Can Cowboys build a championship caliber team without a HOF caliber QB?


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I don’t know about HOF caliber but I think you need a legit top 5 QB in today’s game to win a SB. Look at 49ers. Elite defense, elite running game yet no ring. Winning a SB is very hard even with a great roster. But the days of a middle of the pack QB winning I think are gone
Unfortunately if there’s only a handful of less of Top 5 QB’s at any given time the rest of the league must attempt to build around a lesser type QB.

I’d argue the 49ers are one of those teams which has. Buffalo and Baltimore might be a couple others.

That’s really all you can do. And there has been some less than Top 5 QB’s win SB. The list is much longer on those who have at least reached a SB.


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And it could be years. In 3 years we are look back at this past draft and most of the QB’s will be busts based on where they were picked. They may be a top 15 but a top 10 pick is a bust if he’s just avg
I hear what you’re saying but I’d argue most teams who found their future Franchise QB with 1st round pick would consider it a success. He doesn’t have to be a HOF caliber just because he was a top 3 pick.


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Sorry, but I think that there are far too many outside influences involved to accurately determine if a QB is truly a "HOF caliber QB" or not. :huh:
There’s going to be various opinions but I’d bet most could agree on more than we wouldn’t.

Currently the list amongst active QB’s is limited. Cause we have so many up and coming potential HOF caliber QB’s which I’m not sure we can put in this list yet.

Rogers and Mahomes probably only 2 currently which will be a lock.

Jackson, Allen and Stafford could be on a short list pending the rest of their career.

There’s some others on that potential young and upcoming list too like Burrows or Herbert for example which it’s too early to list them yet. Some might want to call them Elite which I’m fine with but Elite might not necessarily be HOF caliber which is a shorter list.


Cowboys Diehard
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There’s going to be various opinions but I’d bet most could agree on more than we wouldn’t.

Currently the list amongst active QB’s is limited. Cause we have so many up and coming potential HOF caliber QB’s which I’m not sure we can put in this list yet.

Rogers and Mahomes probably only 2 currently which will be a lock.

Jackson, Allen and Stafford could be on a short list pending the rest of their career.

There’s some others on that potential young and upcoming list too like Burrows or Herbert for example which it’s too early to list them yet. Some might want to call them Elite which I’m fine with but Elite might not necessarily be HOF caliber which is a shorter list.
With all due respect, the list of those rare birds who deserve such advanced adoration would be extremely limited, as you seem to suggest. ;)


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This is a great question

Can it be done? Yes.
Can the Cowboys do it? No.

Front office isn’t good enough. Doesn’t utilize all resources to build the team to have a strong enough team to do it. They also do not invest enough into elite caliber coaching. Take alll of this into the equation and a HOF caliber qb is the only way this team will win. It’s the same reason why Romo never got it done and it’s the same reason why Dak isn’t getting it done now.
Not a great question. If Cowboys win the SB, Dak is in the HOF.


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When we look back in history the teams which have success without a HOF caliber QB most have done so with Elite defenses . Some needed a generational type #1 defense .

And some still had a QB who was average to above average talent which they didn’t need to carry them . He was enough to move the offense, make big plays when needed and most importantly not give up the ball costing them better opportunities to win.

There’s been several throughout history. Do we think we can build that type of team ? If not then we must find a QB who can carry a less than great team. Unfortunately there’s only maybe a handful or less at anytime.

Which scenario better suits our organization?
Since1994 Jerry Jones has proven as long as he is owner, GM, and defacto Head Coach you will never have a championship team with or without a Hall of Fame Caliber QB.

Some of you think Romo is a HOFer. Dak stats are equal or better than Romo and he is a season away from all time numbers in Cowboys history.

No! The answer with Jerry Dumbo GM Jones is No!


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This is a great question

Can it be done? Yes.
Can the Cowboys do it? No.

Front office isn’t good enough. Doesn’t utilize all resources to build the team to have a strong enough team to do it. They also do not invest enough into elite caliber coaching. Take alll of this into the equation and a HOF caliber qb is the only way this team will win. It’s the same reason why Romo never got it done and it’s the same reason why Dak isn’t getting it done now.
This front office has not idenity.....other than the ability to make money. You are spot on about coaching. McCarthy is a coach who was OUT of football all together. Not saying he is a bad coach....but with a front office that is average....simply a good coach is not nearly enough. A good but not great QB (Eli Manning, Russell Wilson) need a much better front office with an identity...and a much better coaching staff (but it would take a front office with an identiy to pick the right coach)

I mean think about it...this front office was really grooming Kellen Moore....Kellen be the next head coach. It's why they told Mike McCarthy when he was hired to leave Kellen Moore alone. Even after it became obvious that Moore lacked a feel for the ebb and flow of a game he could not interfere! It took them a couple of years to feel comfortable letting Mike be the head coach


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This front office has not idenity.....other than the ability to make money. You are spot on about coaching. McCarthy is a coach who was OUT of football all together. Not saying he is a bad coach....but with a front office that is average....simply a good coach is not nearly enough. A good but not great QB (Eli Manning, Russell Wilson) need a much better front office with an identity...and a much better coaching staff (but it would take a front office with an identiy to pick the right coach)

I mean think about it...this front office was really grooming Kellen Moore....Kellen be the next head coach. It's why they told Mike McCarthy when he was hired to leave Kellen Moore alone. Even after it became obvious that Moore lacked a feel for the ebb and flow of a game he could not interfere! It took them a couple of years to feel comfortable letting Mike be the head coach
Can’t win squat with average front office, above average qb, and average head coach. It’s just not good enough.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Depends how rest of his career played out. One Ring might not be enough.
Truth. Some of his critics downplay his career but Jim Plunkett has two Super Bowl rings. He is entering his 31st year of consideration for induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.


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When we look back in history the teams which have success without a HOF caliber QB most have done so with Elite defenses . Some needed a generational type #1 defense .

And some still had a QB who was average to above average talent which they didn’t need to carry them . He was enough to move the offense, make big plays when needed and most importantly not give up the ball costing them better opportunities to win.

There’s been several throughout history. Do we think we can build that type of team ? If not then we must find a QB who can carry a less than great team. Unfortunately there’s only maybe a handful or less at anytime.

Which scenario better suits our organization?
Dak and the Cowboys have been the perfect storm, at least so far. Dak has had these stretches where he plays at an elite level and looks like a top 3 QB. This gives Jerry justification to both pay him, and then to use him as an excuse for his cheap to nonexistent spending in Free Agency. Then, Dak can't (or at least hasn't thus far) sustain that level of play against elite teams/in the playoffs, and clearly needs more help than this front office is willing to give him. It also hasn't helped that our defense hasn't been able to pick up the slack. Even when they hold SF to 15-25 points, they failed to stop them when the game was on the line or it really mattered. So unfortunately, they will likley pay Dak a large contract and once again rely solely on the draft to put a team around him. By the time certain players develop, others will be past their prime, so unless Jerry is actually willing to go "all in" and take some cap risks in Free Agency, this team is always going to be stuck in purgatory. I think this will be true for any QB, unless we can luck into a Burrow or Mahomes on a rookie deal. Even then the lingering cap hit from whatever deal Dak signs will likely prevent the team from spending what they should. Though, at some point Dak will likely be gone and we'll have a band aid season where we tank with a subpar FA QB and eat all the dead money from these contracts. I just don't think it'll be next year like some of y'all do. They are signing Dak.

Our best hope, despite the overwhelming sample size to the contrary, is that Dak has his stretch of elite play at the right time for once, in January and February, and that the rest of the team rallies around him. This could be a good season IF all of our injured players come back strong and IF they can find a consistent running back/game. I imagine they will have to make a Cooper-esque trade for a back in October.


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Yea but did Romo’s career or accumulated statistics like in yards and TD’s rank in top 10 in NFL history.

A long career with these type of stats is only way to qualify without winning championships. Maybe a MVP or 2 would help. Romo didn’t even ever lead the league in passing.
That was my point. My original claim was that Tony Romo would be a Hall of Famer today if the Cowboys would have won a SB when he was starting. He's not a top ten. However, if you were to combine his numbers with a championship along with his personal story, it's my opinion that it would have been enough.


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And it could be years. In 3 years we are look back at this past draft and most of the QB’s will be busts based on where they were picked. They may be a top 15 but a top 10 pick is a bust if he’s just avg
Facts mam it's crazy how much our fans are delusional and nonsensical


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When we look back in history the teams which have success without a HOF caliber QB most have done so with Elite defenses . Some needed a generational type #1 defense .

And some still had a QB who was average to above average talent which they didn’t need to carry them . He was enough to move the offense, make big plays when needed and most importantly not give up the ball costing them better opportunities to win.

There’s been several throughout history. Do we think we can build that type of team ? If not then we must find a QB who can carry a less than great team. Unfortunately there’s only maybe a handful or less at anytime.

Which scenario better suits our organization?
Obviously NO. Proof is 30 years


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Changes in the game for QB's began around 1979. At any point in time, there have been scores of QB's entering this league and Romo's performance have been superior to almost all of them.

Even if you want to compare Romo to his contemporaries, he is at the top.

Tony Romo entered the league in 2003 and left in 2016. During that period, 240 QB's threw at least one pass. Of the 70 different QB's that threw at least 1000 passes, Romo has the 6th best passer rating. Of the five in front of him, one is in the HOF already, the other four will probably end up in the HOF.

Of these 70 QB's, Romo is ranked 5th in completion percentage, 3rd in TD percentage and 4th in yards/attempt.

The only difference between the players in front of him is they all won at least one Super Bowl and are considered strong candidates for the HOF if they aren't already in.
6th best shouldn't be in HOF.

I'm very critical when it comes to HOF. Only 2 QBs that are a shoe in recently are PManning and Brady. Brees is on the cusp. I prolly put Rodgers in.

Sure, began around 79. And until recently there were only one or two 5,000 yd seasons. Now they are common. QB's are throwing for more as the rules favor the O more and more.