Bucky Brooks: "It's a myth that elite QBs single-handedly carry their teams to wins"

It was his fault as it was the fault of the defense.

I come here to push back on the notion that some of you push that we shouldn't hold Dak responsible for the debacle, instead give him a pass because the defense also really sucked that day. Dak was a major factor in that loss. His play led directly to a 27-0 hole that was largely impossible to get out of.

The only embarrassing thing here is the inability of people like yourself to just say, "Yeah, Dak was bad that game too and needed to be much, much better than he was.......... he helped put us in a major hole.........." Instead we get, "Gee guys, the defense was really awful so because of that, I think we should kind of stop criticizing Dak for his poor performance, because even if he played great, we would have lost........."

Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles can see that Dak was bad that day. The problem is we have too many Stevie Wonders and Ray Charles' around here who don't see the bad play by many others on this team AS WELL.

They just blame one player for pretty much every loss.
It was his fault as it was the fault of the defense.

I come here to push back on the notion that some of you push that we shouldn't hold Dak responsible for the debacle, instead give him a pass because the defense also really sucked that day. Dak was a major factor in that loss. His play led directly to a 27-0 hole that was largely impossible to get out of.

The only embarrassing thing here is the inability of people like yourself to just say, "Yeah, Dak was bad that game too and needed to be much, much better than he was.......... he helped put us in a major hole.........." Instead we get, "Gee guys, the defense was really awful so because of that, I think we should kind of stop criticizing Dak for his poor performance, because even if he played great, we would have lost........."

No you come here to hate on Dak and the rest of the Cowboys organization. I get it. It’s easy to be a hater. To give up. To have no hope. To just come here and crap on everything Cowboys. Doesn’t take much effort. More effort is needed to understand that it’s not just 1 persons fault. This isn’t Golf or Tennis. This is football at the highest level. Yet you put most of the blame on the QB, who led the league in TD passes, accuracy and others and was in the NFL MVP race finals. An All Pro. See how golden your hate is? We’re all LOL on the floor.
You said it wasn't simple without showing anything. I dissected the play from watching the video multiple times and explained why it wasn't so difficult to see what the defense could do. You just kept saying it was complicated but you didn't have time to explain the asserted complexities, just mentioning a blitz and something else that allegedly made it complicated.

Also, whether he wasn't staring down all season is moot and is just a deflection from what he was doing on this play. Starting QBs in the league don't stare down receivers "all season" anyway.
I explained the peel and the blitz. I explained that this play was not in a vacuum.

If you want to pretend he stares down WR all the time then fine. You already don't have a clue what you are writing about.
I explained the peel and the blitz. I explained that this play was not in a vacuum.

If you want to pretend he stares down WR all the time then fine. You already don't have a clue what you are writing about.
Ooooh. “The peel and the blitz”. Something QBs have never seen before. What happened to Dak being the best QB in the league at reading and beating the blitz? Did the extra “peel” confuse him too much?

I never said he stares down the QB all the time. That’s just your misreading of my post and imposing on it some nonexistent strawman. And just saying something over and over again doesn’t prove anything.
No you come here to hate on Dak and the rest of the Cowboys organization. I get it. It’s easy to be a hater. To give up. To have no hope. To just come here and crap on everything Cowboys. Doesn’t take much effort. More effort is needed to understand that it’s not just 1 persons fault. This isn’t Golf or Tennis. This is football at the highest level. Yet you put most of the blame on the QB, who led the league in TD passes, accuracy and others and was in the NFL MVP race finals. An All Pro. See how golden your hate is? We’re all LOL on the floor.
To give up? What are you babbling about? There is nothing to give up. What happened, happened. We got smoked in a home playoff game by an inferior team where our defense played terribly, our QB failed to show up and be a consistent, good QB in a big spot, etc. It continues a trend of this team getting bounced early from the playoffs and where the QB can't find any consistency when the lights shine the brightest.

The QB is the most important position on the field. The QB has the biggest impact on whether a team wins or loses simply because they have the ball in their hands more than any other player. So yes, while the team can lose, if a QB plays poorly, given the nature of the position, it makes it difficult for the team to win. That's true of any NFL team, not just the Cowboys.

For some reason, out of some bizarre loyalty to Dak, you struggle to accept that reality.

What doesn't take much effort is just always assuming the Cowboys are great, gonna always win, that we have the best players, etc. That's mindless, effortless to just assume everything is great and will be great. Which is what you are famous for around these parts. You keep saying "we are............" as if you think a lot of people agree with on this board. LOL, boy are you in denial.
Ooooh. “The peel and the blitz”. Something QBs have never seen before. What happened to Dak being the best QB in the league at reading and beating the blitz? Did the extra “peel” confuse him too much?

I never said he stares down the QB all the time. That’s just your misreading of my post and imposing on it some nonexistent strawman. And just saying something over and over again doesn’t prove anything.
You said it was a simple man call. Now you are arguing something else.

Have fun flailing.
You said it was a simple man call. Now you are arguing something else.

Have fun flailing.
No. I showed it was simple enough to dissect. You showed nothing. Have fun making excuses to yourself and never answering how it was so complicated. But I guess you could be right since complicated could be relative too. One man’s complicated is another better-person-at-it’s simple. I mean, it was obviously complicated for Dak. It made him stare down CeeDee the entire way because that’s what complicated plays make good QBs do. :rolleyes:
No. I showed it was simple enough to dissect. You showed nothing. Have fun making excuses to yourself and never answering how it was so complicated. But I guess you could be right since complicated could be relative too. One man’s complicated is another better-person-at-it’s simple. I mean, it was obviously complicated for Dak. It made him stare down CeeDee the entire way because that’s what complicated plays make good QBs do. :rolleyes:
You have broken it down by position and called it simple. What is this 'simple' play called?

How did it compare to the other looks out of that alignment they had given Prescott?

I like how you have boiled down to you thinking it simple and that means something outside of your head.
You have broken it down by position and called it simple. What is this 'simple' play called?

How did it compare to the other looks out of that alignment they had given Prescott?

I like how you have boiled down to you thinking it simple and that means something outside of your head.
None of these obfuscating questions matter whatsoever and don’t deny the fact that Dak stared down CeeDee the entire way. If the guy can’t see a LB covering the slot has an opportunity to blitz or cover the receiver and the safety can either take his place or stay where he is, then he shouldn’t being playing QB. These are pre-snap reads. And if you never had the time to explain it five posts ago, why are you asking me irrelevant questions now?
None of these obfuscating questions matter whatsoever and don’t deny the fact that Dak stared down CeeDee the entire way. If the guy can’t see a LB covering the slot has an opportunity to blitz or cover the receiver and the safety can either take his place or stay where he is, then he shouldn’t being playing QB. These are pre-snap reads. And if you never had the time to explain it five posts ago, why are you asking me irrelevant questions now?
Cause it demonstrates to anyone else reading your limitations. We have an audience in a forum.

I am not trying to convince you of anything. It's a waste of time.
Cause it demonstrates to anyone else reading your limitations. We have an audience in a forum.

I am not trying to convince you of anything. It's a waste of time.
That’s rich coming from the guy who’s making all kinds of excuses for the limitations of the player he’s trying to defend.
That’s rich coming from the guy whose making all kinds of excuses for the limitations of the player he’s trying to defend.
Okay. I am trying to talk about why he was staring.

You want that he did to be the only thing that matters.

You can think you won if it makes you feel better.
No. When one unit (and I mean the entire unit) plays bad for one half and the other unit plays historically bad for an entire game, putting them on equal billing is not an honest take. The offense could have been great or awful or anywhere in between but unless it was able to be so great that it was set a new precedent then that game was over because the defense failed for the entire game.
Not seeing how terrible Dak was in the 1st half is an extremely dishonest take.

Think about this. If the GB O put in all their backups, then the D would've been able to make some stops. That is what happened to allow Dak to makes some yardage. He didn't play better so much as the GB D went into prevent and played backups allowing him to move the ball. Using your words, if you can't see this then you don't have an honest take.
No you come here to hate on Dak and the rest of the Cowboys organization. I get it. It’s easy to be a hater. To give up. To have no hope. To just come here and crap on everything Cowboys. Doesn’t take much effort. More effort is needed to understand that it’s not just 1 persons fault. This isn’t Golf or Tennis. This is football at the highest level. Yet you put most of the blame on the QB, who led the league in TD passes, accuracy and others and was in the NFL MVP race finals. An All Pro. See how golden your hate is? We’re all LOL on the floor.
Yes, we are, you're just mistaken at who the LOL's are going at.
I hope he does get extended. That way I can rub your nose in his choking episodes. Dak has completely ruined everything the Cowboys use to be.
This morning...NFL network played super 12 and super bowl .....er...our 1st 90's super bowl win. .

Watching those 2 QBs play...especially Aikman being closer to modern era....is embarrassing us now.

Deer in headlights look. 14 free easy points on the most STUPID plays possible.

It's embarrassing anyone defends this QB's play in big games...I don't care what the rest of the team does. When the QB contributes to the embarrassment instead of rescuing from it...I dang will call it out.

If that makes me a "hater"...so be it. A "hater" of Dak? Maybe. A true fan of THE Dallas Cowboys and their legend? Hell yes.
No QB can “single-handedly” carry a team to a win. They need some help and they don’t play defense.
I explained the peel and the blitz. I explained that this play was not in a vacuum.

If you want to pretend he stares down WR all the time then fine. You already don't have a clue what you are writing about.
He never said he stares down "all the time". Implying...ALL the time. EVERY time.

Why are you lying about it so you can argue?
But it was not simple man because of the bracket and the blitz. I don't have the time to get you to understand
And yet here you are...having the time. Weird/
No QB can “single-handedly” carry a team to a win. They need some help and they don’t play defense.
Who said they need to "single-handedly carry the team to a win"?

Point it out and we can clarify it for you.

It goes without saying what he posted. There’s been some average QBs win Super Bowls because they had great teams around them. However, it does take great QB play to win Super Bowls these days. You can’t just pound the rock all day in postseason and play great defense and expect to win. Most championships come down to the QB having to make a play. A lot more is put on the QB these days which is why they’re getting paid so much money and so many are overdrafted every April.

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