Can the last remaining Dez fans at least accept who he really is?

I think he is as emotionally stable as you are...
At least he has millions.

You have cowboyszone and your 12k anti Dez rants.
lol seriously is dez your friend or something? seem to be taking it personally.

Yes, a poster you have never met talks crap about a former player. Why do you care so much and getting so affected by it that you have to insult other people and bring up money? Holy. Guess what, if you think verdict is unstable, what does that make you, the person who literally keeps replying? This site...I wonder why I even read it some times. Bunch of grown men acting like babies.
Jesus @Verdict you're super weird. As one of Dez's biggest fan's and defenders, I actually wanted to answer your question because I've come to terms with the fact that clearly Dez
had to go because his act wore thin even within the lockerroom. But you are incapable of having a rationale/objective discussion, just a disguised agenda. You've got to realize how weird it is right?
This goofball is a troll. He isn’t looking for an objective discussion. And you are correct about it being weird.
This guy post weird anti Dez stuff 24 hours a day. No discussion with him. No attempts to see any other perspectives. He drank JG and Linehans bath water and any criticism of them must be shifted to Dez. Read his won’t find any insight into football. You won’t find any objective discussions. Just Dez rants over and over 13k Times now...

We are agree this guy is a weirdo.
This goofball is a troll. He isn’t looking for an objective discussion. And you are correct about it being weird.
This guy post weird anti Dez stuff 24 hours a day. No discussion with him. No attempts to see any other perspectives. He drank JG and Linehans bath water and any criticism of them must be shifted to Dez. Read his won’t find any insight into football. You won’t find any objective discussions. Just Dez rants over and over 13k Times now...

We are agree this guy is a weirdo.

Glad to see you back here, brother. So I guess based on your posts you think Dezzie is 100 percent mentally and emotionally stable, right? We need to make your position on the matter known since you showed up here to discuss the topic.
lol seriously is dez your friend or something? seem to be taking it personally.

Yes, a poster you have never met talks crap about a former player. Why do you care so much and getting so affected by it that you have to insult other people and bring up money? Holy. Guess what, if you think verdict is unstable, what does that make you, the person who literally keeps replying? This site...I wonder why I even read it some times. Bunch of grown men acting like babies.
Never met him. Don’t care about Dez honestly. But every now and then I enjoy trolling a troll.
There isn’t a person here who is weirdo than this guy. His agenda against Dez seems personal for him.

Check my posting history....Check his...
See who has more Dez’s not even close..I haven’t posted in a while...
I come back to the board and this guy is still ranting about Dez. Repeating himself for 6 months now.
I would seriously like to know if the die hard Dez fans can accept that Dez isn't emotionally stable and is probably a bit of a problem for a team to deal with?

Having seen his recent twitter meltdown is it that far fetched to see that he was problematic for the Cowboys?

This isn't about his skill set or whether he was top 5 or anything else. That's a whole different debate that we aren't going to address in this thread. All of that can be debated at another time.

I would just like to know if you guys can objectively see what the Cowboys were having to deal with regarding Dez. The Amazon Prime series is also consistent with this twitter meltdown.

Is there anyone on this board that still thinks Dez isn't seriously problematic from an emotional stability point of view?
You aren't emotionally stable. You're following another man anonymously around the internet.

Someone who has reached the pinnacle of his career. Dez is better at playing football than you're at anything....except perhaps cyber stalking.
Never met him. Don’t care about Dez honestly. But every now and then I enjoy trolling a troll.
There isn’t a person here who is weirdo than this guy. His agenda against Dez seems personal for him.

Check my posting history....Check his...
See who has more Dez’s not even close..I haven’t posted in a while...
I come back to the board and this guy is still ranting about Dez. Repeating himself for 6 months now.

Ha ha. You love defending Dez. I'm not the one who is mad. I'm having a discussion and you can't participate in the discussion. You just want the discussion to stop because you don't like it.

If you want to participate here, then participate. Are you backing Dez' mental stability or not? Are you willing to acknowledge that Dez was mentally stable and part of the problem here or not?
You aren't emotionally stable. You're following another man anonymously around the internet.

Someone who has reached the pinnacle of his career. Dez is better at playing football than you're at anything....except perhaps cyber stalking.

You are right on time too. Glad you showed up. How about weighing in on the question I asked?
Glad to see you back here, brother. So I guess based on your posts you think Dezzie is 100 percent mentally and emotionally stable, right? We need to make your position on the matter known since you showed up here to discuss the topic.
My position isn’t a secret. My position is JG and Linehan are being out coached by the rest of the league and continue to fail year after year with superior talent. They wasted guys like Romos and Wittens careers. They scapegoated Dez for their failings. Dez isn’t even the issue. He is just 1 guy to me.

The difference between you and I is that I refuse to let my feelings about any player take away my critical thinking ability.

Who will they scapegoat to save their jobs next year while the rest of the real coaches continue to out coach them? Dak? Zeke?

Go ahead and avoid any discussion. Go back to your Anti Dez rant..maybe repeat yourself some more..that’s always fun.
Looks like Super Onyx and Toruk are ganging up but don't really want to answer the question I posed. You guys should gather up a few more crows.

I'll hit the Crow call a few times to get your friends over here to silence the thread. But meanwhile on the ranch, since you are here, why don't you weigh in on the legitimate question I posed in the thread.

Caw, Caw, Caw!
Ha ha. You love defending Dez. I'm not the one who is mad. I'm having a discussion and you can't participate in the discussion. You just want the discussion to stop because you don't like it.

If you want to participate here, then participate. Are you backing Dez' mental stability or not? Are you willing to acknowledge that Dez was mentally stable and part of the problem here or not?
No one here believes you are looking to have a discussion.
Look at the responses to your posts.
My position isn’t a secret. My position is JG and Linehan are being out coached by the rest of the league and continue to fail year after year with superior talent. They wasted guys like Romos and Wittens careers. They scapegoated Dez for their failings. Dez isn’t even the issue. He is just 1 guy to me.

The difference between you and I is that I refuse to let my feelings about any player take away my critical thinking ability.

Who will they scapegoat to save their jobs next year while the rest of the real coaches continue to out coach them? Dak? Zeke?

Go ahead and avoid any discussion. Go back to your Anti Dez rant..maybe repeat yourself some more..that’s always fun.

You still haven't addressed Dez mental stability. Try again. Read my original query slowly. Query means question, just in case you were wondering. I know. It's complicated.
If I could have Dez or Linehan\JG......I’d take Dez.

He was the scapegoat they used to cover for their 1992 playcalling.
I don’t care that he expressed his pain on Twitter.

If you can’t see that Dez is right about our stale playcalling and lack of innovation on offense you are blinded by your agend.

Real coaches like Peterson, McVey, Peyton wouldn’t have needed to scapegoat our most talented WR to cover for their failings to scheme players open.

So ... you are saying ... Dez should be the HC?
You want me to professionally diagnose someone's mental health from a distance?

No. I won't do that. You wanting to do that is unhealthy. You have a problem. Don't bother responding. I won't.

Sure you will. Lol. You can't help yourself. The rest of the crows should be showing up at any time.
It's good to see that you can admit that Dez isn't stable. I admire you stepping up to the plate and saying it. You get a thumbs up from me on that post, other than it it's weird part. It's a Cowboys message board. Discussing the Cowboys is what we do here.

Almost every conceivable issue that we could ever discuss has been hashed and rehashed a thousand times. The only ones that give you guys heartburn are the Dez posts because you guys can't STAND for anyone to criticize Dez.

I didn't expect superonyx to admit that Dez isn't stable, or the fan boys. I expected him and the Fan Bois to show up, evade the answer to the legitimate question I posed and attack like a bunch of vicious crows. They never disappoint

They always show up in a Dez thread and complain about making it stop because they can't handle any criticism of Dez. If you don't like criticism of Dez go find another thread, or take part in rational discussion of the topic.

As a side note, I am quite sure that many Dez fans who have backed him up to this point have finally jumped ship. Dez is making it harder and harder for a reasonable, objective fan to back his absurd plays.

I understand the concept of message boards. You can post as many threads of whatever topic you feel and it is par for the course. My issue is less the quantity (although it's telling) and more the fact that you keep baiting folks over and over and over to engage you and then point like "see! haha"

Dez is a grown man, multi-millionaire, criticism is what it is, seems like a fair trade off in life, my opinion is just that it's lame to kick a guy while he's down that was a big part of our favorite team, regardless how you feel about him, especially once he's been jettisoned.

My vested interest is that it pivots to attacks on individuals, yes I'm a Dez fan, but I don't necesarily 'care' about him to that extent, it's more that the arguments become more personal, more targeted, more ad hominem towards us, people, fans. Also I grew up on message boards so arguing is just what you do, and as things go on, it becomes less the topic, and more the adversarial nature of discussion.

Lastly it's natural for a fan to care, to respond, to defend. I like Dez, I am a passionate football fan and spent years of my life tied to the hip of him as a player on my favorite team. He was a monster in his prime and really won me over and I enjoyed him playing for the Cowboys. So yeah there's an emotional tie there so it's relatively natural to have a stake in the argument. Your investment is much stranger

As far as the original point yeah Dez is a bit off his rocker, his flaws have not only been confirmed, but have been exposed in humiliating fashion and he's only fanned the flames. I do think there's a ton of piling on, a lot of over exaggeration, and a bit of self fulfilling prophecy at play, but it is what it is, and it's hard to defend anymore.

@superonyx i know his schtick, I just thought what the hell I'll give an honest reply, but before I could the flimsy charade melted away anyway
It's funny how you guys will defend Dez and make excuses for him but CANNOT bring yourself to admit he's just not stable right now. You know it's true, but you can't admit it.

You also won't take the position that he's 100 percent stable so you won't say it. Your sole purpose in coming to this thread is to silence the Dez criticism. You can't stand anything negative being said about Dez.
You still haven't addressed Dez mental stability. Try again. Read my original query slowly. Query means question, just in case you were wondering. I know. It's complicated.
Yes. Dez is mentally stable. He is taking care of his children. People who are not mentally stable are planning school shootings, suicides, rapes ect...
A player who vents his frustration on the internet doesn’t fit the description of emotionally unstable.

Now I don’t know him so I can only go by what I know of him.
Based on the evidence presented i gave you my thoughts to your agenda driven query...

Of course not.

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