Smith's forearm is on the turf, but Roy made contact at almost the exact same time Smith's knee hit the turf -- it's too close to tell if it was slightly off the ground or not. But his body still was completely off the ground. And keep in mind that he was running full speed and diving. There's a difference in hundredths of seconds between Smith being off the ground and hitting the ground, and Roy's hit essentially was timed perfectly.
All you have to do is look at how Roy is positioning his body. He was aiming at the ground, where he knew SMith would be. Completely unnecessary.
That's ludicrous. Roy turned to the side to AVOID "spearing" Smith -- and his helmet never even made contact with Smith.
I said "more or less" spearing him, not in the traditional sense (with helmut first), but he angled his body at Smith on the ground. He drilled him with a shoulder.
His intention was to prevent the catch, just as was his intention when he hit Chambers earlier in the game (and knocked the ball out).
Nice theory, but the hit wasn't going to have any bearing on whether it was a catch or not. Heck, the ball was already gone. Had smith caught the ball, Roy's hit would have amounted to what it was -- unecessary piling on. Had the ball came out, SMith would have had the catch already. Totally uneccessary.
Yeah, "let's let the opponent catch the ball to set up the winning touchdown." What is this, Cub Scouts?
No, it's a frigging exhibition. And if Lynch had drilled Keyshawn in a reversal of the situation, you'd be posting pictures of Lynch claiming Key was down.
You know it and I know it, so stop the homer act. It's not a crime to call what you see, even if it is one of our players.