished, then the gambling aspect could be seen as turning the NFL into a WWE entertainment spectrum instead of a truly legitimate game. Money talks!

By the way, just saw a picture of Gooddell at diner at the Kraft home the night before the AFC championship game, the announcers just stated this puts added pressure on the commish to avoid nepotism.
The Peyton penalty was rediculous and it was demonstrated to have not manifested itself in the form in any tangible way as you correctly indicated. The suspension was window dressing to make it appeared that the league cared about player safety. This is similar in that the psi had nothing to do with the outcome of the game because the other team quit at halftime. Neither of these situations had any impact both had the potential to but neither did. Just because Goddell was an idiot one time doesn't mean he should do it again. I was only pointing out the issues at large being unequal player safety outweighs tampered equipment but neither case impacted the game enough to warrant the media scrutiny.

So if you were the comish, what, if any penalty would you hand out?
The same thing happened with Spygate. These guys were communicating with their QB via wireless frequencies after the 15 second cut-off period. It was a clear indication to Brady what adjustments needed to be made REAL-TIME in the game. It wasn't just taping practices from the sidelines for well over 7 plus years, which was also illegal.

It's no coincidence that when Spectre raised the whole issue, Goodell made a small gesture of implementing random wireless communication checks at games during the 2008 season right after the whole cover-up. Why would they even be talking about wireless frequencies if this wasn't an issue.

These guys are flat-out cheaters.

And these are the things that we know about. that they cant deny or cant hide.

Just imagine the full scope.... things no one will ever know about.

Belicheck has "cheater-type" written all over him. I think he takes some kind of "pride" in trying to out do the league, the other teams, and pushing the line on just about everything... he wants every little advantage he can get, even it means breaking the rules.
I just don't see the weapons in Seattle that will allow them to put up big numbers on the Pats D.

It comes down to whether or not the Pats can stop their running game. I think the seachickens have the horses to cover Gronkowski.
Me Tarzan, You Cheatah

How funny and ironic was it during Belichick presser one commercial behind him said "Gillette Flexball" :laugh:


Watching the replay of his interview now. That "FLEXBALL" graphic behind hm is both ironic and hilarious!

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