Blatantly taken out of context.
My point was the same as Avezzano’s, at that time it would best for *Romo* and the Cowboys to part ways because Romo wasn’t getting the help he needed (particularly from the coaching staff) and every time he screwed up, even if it wasn’t his fault, he was suddenly the worst QB ever. It was clearly playing into his psyche and on the team’s psyche and that he could win elsewhere with better coaching and a defense that didn’t put him in situations where you can possibly fail.
Again, taken out of context (you have a real faculty for doing that). At the *rate* we extended him, it was a horrendous move. He is a QB in his 30’s that had years left on his contract and had only won 1 playoff victory. Yet, we were willing to pay him far more than he would’ve gotten on the open market (which was still a couple of years away when he’s not getting any younger). And there was the idea that Jerry kept pitching of Romo playing until he’s 40.
If Andrew Luck was extended for $200 million when the Colts could get him for $120 million, it would be a horrendous move to extend Luck at that rate.
And I never said he was a ‘bad QB’ or ‘we need to get rid of him’ either. But, don’t let facts get in the way of your vendetta.
Saying you can't deal with a QB that "doesn't understand basic situational football" and calling Romo supporters "blind":
Never said he was a ‘bad QB’ and never said ‘we must get rid of him.’
You like to make things up.
Y’know who also said he didn’t understand ‘basic situational football?’ Jimmy Johnson and Tony Dungy. Crazy, I know. Must be completely anti-Tony Romo. Maybe you should stalk them as well.
Saying Romo has "bad fundementals" that "make the O-line look bad" and needs to be "protected from himself":
Yeah. That’s what I’ve been saying now with the ‘less is more.’
It not only applies to the pass attempts, but the audibles as well. It’s not that he can’t audible, he just audibles too often. It makes it more difficult on the O-Line. And he also has a tendency to not stick in the pocket and move around *in* the pocket and instead moves out towards the tackles which doesn’t do the O-line any favors.
Like when we played Tampa in 2011 and Romo had a wide open Miles Austin right at the goal line, but for whatever reason didn’t seen him, then for whatever reason backed up into Doug Free and then made a whirly bird escape and then finally saw Austin open and fired it for a TD. Who got all of the credit on that play? Romo. Who got all of the blame? Free. And it was Romo that made the bad play and made Free look bad. Thankfully Romo escaped and redeemed himself. But, obsequious lapdogs like yourself wouldn’t know the difference of what actually happened.
Saying that somebody has 'bad fundamentals' doesn't mean they are a 'bad player.' Lance Alworth had terrible fundamentals, but he was a Hall of Fame receiver. I guess that flies over your head.
Still didn’t say ‘he’s a bad QB’ nor did I say ‘we should get rid of him.’
And do you really believe that Romo is at his
physical peak at this point in his career? Really?
I don’t think Romo would even tell you that.
Just more reason for why less is more with Romo.
Still on yours.
Didn’t say ‘he’s a bad QB’ nor did I say ‘we should get rid of him’ other than what you blatantly took out of context by saying that it would be best for *Romo* because the team was so lousy. The egg goes on the face of the person that has to resort to taking things out of context because…well, it says it all about that person.
It also goes to the person that really questions me saying that Romo is nowhere near his physical peak anymore.
I don’t think that passes the laugh test.
But, less is more with Romo. And I’ve been saying it for years. And now we are seeing it come into fruition. I know it really burns you to see that I was right about Romo all along. So, you can chew on that for a while.