Camelot, The Borgias, Game of Thrones.

Maikeru-sama;3922460 said:
I haven't decided if I want to wait and watch several episodes at a time or watch them 1 at a time.

I have not seen episode 2 yet.

I have watched each episode twice ...of course there are only two but I found them that interesting.
BrAinPaiNt;3922480 said:
I have watched each episode twice ...of course there are only two but I found them that interesting.

Yeah, it is very difficult for me to wait an entire week to see another episode.

The downside of marathoning is that you cannot discuss each episode with everyone.
ChldsPlay;3922333 said:
That's what I remember thinking about Tyrion when I first read the series, that he was just an ugly disgusting thing, but now that I'm rereading the series, I think it is just his dwarfism that is considered hideous, not that he is deformed and grotesque or anything. I actually think Dinklage, and maybe Bean are the best casting choices in the series.

theogt;3922452 said:
Oh, definitely.

I hope HBO has set aside a decent CGI budget for what will be required at certain points in future seasons.
ChldsPlay;3922775 said:
I hope HBO has set aside a decent CGI budget for what will be required at certain points in future seasons.

Future seasons? How is the series rating so far? I honestly haven't been very happy w/ the past 2 episodes.

They aren't terribly bad, but force feeding this all in 10 episodes is ruining some things for my friends and I.
ConcordCowboy;3919844 said:
I'd make it my mission in life to get back at that ***** of a Queen as payback for Lady.

Cersei's a medieval Michael Vick. TC would ask her for an autograph.
Dallas;3922785 said:
Future seasons? How is the series rating so far? I honestly haven't been very happy w/ the past 2 episodes.

They aren't terribly bad, but force feeding this all in 10 episodes is ruining some things for my friends and I.

Ratings so far? Season 2 was green lit 2 days after Episode 1 aired.

The reviews for the show thus far are phenomenal.

Song of Ice and Fire is my favorite series ever. No other set of books even comes close to me.

So far I think the show is going amazingly. Most of the changes I've seen I can completely understand. There is a TON of inner monologue in the books, and without that they have to show things differently, or add sequences, so you can get the same feel for the characters. It's hard to do but they are doing very well.

So far I think someone who hadn't read the books would have a very similar feel for the characters as they would have had they just read the first few chapters of GoT.


Yeah, Dinklage OWNS this show. Every scene with him in it is full of epic awesomeness.
One thing I hope they improve on is the sense of time. A lot of people may not realize how much time is passing in these episodes since they aren't really many indicators of it and some might think it's all taking place in a matter of days when it's really months.

I can't wait to see Dinklage during Tyrion's ordeal at the Eyrie.

My problems with some of the acting from episode 1 was eased in episode 2 (Sansa and Viserys were much better). I still unsure how I feel about how Catelyn's character is being handled. Some things I think are right with her, others seem almost the opposite of how she would react.
I decided to go ahead and watch the show weekly :D .

I thought episode 2 was pretty good.

I know the Direwolves are still young but I just imagined a more ferocious looking animal then what is being shown.

As someone else already stated, I think it was a mistake for Lady Stark not to tell Jon that it should have been him that got hurt instead of Bran.

I am about to watch episode 3 as soon as it finishes downloading :laugh2: .
ChldsPlay;3928534 said:
One thing I hope they improve on is the sense of time. A lot of people may not realize how much time is passing in these episodes since they aren't really many indicators of it and some might think it's all taking place in a matter of days when it's really months.

I can't wait to see Dinklage during Tyrion's ordeal at the Eyrie.

My problems with some of the acting from episode 1 was eased in episode 2 (Sansa and Viserys were much better). I still unsure how I feel about how Catelyn's character is being handled. Some things I think are right with her, others seem almost the opposite of how she would react.
People may not realize it, but there's enough indication for you to realize the time span if you're paying attention.

Tyrion may be my favorite HBO character ever. And that's a tall order (no pun intended).
Tyrion is probably the best character in the books, add to that perfect casting and it's no surprise he's turning out so well on the show.

The show should be getting ready to really ramp things up starting possibly next week. Should be good stuff.

I'm curious if any of you who haven't read the books have any theories about what will happen, who will/won't die, etc.

Camelot I thought improved last week, but this week I've been pretty bored by the episode (I haven't finished it yet).
ChldsPlay;3945290 said:
Tyrion is probably the best character in the books, add to that perfect casting and it's no surprise he's turning out so well on the show.

The show should be getting ready to really ramp things up starting possibly next week. Should be good stuff.

I'm curious if any of you who haven't read the books have any theories about what will happen, who will/won't die, etc.

Camelot I thought improved last week, but this week I've been pretty bored by the episode (I haven't finished it yet).
No idea. I bought the books and have read some things on the internet and it spoiled things so I've stopped reading about it entirely. I'm just along for the excellent ride now.
Teren_Kanan;3897930 said:
Yeah. I've reread the series about 5 times now and you pick up new things each time you read it.

You a fan of the R+L=J theory? =p

To update on this now that I'm finishing up the first book, I have noticed a lot more that lend some credence to that theory. There's definitely something big to do with R & L (or at least L for sure) and it'll be interesting to see if I catch anymore clues that indicate it may be J.
Apparently you'll be able to watch episode 7 immediately after 6 on HBO GO.
ChldsPlay;3949878 said:
Apparently you'll be able to watch episode 7 immediately after 6 on HBO GO.

Nice :)

This show is fugging amazing. I'm SUPER picky about shows and movies. The books are my favorite work of fiction all time, so I really tired not to let my hopes get too high on this show.. but HBO Delivers.

Last ep was awesome. The ending scene was so well done.

Tyrion/Theon scene was awesome as well. Fuggin love Dinklage's Tyrion.
ChldsPlay;3949878 said:
Apparently you'll be able to watch episode 7 immediately after 6 on HBO GO.

Awesome! HBO Go is probably my favorite Android app of all time (minus Super User, of course). They need to hurry and port it to the Xoom, though.

Nice :)

This show is fugging amazing. I'm SUPER picky about shows and movies. The books are my favorite work of fiction all time, so I really tired not to let my hopes get too high on this show.. but HBO Delivers.

Last ep was awesome. The ending scene was so well done.

Tyrion/Theon scene was awesome as well. Fuggin love Dinklage's Tyrion.

Still really loving the show as well, and I'm even starting to appreciate the casting choice of Catelyn. Dinklage was such an excellent choice, and I really like the girl who plays Arya.

You know what though? I'm starting to HATE Mark Addy (the guy the plays King Robert). I just don't think he's doing a very good job and his voice grates on my nerves.
Teren_Kanan;3950019 said:
Nice :)

This show is fugging amazing. I'm SUPER picky about shows and movies. The books are my favorite work of fiction all time, so I really tired not to let my hopes get too high on this show.. but HBO Delivers.

Last ep was awesome. The ending scene was so well done.

Tyrion/Theon scene was awesome as well. Fuggin love Dinklage's Tyrion.
Hmm. Dinklage, as always, is great, and I'm really happy to see him with a role that's worthy of him (if you haven't seen "The Station Agent", do).

However, I can't think of any other performances that I'd call more than adequate. And some are less than that. Drogo for one brings nothing to the table - you get none of the charisma that makes him a leader, and more importantly, makes Daenarys love him. He's just there, grunting occasionally.

The show is extremely faithful to the book, which for me isn't always a great thing. Some scenes really feel like they're just reading from the book. They've got all those big elaborate sets, but too often it still comes off small and not very cinematic.

Overall, I'm enjoying it quite a lot and I'll keep watching it. But it's not blowing me away by any stretch.
jimnabby;3950066 said:
Hmm. Dinklage, as always, is great, and I'm really happy to see him with a role that's worthy of him (if you haven't seen "The Station Agent", do).

However, I can't think of any other performances that I'd call more than adequate. And some are less than that. Drogo for one brings nothing to the table - you get none of the charisma that makes him a leader, and more importantly, makes Daenarys love him. He's just there, grunting occasionally.

The show is extremely faithful to the book, which for me isn't always a great thing. Some scenes really feel like they're just reading from the book. They've got all those big elaborate sets, but too often it still comes off small and not very cinematic.

Overall, I'm enjoying it quite a lot and I'll keep watching it. But it's not blowing me away by any stretch.

Agreed on Drogo. He's my biggest disappointment along with Rob Baratheon. The producers didn't invest nearly enough on him though that's likely because he's not a particularly important character.

You nailed it on the almost claustrophobic feeling though and it really hit home for me during Eddard's tournament. I looked like something I'd put on in my back yard. Not nearly the spectacle I'd imagined it being.

Not the greatest HBO show ever (that will always be The Wire for me), but it's great and I'm very much looking forward to getting into the meat of the story.

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