Boys bully a 68 year old bus monitor

AbeBeta;4601290 said:
Expert enough to know that laying hands on my kids would make me a failure as a parent.

so others who do are failures? I'm sure many people here whose parents did use spankings will be glad to know you think they are failures since you are the expert in how a child should be raised.
a_minimalist;4601248 said:
Yes, I will. lol

I do think it is highly unlikely I will spank though. If anything 1 good whack on the butt to get their attention. If you don't have their attention after one of those you aren't getting it. But what the hell do I know. I am backing out of this conversation now since I am highly unqualified to be commenting. get it. That's all I am talking about. Trust me, it does not turn them into serial killers.
JBond;4601293 said:
A simple swat on the butt every once in while is not going to destroy a kid or make them more prone to violence.

Sure - but in most cases it is always much more than a little tap every so often.

Seriously, though if you only need a swat on the butt every once in a while, think of what you might be able to accomplish if you took a parenting course or two and learned how to get by without violence at all. All you need are some better tools.
AbeBeta;4601288 said:
Ok now, my WikiReseach -- you go and find some studies addressing domestic violence rates.


I was asking you to recommend a research paper or two that employ a pre/post comparative methodology about this particular research question since you seem to be knowledgeable about the topic and have access to databases that house peer-reviewed research papers.
Doomsday101;4601300 said:
so others who do are failures? I'm sure many people here whose parents did use spankings will be glad to know you think they are failures since you are the expert in how a child should be raised.

I never said that. But I can tell you one thing - I'd be shocked as $%%$ to find that none of those kids in the video were spanked or otherwise physically reprimanded with regularity.
AbeBeta;4601303 said:
Sure - but in most cases it is always much more than a little tap every so often.

Seriously, though if you only need a swat on the butt every once in a while, think of what you might be able to accomplish if you took a parenting course or two and learned how to get by without violence at all. All you need are some better tools.

:rolleyes: umm ok. Thanks for the advice. There must be some government web site I can go to so I can figure this out. I am so confused now.
ethiostar;4601305 said:

I was asking you to recommend a research paper or two that employ a pre/post comparative methodology about this particular research question since you seem to be knowledgeable about the topic and have access to databases that house peer-reviewed research papers.

The work I noted from the American Psych Association summarizes several useful studies. Most of which support strongly the idea that exposure to violence as children promotes greater aggression/violence from the victims

You can start there
Researcher Says a Little Spanking Is Good for Kids

In fact, she says, kids who get the occasional smack on the rump before the age of 6 grow up to be more successful adults.

Gunnoe interviewed 2,600 people about spanking before presenting her conclusions to the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD). She claims children who got spanked as toddlers and preschoolers also are more likely to do volunteer work and attend college after high school.

"The claims that are made for not spanking children fail to hold up,"
JBond;4601325 said:
Researcher Says a Little Spanking Is Good for Kids

Oh yes, let's make this a "cite one study from a crazy person" thread.

And the fact is that many of you talking about "spanking" go MUCH farther and you know it.
AbeBeta;4601331 said:
And the fact is that many of you talking about "spanking" go MUCH farther and you know it.


What are you saying?
AbeBeta;4601331 said:
Oh yes, let's make this a "cite one studyfrom a crazy person" thread.

And the fact is that many of you talking about "spanking" go MUCH farther and you know it.

I think the key word there is "cite." Some people are doing it. Others aren't.
I found a Newsweek article on it:

In NurtureShock, we described some extensive cross-ethnic and international research on spanking by Drs. Jennifer Lansford and Ken Dodge.

Their data suggested that if a culture views spanking as the normal consequence for bad behavior, kids aren’t damaged by its occasional use.
One of those new population studies underway is called Portraits of American Life. It involves interviews of 2,600 people and their adolescent children every three years for the next 20 years. Dr. Marjorie Gunnoe is working with the first wave of data on the teens. It turns out that almost a quarter of these teens report they were never spanked.

What she discovered was another shocker: those who’d been spanked just when they were young—ages 2 to 6—were doing a little better as teenagers than those who’d never been spanked. On almost every measure.

A separate group of teens had been spanked until they were in elementary school. Their last spanking had been between the ages of 7 and 11. These teens didn’t turn out badly, either.

Compared with the never-spanked, they were slightly worse off on negative outcomes, but a little better off on the good outcomes.
ScipioCowboy;4601337 said:
I think the key word there is "cite." Some people are doing it. Others aren't.

I gave several resources earlier in the thread

You want something on spanking? Just a few weeks ago

Longitudinal links between spanking and children’s externalizing behaviors in a national sample of White, Black, Hispanic, and Asian American families.
Gershoff, Elizabeth T.View Profile; Lansford, Jennifer E.View Profile; Sexton, Holly R.; Davis‐Kean, PamelaView Profile; Sameroff, Arnold J.View Profile. Child Development83. 3 (May-Jun 2012): 838-843.

In short, spanking related to acting out. Not less acting out.

You can go to the outlet and likely purchase access b/c that is what actual sources are like.
AbeBeta;4601331 said:
Oh yes, let's make this a "cite one study from a crazy person" thread.

And the fact is that many of you talking about "spanking" go MUCH farther and you know it.

Really? How do you know this? Your pathetic generalizations are just that. Pathetic and uniformed. I thought you might have a clue, but you are just some goofy kid on the Internet pretending to be a smart guy.

You really believe your own bull****, don't you. You think your are the smartest ****ing person in the room.

These are the types that should have been spanked as kids. They grow up to be insufferable *****.
AbeBeta;4601312 said:
The work I noted from the American Psych Association summarizes several useful studies. Most of which support strongly the idea that exposure to violence as children promotes greater aggression/violence from the victims

You can start there

I think a lot of parents, and good ones at that, will disagree with equating violence with swatting a child on the butt every now and then.

Abusing children, physically and psychologically, will certainly have an adverse effect and is no doubt by definition violence. What a lot of these studies do not control for is other influences and the broader environment/s in which children grow-up in. That is, for example, whether or not there is spousal abuse also in the household (which would role model bad behavior, obviously) and what kind of violence children are exposed to in the neighborhood.

BTW, most of these studies you speak to restrict their analysis to what they term 'moderate to sever' physical punishment, which doesn't include firmly swatting your child on the butt once in a blue moon. The more frequently you do it the less effective it is, of course.
JBond;4601358 said:
Really? How do you know this? Your pathetic generalizations are just that. Pathetic and uniformed. I thought you might have a clue, but you are just some goofy kid on the Internet pretending to be a smart guy.

You really believe your own bull****, don't you. You think your are the smartest ****ing person in the room.

These are the types that should have been spanked as kids. They grow up to be insufferable *****.

Yes, I really believe that if you hit a three year old that you are a terrible parent. That you would use that as a strategy for dealing with a three year old -- a kid whose brain is not even developed enough yet to fully understand the reasoning behind the actions -- then yes, you are a bad parent. Arguing that it makes you a good parent is even more sad.
I would love to continue this but I have go make some money so I can afford the new paddle and belt combo on
ScipioCowboy;4601353 said:

Their data suggested that if a culture views spanking as the normal consequence for bad behavior, kids aren’t damaged by its occasional use.

That is why most aspects of modern psychology make little sense to non-Westerners as well as Westerners of an earlier generation. Most societies do not or didn't, as the case maybe, excuse or accept many bad behaviors as a result of lasting effects of what happened when you were 5 years old (within reason of course). At some point, you are/were expected to take responsibility for your own actions.
I had the good fortune to be at a workshop featuring Dr Linda Chamberlain, who is an an expert researcher on trauma and the developing brain. Domestic Violence was the main theme of the workshop and she covered a wide range of related topics. She was asked about corporal punsihment and she talked about how difficult it is to measure that area, due to significant subjective differences in constitutes "spanking". In my experience it can range from a tap on the butt to get the child's attention to full-on beatings with a belt that can last for several minutes.

I bet we'd find quite a range of ideas on this board as to what consitutes corporal punishment and whether the intent is to punish, change behaviour, or both. A google search of Dr Chamberlain's work leads to other areas of interest, provided you're prepared to do some reading. She's from Homer, Alaska and is an expert dog-sled enthusiast.

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