Belicheat, Brady claim ignorance; NFL Statement Post #434

Not trying to be sarcastic but wouldn't this situation have helped both teams? Or do they provide their own ball?
If that was the case Brady would have been kicked out of the game as a pitcher does when they see him using Vaseline tucked in his cap or a file in his back pocket because that is what happen to some pitchers when they got caught doctoring the ball.

Yes exactly. Same concept but different sport. Just that little amount to a baseball can give a pitcher an added edge. Its cheating and its no trivial matter.
And they're still lying. I just heard Belicheat's statement. He's just asking for it.

Well, if he wants to put the blame on Brady I say let him...and suspend Brady for the Super Bowl and the rest of next year.

Have a funny feeling that the story would get straightened right out after that happened.

We can only dream.

I don't know what all the hate is on the PAT's Best Org last 10-12 years Best coach best QB. Why hate them? Their system is fantastic in a league built to have parity theres no stopping them. Loss of assistant no worries. Loss of players no Worries, Little Bill just showed that big Bill couldn't do it without him. Not the other way around don't want to hear about Bill having a great QB in Brady and Big Bill not having one.He was picked in the 7th round. Not that I love the Pats but give them their credit.

Obviously they havent been the best because they havent won a superbowl in 10 yrs.
People expecting Brady to admit he cheated and ask for forgiveness are delusional. He would be asking for massive punishment and possibly sitting out the super bowl. I admit that might be unlikely but that chorus will grow very quickly if Brady admits he instructed someone to deflate the ball below acceptable limits. It will tarnish his rep forever. He ain't copping to anything. They have it all worked out by now to string it out past the super bowl and then let some low level flunkie take the fall. Until then its us against the world once again for the big game.
It doesn't matter much anymore who says what. The SpyGate stuff hurt their reputation & this stuff just reinforces the cheating stuff. The little patriot man is tarnished.
The NFL revenue sharing model favors every team. The only exception is the Cowboys, which probably explains the bias against them. The Cowboys have exclusive rights to their merchandise and don't share with other teams..

SB victories would dramatically boost Dallas revenue on merchandise at the expense of other teams.

The Cowboys are on their own, but they still have to contribute to the entire pie for the other teams.

What happens under this arrangement is, the same percentage of the total pie that the Cowboys would have contributed, if they were not standalone, they have to add to the pot for the rest of the teams. Anything above that percentage, the Cowboys get to pocket. That arrangement creates the incentive to sell on the Cowboys end.
We all know the answers to those questions.

It's funny that over the years Jerry Jones has been probably the most scrutinized owner in the league all the while the Rooneys, Maras and Kraft have really been viewed as saints that have been instrumental to the league becoming what it is today.

Those guys are probably the most corrupt, unfair owners in professional sports that go out of their way to illegally stick it to their opposition. Their tactics, which I won't get into, have set the game back years and have thrown respect as it pertains to the integrity of the game out the window.

God read on this. JJ wants to build brand, and maximize the return...

The others are more about POWER....
It's a shame the majority of the team and their fans will be punished for the actions of a few. Of course the NFL has to be harsh here, or all teams will just come out and start cheating and cutting corners knowing that even if they get caught, no real harm will be handed out to them, ruining the integrity of the game.

Belichick passing the buck and not taking responsibility, since it is his team, really shows a lack of character in my opinion. When the going gets tough, you really get to see who the "stand up" characters are. If Brady falls on the sword for Bill, we will know who the real leader is.

Character is not a hallmark of Bill Belichick. It never has been. He walked out on the Jets after accepting a $1 million bonus to take over for Parcells when Leon Hess was still alive, but reneged after Hess died, and didn't return the money. He was sued by a man in New Jersey for Belichick breaking up his marriage (Belichick had an affair with the man's wife). The obvious cheating issues, or skirting of the rules, seen in the NFL.

I posted this in another thread, but the late George Young, who worked with Belichick with the Giants, said that Bill Belichick was absolutely the worst human being that he had ever encountered in the NFL.

The funny thing is, Belichick is a master strategist, and a very intelligent man. He is a great coach by all accounts. But, for some reason, he has this insatiable need to bend or outright break rules that ultimately matter little to helping his team win. I seriously think that there is a degree of insanity to him.

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