You can claim what you like. Sophistry is not ignorance. It is what it is. Sophocles was the head of a group of jurists and teachers in 5th century BC Athens. They would advocate and teach for a fee and then argue for a conclusion much like modern day lawyers to settle disputes. Plato and Aristotle both believed in truth in and of itself. That was part of where their whole thing about forms and categories derived from.
They reviled the Sophists for lack of ethics in particular a disregard for the truth. I agree with them. It has nothing to do with ignorance and everything to do with their behavior and methods. Sophists are not inherently wrong either but the method will not necessarily lead to the truth and lends to inequity.
Perhaps you should review your old coursework if you are not just lying to prop yourself up.
My argument is based on logic. Again his footwork is inconsistent because of technique issues not because of ability. It explains the disparate reports on it. You know very well that there are reports that support that plus I linked game footage that showed it too. I don't mindlessly let Dane Brugler think for me. That is you.
Further the burden of proof has been on you to support your claim for the basis of the Cowboy's coach's decision which you have claimed to know. You failed. An assertion without basis is to be disregarded. That is simple skepticism. If you want to believe something without proof or basis then have at it but it is unscientific amongst other issues.
And speak for yourself I have stated explicitly my argument about Collins several times. He has the physical traits and abilities but needs to work on his technique. I have no idea where he is in all that but I would not be against the coaches working towards it if they decided.
I am not the one that feigns certainty where there is none and I am comfortable with uncertainty. You should try it.
And finally as for Spence/Bosa, we both know that you were not just claiming that Brugler said that. You picked up what you thought Broaddus and he were selling too. It would be consistent with what you are doing here.
Brugler said all kinds of things and had Bosa in his top 2 or 3 the whole time leading up to the draft. He would equivocate a lot but if you think the difference between his #3 prospect and his #15 prospect was run stopping in today's NFL I think youre delusional. That is not even the point though.
The point is not whether or not I would admit such and such. Well maybe it is to you but you are blinded by your ego and getting some meaningless point of fact right. The point is that last year proved that Bosa was the superior player as a pass rusher or any other metric. Broaddus and Brugler if he indeed thought that were wrong.
Broaddus has no issue admitting it and Brugler claims that Bosa was his guy now. You should try honoring the truth.
Yawn, same old denial and poor logic.
Put simply, you have an argument based upon a a false premise, an invalid argument grounded in ignorance with a false conclusion that can not be proven to be true in the real world, that is sophistry.
You are wrong about Collins struggling with just technique Brugler mentions limited kickslide range, lack of elite arm length, choppy footwork, and the mental factors of recongnition of blitz pick up and struggling with multiple blitzers that would cause any player playing Right Tackle to struggle with protection, duh!
I have looked at all of Collins game tape and he had the same issues that Dane, Jeremiah and Pauline indicated that is why he is ideally suited to be kicked inside to G.
The Cowboys figured this out quick and he has played G ever since, that is the reality, you are literally arguing for something that is simply projection conjecture based upon your opinion which is wrong looking at the game tape and full body of work.
You are offering an argument and putting forth a premise and conclusion so you do owe a burden of proof which you can not give because your premise is false, argument invalid and conclusion is false an unprovable.
My argument is verified by the fact that Collins has been playing LG for the Cowboys exclusively for two years, was tried at RT and moved within two weeks.
Further, he has flourished at the position due to his strengths and by mitigating his weaknesses.
You have no idea what Collins would be at RT other than wish projection, you have no way to prove your conclusion as well, so this is literally just your misinformed opinion as usual.
Dane looks at all the tape as well and goes to the games and bowl games to evaluate while you sit at home in your snuggy and pontificate about things you know not of accordingly, it is obvious.
Last, the argument was literally about what Brugler said, that Spence was the best pur pass rusher in the draft off the edge, using words like speed or whatever does not change that he meant getting to the QB off the edge.
Because you were on Bosa's jock, oddly enough someone who Brugler likes and admits is the better overall player, you could not fathom how he could say Spence was the better pure pass rusher and he did numerous times on video, like you always do, you denied it, tried to play word semantics.
We are done on the subject because we are never going to agree, it is simply a waste of time.