Boys bully a 68 year old bus monitor

CanadianCowboysFan;4600041 said:
we give tots mixed messages

We tell them not to talk to strangers, not to go with someone just because they are older, that they only have to listen to their parents (even then that is not always the case), challenge authority not to take crap from anyone, but then we get mad when they allegedly act like this.

I believe it was easier being a child in my day than today.

This post deserves a double :confused: :confused:
I was afraid of my teachers, father and some of my neighbors. Kids today fear no one not police or judges. They fear no one until it's too late. Take them off the bus and make the parents take them to school.
ninja;4600061 said:
This post deserves a double :confused: :confused:

It's true, I tell my son not to accept what he is told by people, to stand up for himself, not to talk to strangers on the street, but given he is only 8, he tends not to know when to shut up and just accept that some old fart might be wrong but let them live in their world thinking they are right.

I remember my grandmother bought my dog the wrong sized milk bones back in the 1970s. He was a miniature poodle and ate the smallest form of milk bone but she bought the next size up and my dog was having a helluva time chewing them. I said, you bought the wrong ones, she said no I haven't they are milk bones, so I let it go knowing she was wrong. My son today would tell his grandmother she was wrong and wouldn't cave. He might even go so far as to tell her she was stupid. I would tell him that was wrong and to apologize but you get the point.
CanadianCowboysFan;4600041 said:
we give tots mixed messages

We tell them not to talk to strangers, not to go with someone just because they are older, that they only have to listen to their parents (even then that is not always the case), challenge authority not to take crap from anyone, but then we get mad when they allegedly act like this.

I believe it was easier being a child in my day than today.
Being cautious of strangers and being disrespectful to elders are two different things.
03EBZ06;4600098 said:
Being cautious of strangers and being disrespectful to elders are two different things.

Exactly. Some children have little respect for others although that's not universal. Many other cultures have great respect for their elders. Not so much here anymore.
jobberone;4600085 said:
I was afraid of my teachers, father and some of my neighbors. Kids today fear no one not police or judges. They fear no one until it's too late. Take them off the bus and make the parents take them to school.

I agree.
and will add.

most not all parents today put their kids on a peddle stool. trying to be their best friends. not getting respect as a parent from their children but begging them to be their buddies.

Parents today do not have time to spend with their children, sadly children are raising children.
I believe our poor economy is not helping. Most parents have to work around the clock just to make it by.
%50 of childrens households are split so they are back and fourth from home to home. made to feel they are in the way because whatever parent they are with has to make arrangements so the child is cared after. lots of time being left alone at very early age and they go to the net and we all know nothing bad going on there.
or they use sports as a baby sitter. dropping there children off for a game or practice and coming back hours later.
then by making these things up to them they is no punsishment at least held up.

I know I have not writtend this well. I just throw it all out there.
being invovled in many charities and youth activities I have seen all this first hand and more.
the 4 yrs I spent doing this was a huge wake up call for me and how things are in todays world
CanadianCowboysFan;4600041 said:
we give tots mixed messages

We tell them not to talk to strangers, not to go with someone just because they are older, that they only have to listen to their parents (even then that is not always the case), challenge authority not to take crap from anyone, but then we get mad when they allegedly act like this.

I believe it was easier being a child in my day than today.

There is a light years difference between, on the one hand, not taking crap from anyone, including an authority figure, if they don't have it coming and on the other, degrading an elderly woman and using profanity. What world do you live in that those scenarios are even remotely in the same universe.
ethiostar;4600128 said:
There is a light years difference between, on the one hand, not taking crap from anyone, including an authority figure, if they don't have it coming and on the other, degrading an elderly woman and using profanity. What world do you live in that those scenarios are even remotely in the same universe.

they flow from each other, it is the way it is.

You can't on the one hand tell a child they don't have to listen to someone older and then expect their minds to know when they should not treat that same person badly.

they are but children.
CanadianCowboysFan;4600086 said:
It's true, I tell my son not to accept what he is told by people, to stand up for himself, not to talk to strangers on the street, but given he is only 8, he tends not to know when to shut up and just accept that some old fart might be wrong but let them live in their world thinking they are right.

I remember my grandmother bought my dog the wrong sized milk bones back in the 1970s. He was a miniature poodle and ate the smallest form of milk bone but she bought the next size up and my dog was having a helluva time chewing them. I said, you bought the wrong ones, she said no I haven't they are milk bones, so I let it go knowing she was wrong. My son today would tell his grandmother she was wrong and wouldn't cave. He might even go so far as to tell her she was stupid. I would tell him that was wrong and to apologize but you get the point.

:laugh2: You tell your son it's wrong to call his grandmother stupid and tell him to apologize yet you are defending these kids saying stuff that is 100X worse than, "your stupid". :confused: :confused: :confused:
CanadianCowboysFan;4600177 said:
they flow from each other, it is the way it is.

You can't on the one hand tell a child they don't have to listen to someone older and then expect their minds to know when they should not treat that same person badly.

they are but children.

No, they don't flow from each other at all.

First of all, I don't tell my son (3 yrs old) that he doesn't have to listen to someone older. Quite the opposite. He HAS to listen to those older than him who are part of the family (i.e., mom/dad, aunts, uncles, cousins, grand parents, etc...), his teachers, and anyone else that we have introduced him to (i.e., friends of family). At the same time, he is starting to learn boundaries others cannot cross.

Second, we teach him how to be respectful (be nice) to others, period, much less those we've told him that he has to listen to. If there is a chance that your 8 year old son would call his own grandmother "stupid", that is an issue you need to address.

Third, the kids in the clip abusing the elderly women are not 8 years old. They are at lease 5 years older than that. They should absolutely should know better.

Fourth, you grossly under estimate children's ability to learn and discern right from wrong. It's not a matter of telling them one time what they should and shouldn't do but rather something you cultivate, reinforce and model over the years. You are doing them a disservice by treating them as infants through their teens.
The Ominous;4600386 said:
I don't really know why people respond to this ******. His posts are ****ing trash. I'd like to meet him in person. Though traveling to Canada would be painful enough.

Wow, they raised over 409,000 dollars for this lady according to the local news.
The Ominous;4600386 said:
I don't really know why people respond to this ******. His posts are ****ing trash. I'd like to meet him in person. Though traveling to Canada would be painful enough.

It doesn't sound like you've been here. Please feel free to come on up and you might be surprised.

As for this poor woman, there is some good to come out of this. People have responded in a tangible, positive way. If all the pledges come through, she will have more choices than she did before this appalling thing happened. I hope the parents of these kids take note and "assist"their children in taking responsibility.
Unfortunately, some of the kids have received death threats which contributes nothing positive to this.

BTW, the person who organized the on-line pledge is a guy from Toronto.
CanadianCowboysFan;4600044 said:
I know I don't back the teacher if they crap on my son at school. I advocate for him and tell the teacher that they were wrong.

Irony is, I will accept my son's hockey coaches being hard on him but not his teachers.

And you're why people hate being teachers today. If they give a kid a bad grade they get torn apart by parents, instead of the child who did the poor job. That "crap" may just have been his own. When I was in high school there were plenty of teachers that had it out for me and at least 75% of it wasn't my fault, but I never got the benefit of doubt. It made me mad, but that's what should happen. People wonder why American education is failing and why kids are piece of crap idiots; it is because their parents allow it. You don't have to spank or slap your kid if you choose not to, but they need a good punishment not just less time on their computers... they can keep their smart phone though:confused:
Boys122;4600451 said:
Wow, they raised over 409,000 dollars for this lady according to the local news.
Seems to me, no matter what our individual opinions on this subject might be — personally, I was completely disgusted by what those brats did — the general public has spoken its mind in a big way.

Love when the public comes to the strong support of those inappropriately put down and/or abused, as in this case. :)

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