News: BR: Ezekiel Elliott Parties on Boat on Cowboys' off Day Amid Suspension Appeal

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This may have already been pointed out, I don't know as I have not read the entire thread but, this is inaccurate. Maritime Law would govern in this situation and it may be even more severe then what you might see in the States, IDK.
I was just being a smart***
Once REAL football starts, these crap stories should stop.

I hope, at least.

Zeke hasn't made the best decisions, no denying that. But for TMZ to follow him around like vultures is worse than pathetic.

TMZ has a list of "live wires" or specific celebrities who live lavishly or on the edge and who also have a reputation for unpredictable behavior which sells to the public. These celebs are a great for ratings because they attract attention with their extraordinary lives and may do or say something outlandish we all naturally take an interest in.
This won't stop until Zeke's case calms down and he starts blending into a "normal" celeb lifestyle.
Zeke will be followed publically at all the bars, parties and probably even be more provoked to do something outrageous because they (TMZ) will attempt to push his buttons or even pay someone to provoke a reaction. IF he can withstand that, he has a chance to move on and they will eventually go away.
In Super Bowl I, Green bay Packer WR Max McGee drank so much the night before that he didn't have a hangover. Essentially, he was still drunk. He caught 7 passes for 137 yards and 2 TD's

Giants LB Lawrence Taylor used to pay prostitutes to go to an opponent's hotel room the night before a game.

Commander RB John Riggins got so drunk one time at a press party that he told Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, "Lighten up, baby".

Raiders DT John Matuzack used to get drunk after practice and then shoot signs with a .357 handgun on his way home.

Packer QB Bret Favre got so drunk before the Super bowl that he vomited during the game.

For Cowboy DE Ed "Too Tall" Jones's birthday, Cowboy LB Thomas "Hollywood" Henderson paid for the services of three prostitutes, a blond, a brunette, and a redhead.

But Ezekiel Elliot was partying on a boat...........and?

If Goodall had been the only commissioner in history then half of the Hall of Famers would have been suspended indefinitely.

When does this inquisition end? When do sports journalists stop behaving like they are freelancing for the National Inquirer? When does the NFL commissioner begin to have less judicial and political power than all seven Supreme Court justices combined?
This may have already been pointed out, I don't know as I have not read the entire thread but, this is inaccurate. Maritime Law would govern in this situation and it may be even more severe then what you might see in the States, IDK.
LoL, I know when Neil Boortz would talk on his radio show about taking his boat out so he could smoke weed always made me howl:lmao:. o_O
If Zeke would stay home and drink milk while watching reruns of Leave it to Beaver, TMZ would report "Zeke staying low. He's trying to hide something. He must be guilty."
While awaiting the appeal hearing for his six-game suspension, Dallas Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott was spotted partying on a boat Sunday.

TMZ Sports tweeted the following photo of the All-Pro running back:


According to TMZ Sports, Sunday was an off day for the Cowboys, and Elliott spent it with friends on Lake Lewisville in North Texas.

The NFL announced his suspension on Aug. 11 for violating the personal conduct policy.

This article will be updated to provide more information on this story as it becomes available.

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So now he can't enjoy life with friends? Hmmm!!!
I knew a viable Nun. She was a great Lady...wanted more human knowledge....I provided, said information...and not that reluctantly!,:):):)! What can l say...l'm Protestant!!
( for some reason flip Wilson's geraldine saying
" the devil made me do it" flashed across my frontal lobe when I read your post:lmao2:)
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