Brock Lesnar returns to WWE.

Romo 2 Austin;4531820 said:
Dolph doesn't even need a manager. He can actually cut a promo, Swagger on the other hand needs one. Badly.

I would not consider Orton my favorite wrestler but I do like him and have not seen much of a reason for his depush over the two years or so, I guess it has made him fresher so when he does step back into the spotlight and feuds with Lesnar it will mean more.

I prefer Dolph Ziggler over all the WWECreations(People that have come through developmental/massively repacked by WWE before debuting.) in years, he can wrestle cut a great promo and has a great look. He is surely a real main event player if they begin booking him properly however his name is just horrendous, Dolph Ziggler is one of the worst wrestling names ever. I really hope they do something to rename him; how they would do it I don't know but I hope they find a way.

I was on Dolph Zigglers wikipedia page and saw his real name - Nick Nemeth. That is a 100x better wrestling name than Dolph Ziggler. Would love to see him eventually denounce the Ziggler name and start wrestling as Nick Nemeth, could easily do that aswell since it is his real name. Have him denounce the WWE creative process and sticking him with Vickie Guerrero/Jack Swagger and the fakeness or something in a shoot-style CM Punk promo. Ziggler has enough charisma to carry that type of storyline and it would be able to establish him as a main eventer if done properly, plus than his name would not be ********.
I saw the main event online. Brock is chunky. Little blood. Cena won. Cena just acted like he hurt his arm & was going to be out awhile. I must have missed something but he gave this long speech about being out awhile. I don't know if he is selling this or he really did hurt his arm.
Reports are saying that the Cena v. Brock match was off the charts good and that the entire PPV was great.
Boring PPV ........ WWE better come up with some feuds that work quick.
Romo 2 Austin;4541602 said:
Reports are saying that the Cena v. Brock match was off the charts good and that the entire PPV was great.

I only saw that one match. I forgot about this PPV until it was almost over, and was able to see just this last match on free internet live streaming :D

It was pretty good I thought.
BoysFan4ever;4541565 said:
I saw the main event online. Brock is chunky. Little blood. Cena won. Cena just acted like he hurt his arm & was going to be out awhile. I must have missed something but he gave this long speech about being out awhile. I don't know if he is selling this or he really did hurt his arm.

Ive been saying for a long while now that the idea is going to be for Cena to eventually turn heel and forget the fans and do his whole thug thing. Maybe not the rapper part of it but the more aggressive style and stuff.

I believe something like this is the start to it. While he's gone the fans that hate him will not miss him, someone else will be championed as for the people, and when Cena comes back he'll be angry that they turned on him completely and forgot about him.

Or whatever way they go with it.

And there is zero shot that he gets to wrestle under his real name Nick Nemeth because then the WWE wouldn't have any way of owning his wrestling name and stuff. Zero shot they let him wrestle under that name.
Cena saves the day again?! No way! :eek:


Seriously that was crap, was hoping they'd do an 80-90 style build up of Lesnar like as a super villain no one could beat for a WM match with Taker or something instead they job him out to Cena at his first PPV back :bang2:
Ok so is Cena really hurt or just taking time off? I can hardly imagine that. He boasts so much about being there every night no matter what, that that's his life, etc. I thought Brock was awful but I can't stand the guy. I am marking off the months till his contract is over.
I just watched the show and that was absolutely the best WWE ppv they have put on in years. Better than Wrestlemania. Kudos to WWE. Lesnar v. Cena was great, Bryan v. Sheamus was the best Sheamus has ever looked and Jericho v. Punk was the best match in the feud thus far.
Romo 2 Austin;4542583 said:
I just watched the show and that was absolutely the best WWE ppv they have put on in years. Better than Wrestlemania. Kudos to WWE. Lesnar v. Cena was great, Bryan v. Sheamus was the best Sheamus has ever looked and Jericho v. Punk was the best match in the feud thus far.

I haven't seen it yet but I've got some very serious doubts that it was better than Mania.

I'm going to have a hard time believing those matches were better than The End of an Era Match, Punk vs. Jericho, and Rock vs. Cena.

But you've definately got me interested to see it now.
Ren;4542137 said:
Cena saves the day again?! No way! :eek:


Seriously that was crap, was hoping they'd do an 80-90 style build up of Lesnar like as a super villain no one could beat for a WM match with Taker or something instead they job him out to Cena at his first PPV back :bang2:

They have had Cena job the last two Wrestlemanias....before Lesnar, I had never seen Cena he has bled twice. Cena is bringing out his hardcore side and that can only be good for the WWE.

Also, Lesnar blows....but I do agree, that maybe Cena should have lost to Lesnar.....then have the feud carry all the way to Summer Slam, with Cena winning and both moving on to new feuds....Lesnar and Punk, Cena and whoever.

BTW, I would like to see Ryback continue his Goldbergesque existence and carry it all the way to Wrestlemania.....then have his winning streak vs. Undertaker's streak.....Streak vs Streak.
Vince had to have his f you UFC moment i guess cause that ending made no sense.
BraveHeartFan;4543158 said:
I haven't seen it yet but I've got some very serious doubts that it was better than Mania.

I'm going to have a hard time believing those matches were better than The End of an Era Match, Punk vs. Jericho, and Rock vs. Cena.

But you've definately got me interested to see it now.

The Undertaker v. HHH match is the best of all of them but all 3 of the matches I mentioned top anything else on the Wrestlemania card and when you compare it show v. show Extreme Rules is better, atleast in my opinion but I don't care much for the spectacle aspects of Wrestlemania so if you do enjoy that stuff you may prefer Wrestlemania. Punk v. Jericho at Extreme Rules topped their bout at Wrestlemania without a doubt.
Ren;4543269 said:
Vince had to have his f you UFC moment i guess cause that ending made no sense.

It makes even less sense that they are going with a John Cena is injured storyline. If you are going to take the guy off tv with an injury why in the world did you have to have him win the match? Absolutely nonsensical booking. The whole concept of wrestling is to suspend disbelief but with Brock that is difficult since he could legitimately kick every single person on the rosters *** without breaking much of a sweat so having SuperCena beat him in their first match is just not believable.
zrinkill;4494582 said:
If he plans on actually wrestling more than Rock did ...... I think he will fued with Cena, then HHH or Big Show, then Undertaker.

If he plans on wrestling just 2 or 3 times i see it being John for months and then Undertaker a few months before Wrestlemania leading into Taker vs Lesnar.

I wrote this 3 weeks ago.
Romo 2 Austin;4543292 said:
It makes even less sense that they are going with a John Cena is injured storyline. If you are going to take the guy off tv with an injury why in the world did you have to have him win the match? Absolutely nonsensical booking. The whole concept of wrestling is to suspend disbelief but with Brock that is difficult since he could legitimately kick every single person on the rosters *** without breaking much of a sweat so having SuperCena beat him in their first match is just not believable.

you have him win the match so that way the next night on Raw, HHH can come out and do what he did with the contract stuff. Then, he can use that loss to Cena as a way to goad Lesnar into keeping his current contract. I know it is all staged, but for the TV drama side of it, it works out masterfully. I feel the writers did a great job with the angle. Not only did Brock lose to Cena, he lost all the perks that the Stooge promised now the door has definitely been opened for Lesnar to begin his violent assault of the WWE lockerroom. , even moreso than before.
big dog cowboy;4544002 said:
I can't believe Lesnar broke HHH's arm like that.

I know...... that will probably take him at least a week to heal from.

He recovered from the broken neck Nash gave him in 3 weeks a few months ago.


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