Brock Lesnar returns to WWE.


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BoysFan4ever;4509885 said:
I would love to see that. And I'd be hoping Taker would kick his ***.

If they didn't let HHH take one from the deadman.. they arn't letting anyone take one from him.


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RoyTheHammer;4509972 said:
If they didn't let HHH take one from the deadman.. they arn't letting anyone take one from him.

Yea he won't be losing. I would love to see the type of match he & HHH have had.

Cowboy Brian

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RoyTheHammer;4509972 said:
If they didn't let HHH take one from the deadman.. they arn't letting anyone take one from him.

If a young guy gets really hot I could see them giving the rub to him, but not someone who is already established or older. No need.

Cowboy Brian

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Edges contract is set to expire on 5/1. People are speculating that he may end up with TNA in some fashion as he has long had a close relationship with Hogan.

Cowboy Brian

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Romo 2 Austin;4513735 said:
Edges contract is set to expire on 5/1. People are speculating that he may end up with TNA in some fashion as he has long had a close relationship with Hogan.

Jericho has a tour coming up with Fozzy shortly. After this program with Punk he should be on the outs aswell.


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Romo 2 Austin;4513735 said:
People are speculating that he may end up with TNA in some fashion as he has long had a close relationship with Hogan.


Edge does not have any money problems, cannot wrestle anymore, and is not pissed at Vince ....... so I could never see him going to TNA.


Slanje Va
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zrinkill;4513775 said:

Edge does not have any money problems, cannot wrestle anymore, and is not pissed at Vince ....... so I could never see him going to TNA.

Never say never in the world of sports entertainment. In saying that I think this must be close to being the exception that proves that rule.


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Romo 2 Austin;4513735 said:
Edges contract is set to expire on 5/1. People are speculating that he may end up with TNA in some fashion as he has long had a close relationship with Hogan.

This is what gets you in trouble right here... There are some things, that you shouldn't even bother reporting because it won't even come close to happening. IE: What you just said


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I won't say Edge won't go to TNA but I'm going to say that I'd be pretty shocked by it.

As for Jericho at most it would be a temporary break because it's my understanding, or I could have read it wrong, that he's signed on for a year at least with the WWE so I'd bet he'll likely be back after a break for the tour.

Of course that depends on how long the tour is going to be.

Cowboy Brian

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zrinkill;4513775 said:

Edge does not have any money problems, cannot wrestle anymore, and is not pissed at Vince ....... so I could never see him going to TNA.

Edge could go to TNA as an announcer or an authority figure and easily make 200,000 a year working 4-5 days a month.

Why would he not do it?

Cowboy Brian

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dargonking999;4513967 said:
This is what gets you in trouble right here... There are some things, that you shouldn't even bother reporting because it won't even come close to happening. IE: What you just said

If he resigns or not I don't know. We will know in 2 weeks or so, I am confident TNA will be interested in bringing him in if it does expire and I am sure he will listen due to the schedule he would have (record 3 tvs in a row, ppv) and the salary they would offer him to do that would be exceptional I am sure. I hope TNA doesn't do it since it would make them look like fools for bringing Edge in since he can not wrestle but I enjoy Edge and would not mind seeing him in an on-screen role with TNA doing edgier things than he would be allowed to in WWE. Edge does have a longtime friendship with Hogan so who knows. It makes sense for Edge to take a deal with TNA, doesn't make as much sense for them to offer one but they undoubtedly will.

Also some more TNA news from Dave Meltzer on TNA-Spike TVs negotiations.

Some notes from a conversation with Dixie Carter after she and Eric Bischoff met with Spike TV officials in New York on 4/11. Regarding taping TV on the road, she said they definitely want to do it and need to do it but it costs nearly $500,000 in total for them to tape on the road and they can’t put the company through that kind of financial drain, particularly if it doesn’t work out. She said over the next few weeks you’ll be seeing changes in how the TV is presented. Among the changes that started this week is that one episode per month (the first being the 4/18 taping that airs on 4/26) will be Open Fight Night. The idea is that a new wrestler will debut, and that new person will pick his opponent. All TNA wrestlers have to answer if they are challenged. They will have three judges as well as Hulk Hogan who will watch their match and determine if they get a contract. In addition, anyone on the roster can issue a challenge for any title. There will be more focus on younger talent. She categorized the recent period of pushing younger talent on top and somewhat lower ratings as an investment in the future and pushing home grown stars. She talked about needing a second television show saying two hours isn’t enough per week. Two good hours is more than enough. Four bad hours isn’t enough. She noted that in other parts of the world they have two shows on per week. She said they are in constant contact with Bjorn Rebney (Bellator) and both talk of ideas to help each other. She said they would be doing more training camps on the road, noting that’s how they found Jesse Sorensen and Crimson. She said she thinks 12 PPV shows a year are too many and expects the number to be lowered in the next year or two. She expects more international touring by 2013, mentioning Mexico and Australia as target markets. She said the idea of 100 to 110 live events per year with 10-15 of them overseas is a target. She said she thinks Sting is in for the long haul and will be back in 2013.

So TNA plans to up its live events to around 70% of what WWE is doing. The schedule is not nearly as light as it once was for TNA wrestlers, I love the fight night concept and can't wait to see it next week and TNA exploring cutting down the amount of PPVs is excellent aswell, if they drop to 8 that would allow for the PPVs to have a much bigger feel to them.. I hope they drop to 4(Lockdown, Slammiversary, Bound for Glory, Genesis) with a few iMPACT specials (Destination X, Hardcore Justice) which would allow them time to buildup to PPVs in a much better fashion and allow for a more interesting product.


Commanders Forever
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I met Edge about a month ago or so. He is so much smaller than I ever imagined and does not look at all like a wrestler right now. He is fit and all, but not brick wall solid like he was before. I don't think he has any interest in wrestling at all anymore.


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Romo 2 Austin;4514130 said:
Edge could go to TNA as an announcer or an authority figure and easily make 200,000 a year working 4-5 days a month.

Why would he not do it?

1) He's not an idiot
2) He's not an idiot


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Romo 2 Austin;4514134 said:
If he resigns or not I don't know. We will know in 2 weeks or so, I am confident TNA will be interested in bringing him in if it does expire and I am sure he will listen due to the schedule he would have (record 3 tvs in a row, ppv) and the salary they would offer him to do that would be exceptional I am sure. I hope TNA doesn't do it since it would make them look like fools for bringing Edge in since he can not wrestle but I enjoy Edge and would not mind seeing him in an on-screen role with TNA doing edgier things than he would be allowed to in WWE. Edge does have a longtime friendship with Hogan so who knows. It makes sense for Edge to take a deal with TNA, doesn't make as much sense for them to offer one but they undoubtedly will.

Also some more TNA news from Dave Meltzer on TNA-Spike TVs negotiations.

So TNA plans to up its live events to around 70% of what WWE is doing. The schedule is not nearly as light as it once was for TNA wrestlers, I love the fight night concept and can't wait to see it next week and TNA exploring cutting down the amount of PPVs is excellent aswell, if they drop to 8 that would allow for the PPVs to have a much bigger feel to them.. I hope they drop to 4(Lockdown, Slammiversary, Bound for Glory, Genesis) with a few iMPACT specials (Destination X, Hardcore Justice) which would allow them time to buildup to PPVs in a much better fashion and allow for a more interesting product.

I hope they do decrease the number of PPVs per year. I'd love that. I hope they do it and I hope it catches on. It's pointless to have one every single month.

I'd like to see them go back down to 6-8 per year. That would be much better than what they've got right now.

As for the Fight Night It will probably be kinda cool for about 2 weeks. Then it's going to become very old, very quickly, and it's just not going to be worth seeing. At least as far as the contracts thing goes.

Now the challenging for titles...that could be interesting. Provided that they wind up having all the champions challenged at one point or another and that on some occassions you see the titles unexpectedly change hands because of these challenges.

If it turns out that it's always an X-Division or Diva or Tag Team title challenge then it's going to wind up pretty predictable and boring.


Cowboy Fan
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Romo 2 Austin;4514134 said:
Edge does have a longtime friendship with Hogan so who knows.

The same Hogan that basically called him a ***** for retiring with a broke neck? The same Hogan that said someone who really loves the business would not let what doctors say and a broke neck stop them?

That Hogan?

Cowboy Brian

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zrinkill;4514725 said:
The same Hogan that basically called him a ***** for retiring with a broke neck? The same Hogan that said someone who really loves the business would not let what doctors say and a broke neck stop them?

That Hogan?
Yes the friendship between the two is well known, I can't explain those comments.


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zrinkill;4514725 said:
The same Hogan that basically called him a ***** for retiring with a broke neck? The same Hogan that said someone who really loves the business would not let what doctors say and a broke neck stop them?

That Hogan?

Romo 2 Austin;4514843 said:
Yes the friendship between the two is well known, I can't explain those comments.

I know they had a pretty good one when they were both in WWE, and I figure they probably did afterwards as well, but you've gotta believe that comments like that put a bit of a strain on the friendship.

I can't imagine continuing to be really good friends with someone who said something so stupid as what Hogan did about a situation that has ended the career of a guy whose supposed to be their friend.

Of course that really doesn't surprise me because Hogan, like Flair, is one of those people that only has 1 thing going for them in their entire life and they feel the need to cling onto it long, long, long after they're no longer even passably good at it.

Hogan is a chump as a person. I loved the guy as a kid, and teenager, in wrestling but in the last 10 years all he's done is go further and further downhill and become a bigger and bigger piece of crap.


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Edge may want a permanent acting career. I know he has done some tv work and that movie. He's a good looking personable guy. Maybe get a good agent and see if he can go the Rock route.