Can the Cowboys afford any 40M QB?


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OU gets over hyped because they have a weak schedule and the defenses provide no resistance.

Their QBs usually get overhyped because of it. Baker should’ve never been the 1st QB taken.
You can say that about a lot of teams and QB's. Look at Haskins.


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Again, the point isn't about Brady or any other QB, it is about this brain trust's inability to build around an expensive QB when they couldn't do that with a cheap one.

How many teams do you think can allocate top money to a QB, RB, WR and a couple of OL and compete? The imbalance between O and D is among the worst in the league and I do not see that changing and a 40M QB isn't going to help that.

The problem isn't the QB or his cap hit, it is the faulty plan in team building. The way this team is built, they need to take a QB in the 1st to have the 5th year option and plan on changing QB's every 5 years, if they can hit on a top 10 guy.
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1st Round Pick
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You can say that about a lot of teams and QB's. Look at Haskins.

I agree.. There is a lot of overhyped QBs that get drafted but even guys like Baker Mayfield can succeed with the right team around them so focus on the team and stop paying these guys like him 40 million and capping what you can put around them.

The market is basically asking if you want a decent QB and be mediocre or a cheap QB and team building for a shot at a Super Bowl.

As the pay Dak crowd loves to tell me.. They think we’re going to have it all while he is getting paid and it’s just football utopia that doesn’t exist and even if it could be done do you really see the Jones’s as the ones who could do it?


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if you don't think this f/o can't build a team around a $40mil QB....why the hell would you trust them to build around a cheaper QB?
the same people are callin the shots either way.
tampa bay didnt win the super bowl because their QB was cheap.....they won it because he's the greatest too ever do this.

sign around him thru the draft.
don't chase f/a's....identify your own you want to keep.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
OK well this is an entirely different discussion..the OPs post is full of misinformation..

No, it's just information that you don't want to hear or understand because of your infatuation with the Dakky Do.


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This isn't about Prescott, it is about the team. It's not about establishing his worth. Or any QB's worth.

Do you think the Cowboys would be a championship caliber team with Mahomes or Watson? The two 40M QB's. Think Rodgers or Wilson at 35m and 33M would do it?

TB did what they did with a 25M QB considered the GOAT. KC got there with their QB still on his rookie deal. BAL and BUF got their with QB's on their rookie deals.

When NE was winning all those trophies, what were they paying their QB and why was that? Kraft even said Brady really has no choice meaning if he wanted to stay in NE and keep gathering jewelry, he had to be cooperative on the salary. Because Kraft as the owner understood Belichick the HC was all about the team.

The most successful HC in NFL history would not pay any QB 40M. He had the best and was willing to trade him if he didn't fit in the cap formula. He actually planned on doing that. There's a lesson to be learned there.

It doesn't matter what QB the Cowboys have, they cannot pay him that much of the cap because they are challenged in deciding what to pay other players. They are average team builders at best.

Because of how they distribute the cap, they have to be dead on in the draft, particularly on the D side. Are they? Are they even good in FA with the D? Paying any QB 40M only exacerbates what is already the problem along with being challenged with player evaluations.

The Dallas Cowboys are the prime example of what happens with a team paying too much to too many, it is feast and famine on the same team. And they will all stay hungry.

In the short run, the best thing they can do is get a rookie QB, keep Dalton and focus on the rest of the team. If they don't, the long run doesn't matter.
I’m not sure if our dysfunctional organization is a good example for the rest of the league? Lol

We are seeing sound football franchises pay their QB’s. And remain contenders. While the one who didn’t pay him we always want to place on a pedestal of his own wasn’t a contender without his QB.

I tend to lean in paying your QB to remain a contender.


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This team, if healthy, is 100% a Superbowl contender with Mahomes at the helm. There is no question in my mind. The defense would still be OK to bad, but Mahomes with the tools this offense has would be filthy.


Captain Catfish
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They need to figure out how to get the Jets pick so they can take Zach Wilson.
Ive looked and looked at how to go from 10 to 2, somehow making a trade with the jets, and the Jets definitely wouldnt entertain any Dak considerations, so it would take a lot of draft stock to get up there.
This years 1st, next years first might do it.
Better be pretty sold on Wilson though.


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It all comes down to , do you believe Dak is legit Franchise QB . And franchise doesn’t mean elite.

If you do then we should sign him like most of their other franchises do. And try to build as best you can around him. It’s actually pretty simple stuff.

If you don’t believe he’s a Franchise QB then you move on . What do you think our owners believe?


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This isn't about Prescott, it is about the team. It's not about establishing his worth. Or any QB's worth.

Do you think the Cowboys would be a championship caliber team with Mahomes or Watson? The two 40M QB's. Think Rodgers or Wilson at 35m and 33M would do it?

TB did what they did with a 25M QB considered the GOAT. KC got there with their QB still on his rookie deal. BAL and BUF got their with QB's on their rookie deals.

When NE was winning all those trophies, what were they paying their QB and why was that? Kraft even said Brady really has no choice meaning if he wanted to stay in NE and keep gathering jewelry, he had to be cooperative on the salary. Because Kraft as the owner understood Belichick the HC was all about the team.

The most successful HC in NFL history would not pay any QB 40M. He had the best and was willing to trade him if he didn't fit in the cap formula. He actually planned on doing that. There's a lesson to be learned there.

It doesn't matter what QB the Cowboys have, they cannot pay him that much of the cap because they are challenged in deciding what to pay other players. They are average team builders at best.

Because of how they distribute the cap, they have to be dead on in the draft, particularly on the D side. Are they? Are they even good in FA with the D? Paying any QB 40M only exacerbates what is already the problem along with being challenged with player evaluations.

The Dallas Cowboys are the prime example of what happens with a team paying too much to too many, it is feast and famine on the same team. And they will all stay hungry.

In the short run, the best thing they can do is get a rookie QB, keep Dalton and focus on the rest of the team. If they don't, the long run doesn't matter.
You guys know it's a number and his cap hit wont really be 40ml until maybe year 3 when his guarantees are almost done with smh


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@CouchCoach Can the Cowboys afford to pay a QB $40M? Yes, they can structure the contract and push the money to the later years. Not a wise strategy in my opinion. This just kicks the can down the road and the team will eventually pay the price. Look at the Stealers right now. Cap hell trying to figure out what to do with Ben. The Stealers are just going to have to bite the bullet, eat Ben's dead cap, and hope Rudolph or Haskins can hold the fort down until they draft a new QB or get the money to pay a FA.

Putting $40M in one position is just playing with fire. One injury to that player and the season is over. If that player has a bad year or an off year, the season is over because too many eggs in one basket.

I believe there is a psychological component to paying one player extremely more than most on the team. If I am a WR, that $40M QB better put that ball right on the money if I am going across the middle. That $40M QB better not be high on his throw and expose me. Don't be throwing behind me. Don't be making me dig it out of the turf. $40M QBs do not ever point the finger at another player or coach. That will lead to team dissension in record time.

Fans expect the world from $40M QBs. I don't want to hear about pressure up the middle. You make $40M, shut up about pressure. I don't want to hear abut tipped balls. Why is the $40M QB afraid to run any more? No one wants to see a $40M QB imitating Eli going fetal rather than taking a hit. The fan base can turn on a dime with losses. There just aren't any valid excuses when one makes that type of money. You better be competing for the SB or you are stealing money.

Same thing happens in all companies. Pay one person a ton of money and the other employees will sometimes slack off (I'm swamped, give that job to the one making the big bucks). Why do I have to do this when the guy making $40M should be doing it? Companies don't want to put too many eggs in one basket because that employee could leave or get sick or quit.


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BTW, this NEVER changes. You find and then keep your QB and you draft well.
That's how you win.

KC will be in the convo every year Mahomes is healthy.
Same way GB and NO has been for the majority of their QBs healthy careers.

You won't always win it all but a quality QB is the starting point and basically ensures franchise remains profitable.

The most difficult and prized position in all of professional sports isn't something you walk away from.

That said I could accept doing so if we were well compensated. Unfortunately we aren't in a position to do so, and honestly I don't have a huge amount of faith in the FO finding the next franchise QB.


Captain Catfish
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if you don't think this f/o can't build a team around a $40mil QB....why the hell would you trust them to build around a cheaper QB?
the same people are callin the shots either way.
tampa bay didnt win the super bowl because their QB was cheap.....they won it because he's the greatest too ever do this.

sign around him thru the draft.
don't chase f/a's....identify your own you want to keep.
Gallimore and Diggs are the first baby steps, and good job by McClay and staff.
This roster is no where near able to sustain a 37-40 mill cap hit at any position.
The real build is cut all the fat off the roster, trim it down and total rebuild.
Bad contracts are on the books and dead money is the consequence.
Only a good brain trust understands this very basic principle.
So except another 20 years of mediocrity fans,, at the least 20 years,, maybe SJ isnt like daddy and understands the importance of a true football mind.
Only time will tell.


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Why are so many plumbers and bus drivers on this website suddenly Wall Street financial analysts when it comes to what players can and will get paid?


Captain Catfish
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Why are so many plumbers and bus drivers on this website suddenly Wall Street financial analysts when it comes to what players can and will get paid?
Why are you here,, you are an owner of an NFL franchise, thats what you have declared on this forum.
Shouldnt you be busy with doing NFL owner obligations?


1st Round Pick
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Ive looked and looked at how to go from 10 to 2, somehow making a trade with the jets, and the Jets definitely wouldnt entertain any Dak considerations, so it would take a lot of draft stock to get up there.
This years 1st, next years first might do it.
Better be pretty sold on Wilson though.

Where they are at as a team.. I’d rather go with Darnold over Dak.

Dak’s a good choice for someone like Pittsburgh or New England.

Dallas will have to give up some 1’s to go get Wilson but they will have to get some compensation back for Dak to do this deal.

I think the Jets can be talked into keeping Darnold. They know they have failed him imo.


Captain Catfish
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Where they are at as a team.. I’d rather go with Darnold over Dak.

Dak’s a good choice for someone like Pittsburgh or New England.

Dallas will have to give up some 1’s to go get Wilson but they will have to get some compensation back for Dak to do this deal.

I think the Jets can be talked into keeping Darnold. They know they have failed him imo.
I wouldnt give up on Darnold, I firmly believe he can follow the Josh Allen development projection.


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With Mahomes? Yes

with Watson or Dak? Maybe

With GM Jerry? Probably not even with Mahomes


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the problem with the cowboys is not the paying the franchise qb its the gm and son who has no idea how to build a team around him and history has proven that