Video: Captain America Civil War (2016)

Of course! That's the fight everyone wants Supes breathing on Batman.

I guess everyone wants Sups not to be that, but Humanman (not Superman). 'Cause Batman wears a suit with GLOWING eyes, fear for your life!!!
I guess everyone wants Sups not to be that, but Humanman (not Superman). 'Cause Batman wears a suit with GLOWING eyes, fear for your life!!!

Sups is how you drink hot beverages. The E is there for a reason.

You are the only one not looking forward to this fight for some stupid reason. Have you read the dark knight returns yet?
Sups is how you drink hot beverages. The E is there for a reason.

You are the only one not looking forward to this fight for some stupid reason. Have you read the dark knight returns yet?

Your perspective has this stupid reason. I'm talking about Sups overall powers from his canon. Not Frank Millers own version. Again, where is Sups intelligence in this so called fight? Guess I'm alone in that angle.

Back to Captain America. Other topics can be in their own threads.
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I used to think I wouldn't live long enough to see the day when The Vision would get to the big screen. :) I thought the same about ever seeing Wonder Woman too... now that I think about it... :(:p

Me too. Seemed like they just couldn't WW started. I'm happy about it but still think she seems puny. I hope spider is bigger too. I know... I know... The comics.... Lol

Batman v Superman looks like hot garbage after that latest trailer. I think CivWar will do better, but Batman vs Superman is a HUGE Titlecard, I have a hard time imagining it not doing well financially, though I don't imagine it will be highly reviewed.

Rotten Tomatoes guestimate.
CA:CW - 76%
BvS - 48%

Hot garbage? Lol that's rough. The Bruce vs Clark with interjecting lex and Diana is setting up nicely.
The action scenes look cool. Imo.

It will do very well $$$ .. The whole debate of superman can squash batman so easily will draw people to see how anything between them happens.

I think Civil War at the very least grosses a billion. It's basically another avengers movie, and the last three with Iron Man have crossed that mark.

As for BvS, I feel like it depends on how much people want to still see batman, IMO.

Yeah they are moshing them together. It should be avengers movie.

I don't think it's about batman and are people tired of him or not.
Affleck seems legit for this version of batman.

People want the battle. iMo.
Winter Soldier is my favorite comic book movie of all time, so I'm super excited for Civil War. Also want to see Batman v Superman. Affleck seems great as both Wayne and he's great as Batman ( See the fight scene against the 2 dozen thugs for example). I'm a bit afraid it's more of a set up for Justice League than its own movie though. But I'll definitely want to see it ASAP anyway. I'll see Age of Apocalypse as well but truthfully not expecting so much out of it. Deadpool looks super fun, will try and see it this weekend.
Yeah they are moshing them together. It should be avengers movie.

I don't think it's about batman and are people tired of him or not.
Affleck seems legit for this version of batman.

People want the battle. iMo.

I think it's going to be too Cap centric to be an Avengers movie. Plus no Hulk and Thor.

I think Affleck in general is a great actor and I think he's going to do fine.

I would like to see the two DC guys share the screen-- just disappointed so far with how they've gotten to that point, ya know?

Whereas with Civil War, Disney has done this incredible job of building this world where there is history and clear reason for why two heroes are facing off.

It seems like it's not some misunderstanding being orchestrated by a villain, but rather a fundamental misunderstanding between the two. And it's been built up so well.

And although this is the... 13th installment in this series, this Civil War not only manages to be fresh within the series, it appears to be something we've never really seen before in any film.
I think it's going to be too Cap centric to be an Avengers movie. Plus no Hulk and Thor.

REPLY - yeah, just doesn't make sense. Why create individual movies and then an all inclusive and then make a individual movie all inclusive sans a few characters?

I think Affleck in general is a great actor and I think he's going to do fine.

REPLY - I really have done a 180 on him. He seems like a great fit. This version and of Bruce. Never was crazy about Bale. I just accepted it.

I would like to see the two DC guys share the screen-- just disappointed so far with how they've gotten to that point, ya know?

REPLY - when I put together why this is happening between them... I don't hate it. Makes sense. It works. Batman has been through heck with joker and other villains in his life. List Robin. Watches supes destroy and kill...... He has "concerns" lol..... BUT... I think it ends with them being friends in a corny way,

Whereas with Civil War, Disney has done this incredible job of building this world where there is history and clear reason for why two heroes are facing off.

It seems like it's not some misunderstanding being orchestrated by a villain, but rather a fundamental misunderstanding between the two. And it's been built up so well.

REPLY - They have. There's just not enough time to catch up for Marvel. They are rushing. No doubt. I'll give them a chance,

And although this is the... 13th installment in this series, this Civil War not only manages to be fresh within the series, it appears to be something we've never really seen before in any film.

REPLY - it is fresh. I would like to see more comic-book-pages-to-screen-adaption/action. That pleases me

I replied inline in CAPS
Had the new BvS trailer been released instead of the second one.. I would be way more hyped for this movie.

Batman looks straight beast mode Arkham style in this.
BvS will probably have huge opening weekend becuase it has been in the works or rumored for so long, but I think in the long run Capt America:CW beats it and that is saying a lot since BvS is the beginning of the Justice League and CW is the third installment of the CA franchise.
Only two things I do not like about Batman in the BvS is the stuppy "ears" on the cowl and the "fat bat" on his chest, but I am still a fan of the oval batman symbol. I know its an ode to Frank Miller's Batman but it looks stupid.
Excited to see the Spider-Man footage. It's been stated that he'd be in the film, but not to what extent.

This is the film I'm most excited for this year with Rebel One a close second.
"Hey Everyone"


The Hype is real now.
(Don't worry, no spoilers)

Captain America Civil War press screening early reviews are GREAT!

Marvel screened Captain America: Civil War for critics, giving us our first look at the next installment of the MCU. The results? Wildly positive.

Critics who saw the film praised Tom Holland’s Spiderman and Chadwick Bosman’s Black Panther, a couple of prominent action scenes, and overall labeled it the best MCU film to date.
I actually might watch this Captain America movie since it has Iron Man.

I was bored to death by the first Captain America and I skipped out on the second one because of that.

I might actually watch this one.

Let's face it, if Captain Anerica were not named as such, no one would be talking or making movies about him

He is fairly limited in his powers

Movie #1 was bad
Movie#2 was adequate

Having said that, I'm a comic book junkie so I'll watch # 3 esp since there are other characters in it. The Cap character cannot 'carry' a movie like iron man or thor can

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