Oh please explain it to me .. Please tell me how great top 5 picks like Ronnie brown, Alex smith , jemarcus Russel , Cadillac Williams , Ryan leaf, Blair Thomas , RG3; Sam Bradford ; Justin Blackmon ; Trent Richardson ; etc etc
How did they help their teams being top tier picks
I get it .. Better draft pick "SHOULD" equate to a better choice of better "RATED" players .. More flexibility . Draft movement and value ... Yadda yadda yadda
It does not guarantee that we will be a better team or guaranteed better players .. The draft works ... Sure it does if you have confidence they will draft the right players as well as that those players don't become busts .. No guarantees no matter how you slice it
I would rather root for my team to win games and be ready if they disappoint as they have most of the season .. But I won't cheer for them to lose and believe that will make us better in 2016 ., just doesn't make sense