Physical Discipline and Children’s Adjustment: Cultural Normativeness
as a Moderator
Jennifer E. Lansford, Duke University; Lei Chang, Chinese University of Hong Kong; Kenneth A. Dodge and Patrick S. Malone, Duke University; Paul Oburu and Kerstin Palme´rus, Go¨teborg University; Dario Bacchini, University of Naples; Concetta Pastorelli and Anna Silvia Bombi, Rome University ‘‘La Sapienza’’; Arnaldo Zelli, Istituto Universitario di Scienze Motorie; Sombat Tapanya, Chiang Mai University; Nandita Chaudhary, University of Delhi; Kirby Deater-Deckard, University of Oregon; Beth Manke, California State University; Naomi Quinn, Duke University.
Child Development, November/December 2005, Volume 76, Number 6, Pages 1234 – 1246
Interviews were conducted with 336 mother–child dyads (children's ages ranged from 6 to 17 years; mothers' ages ranged from 20 to 59 years) in China, India, Italy, Kenya, the Philippines, and Thailand to examine whether normativeness of physical discipline moderates the link between mothers' use of physical discipline and children's adjustment. Multilevel regression analyses revealed that physical discipline was less strongly associated with adverse child outcomes in conditions of greater perceived normativeness, but physical discipline was also associated with more adverse outcomes regardless of its perceived normativeness. Countries with the lowest use of physical discipline showed the strongest association between mothers' use and children's behavior problems, but in all countries higher use of physical discipline was associated with more aggression and anxiety.