Boys bully a 68 year old bus monitor

Boys122;4600451 said:
Wow, they raised over 409,000 dollars for this lady according to the local news.

That could be a curse. It's a wonderful gesture. I just hope she knows how to manage money.
Cowboy Junkie;4600127 said:
I agree.
and will add.

most not all parents today put their kids on a peddle stool. trying to be their best friends. not getting respect as a parent from their children but begging them to be their buddies.

Parents today do not have time to spend with their children, sadly children are raising children.
I believe our poor economy is not helping. Most parents have to work around the clock just to make it by.
%50 of childrens households are split so they are back and fourth from home to home. made to feel they are in the way because whatever parent they are with has to make arrangements so the child is cared after. lots of time being left alone at very early age and they go to the net and we all know nothing bad going on there.
or they use sports as a baby sitter. dropping there children off for a game or practice and coming back hours later.
then by making these things up to them they is no punsishment at least held up.

I know I have not writtend this well. I just throw it all out there.
being invovled in many charities and youth activities I have seen all this first hand and more.
the 4 yrs I spent doing this was a huge wake up call for me and how things are in todays world

I agree it starts at home and single parent families are a huge problem. About 1/3 white homes have a single parent. It's about 1/2 hispanic and 2/3 black. These figures are a culture crisis.

But when we stopped corporal punishment in schools it all went downhill. I'm sure to draw some flack here and I'm not advocating corporal punishment as the be all end all solver of our problems with children. But the threat of corporal punishment was a deterrent. There just isn't much control of children if they decide to disobey. And I've raised a lot and had nearly perfect children and then those who acting like they had a social disorder all under the same roof.

I don't have all the answers but I know we have a problem.
a_minimalist;4600573 said:
That could be a curse. It's a wonderful gesture. I just hope she knows how to manage money.

I think the curse will be that others now are going to be jealous of her and resent her for it, even though this was thru no fault of her own.

And so it goes...

CanadianCowboysFan;4600086 said:
It's true, I tell my son not to accept what he is told by people, to stand up for himself, not to talk to strangers on the street, but given he is only 8, he tends not to know when to shut up and just accept that some old fart might be wrong but let them live in their world thinking they are right.

I remember my grandmother bought my dog the wrong sized milk bones back in the 1970s. He was a miniature poodle and ate the smallest form of milk bone but she bought the next size up and my dog was having a helluva time chewing them. I said, you bought the wrong ones, she said no I haven't they are milk bones, so I let it go knowing she was wrong. My son today would tell his grandmother she was wrong and wouldn't cave. He might even go so far as to tell her she was stupid. I would tell him that was wrong and to apologize but you get the point.

Yeah you are teaching him being rude is alright. Good going
a_minimalist;4600573 said:
That could be a curse. It's a wonderful gesture. I just hope she knows how to manage money.

She can't because she is fat, poor, stupid and sweats a lot.


Those kids need pounded.
I live about 10 minutes from where this happened. I could not watch the video for a minute. Horrible.
rkell87;4599323 said:
I was just coming to post this.

I would literally beat my kids *** if I found out they were involved. This is what happens when kids aren't taught to respect their elders and not smacked when warranted

This pretty much sums it up.
jobberone;4600600 said:
I agree it starts at home and single parent families are a huge problem. About 1/3 white homes have a single parent. It's about 1/2 hispanic and 2/3 black. These figures are a culture crisis.

But when we stopped corporal punishment in schools it all went downhill. I'm sure to draw some flack here and I'm not advocating corporal punishment as the be all end all solver of our problems with children. But the threat of corporal punishment was a deterrent. There just isn't much control of children if they decide to disobey. And I've raised a lot and had nearly perfect children and then those who acting like they had a social disorder all under the same roof.

I don't have all the answers but I know we have a problem.

I don't want some loser teacher hitting my kid.

Single parents are not the problem.
CanadianCowboysFan;4599061 said:
I wonder who the rat was that videoed the proceedings and then gave it to the news organizations.

Who was the rat? What the hell is wrong with you?

The whole "don't snitch" crowd is a punch of ******* too stupid to comprehend what the right thing to do is. They make me ill and I have zero respect for losers like that.
jobberone;4600600 said:

But when we stopped corporal punishment in schools it all went downhill. I'm sure to draw some flack here and I'm not advocating corporal punishment as the be all end all solver of our problems with children. But the threat of corporal punishment was a deterrent.
There just isn't much control of children if they decide to disobey. And I've raised a lot and had nearly perfect children and then those who acting like they had a social disorder all under the same roof.

I don't have all the answers but I know we have a problem.

And that teaches kids that if they want something that violence - or the threat of it - is a legitimate, even sanctioned strategy.

There is a tremendous body of science showing very clearly the links between exposure to violence and violent behaviors in the future. Corporal punishment may keep kids in line but it also creates a generation that uses violence to get their way. So if you want to make more wife beaters and bullies, by all means go back to corporal punishment
CanadianCowboysFan;4601062 said:
Single parents are not the problem.

Bad parents are a problem.

But he is right in some sense -- it is a heck of a lot harder to be a good parent if there is only one of you. That doesn't mean it isn't possible - just harder.
AbeBeta;4601088 said:
And that teaches kids that if they want something that violence - or the threat of it - is a legitimate, even sanctioned strategy.

There is a tremendous body of science showing very clearly the links between exposure to violence and violent behaviors in the future. Corporal punishment may keep kids in line but it also creates a generation that uses violence to get their way. So if you want to make more wife beaters and bullies, by all means go back to corporal punishment

So you are saying juvenile violence and domestic violence has decreased as direct result of ending corporal punishment in most areas?

I find that interesting. Could you link these comprehensive studies?
CliffnMesquite;4600616 said:
The little darlings need to take a long walk in the woods.


Uncle Cliff wants to have a talk with you...
JBond;4601100 said:
So you are saying juvenile violence and domestic violence has decreased as direct result of ending corporal punishment in most areas?

I find that interesting. Could you link these comprehensive studies?

Do you have access to databases like PsychInfo? Most comprehensive work is scholarly and you'll not be able to access that for free.

For free access work, you might start with the American Psychological Association's Violence Prevention web site for some good summaries on the effects of exposure to violence on children. There are literally 1000s of studies examining effects of exposure to violence in many forms (experiencing physical violence, playing violent video games).
CanadianCowboysFan;4601062 said:
I don't want some loser teacher hitting my kid.

Single parents are not the problem.

Bad parents are, parents that don't set boundaries are, parents that excuse their children's bad behavior and don't make them show respect are all the issue. Your attitude towards parenting, honestly is a problem.
AbeBeta;4601121 said:
Do you have access to databases like PsychInfo? Most comprehensive work is scholarly and you'll not be able to access that for free.

For free access work, you might start with the American Psychological Association's Violence Prevention web site for some good summaries on the effects of exposure to violence on children. There are literally 1000s of studies examining effects of exposure to violence in many forms (experiencing physical violence, playing violent video games).

Do you know of any pre/post studies on juvenile and domestic violence rates of countries that have banned corporal punishment? And maybe a comparative study of those countries and others in which corporal punishment is still legal?

If you can give me some references I would appreciate it.
AbeBeta;4601088 said:
And that teaches kids that if they want something that violence - or the threat of it - is a legitimate, even sanctioned strategy.

There is a tremendous body of science showing very clearly the links between exposure to violence and violent behaviors in the future. Corporal punishment may keep kids in line but it also creates a generation that uses violence to get their way. So if you want to make more wife beaters and bullies, by all means go back to corporal punishment

Corporal punishment is legal in 19 states, mostly southern states.
AbeBeta;4601121 said:
Do you have access to databases like PsychInfo? Most comprehensive work is scholarly and you'll not be able to access that for free.

For free access work, you might start with the American Psychological Association's Violence Prevention web site for some good summaries on the effects of exposure to violence on children. There are literally 1000s of studies examining effects of exposure to violence in many forms (experiencing physical violence, playing violent video games).

Speaks to a lot of what you are saying.
AbeBeta;4601088 said:
And that teaches kids that if they want something that violence - or the threat of it - is a legitimate, even sanctioned strategy.

There is a tremendous body of science showing very clearly the links between exposure to violence and violent behaviors in the future. Corporal punishment may keep kids in line but it also creates a generation that uses violence to get their way. So if you want to make more wife beaters and bullies, by all means go back to corporal punishment

It teaches kids they can do what ever the hell they want and no one will do a damn thing. Violence in the schools was nothing like it is today there was an actual respect kids showed teachers now days they show none. I'm sure the people who did the study were non bias in their views because from what I see today compared to what it was is a big differance. Kids talking to adults like they are their peers? they are not, kids have not lived a long enough life to tell adults how things will be kids have a lot to learn and if they open the ears and shut the mouth they just might learn things that people before them already found out.

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