Twitter: Charean Williams: "Goodell will lose his job over this"


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There were always troubled players in the league. Goodell made it his mission to clean it up. He hasn't done it. He's made it worse. He's turn the NFL from a sports league to an episode of Law and Order. It is ridiculous. And I'm not just talking about Zeke. He does it to everybody. And he isn't consistent with his punishments. He's like a dictator. The one thing all fans have in common is they don't like him.

Tagliabue or Rozelle didnt have to deal the the Cell phone and Social Media generation.... Its out of control

Yakuza Rich

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That's what I say. If Zeke did it then fine. The NFL should turn over the evidence to the DA. But if all they are doing is taking her word over his with no evidence then it is a witch hunt.

It's worse than taking her word over his.

They admitted she lied about an incident to police and tried to get her friend to lie to police.

They are taking the word of the liar (who also broke the law) over his.

It's tragic.



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It's worse than taking her word over his.

They admitted she lied about an incident to police and tried to get her friend to lie to police.

They are taking the word of the liar (who also broke the law) over his.

It's tragic.


They need to be exposed for this.

They're essentially saying that they did a better job of investigating the facts than those in law enforcement who are paid to do so.

And they wholeheartedly deserve to be called out on that and exposed for their sheer incompetence in processing the information that they were given.

This is about more than one player being unjustly punished. It's about establishing a terrible precedent where a player is tried and convicted by an incompetent kangaroo court and his livelihood irrevocably negatively affected.

Yakuza Rich

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They need to be exposed for this.

They're essentially saying that they did a better job of investigating the facts than those in law enforcement who are paid to do so.

And they wholeheartedly deserve to be called out on that and exposed for their sheer incompetence in processing the information that they were given.

This is about more than one player being unjustly punished. It's about establishing a terrible precedent where a player is tried and convicted by an incompetent kangaroo court and his livelihood irrevocably negatively affected.

I got that as well, but the only new evidence they came up with was the metadata evidence which is a moot point because EE has always admitted to being in Columbus and having spent time with here that week. All the metadata evidence proves is that when she took those photos they happened on the date she claimed. Between Harvey stating that Thompson was the eyewitness to her own attack (hey, EE was the eyewitness to him not attacking her) and the NFL thumping their chest over the's unbelievable the attitude and incompetency of the league office.



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I got that as well, but the only new evidence they came up with was the metadata evidence which is a moot point because EE has always admitted to being in Columbus and having spent time with here that week. All the metadata evidence proves is that when she took those photos they happened on the date she claimed. Between Harvey stating that Thompson was the eyewitness to her own attack (hey, EE was the eyewitness to him not attacking her) and the NFL thumping their chest over the's unbelievable the attitude and incompetency of the league office.


It truly is, and I for one would very much like to see that incompetence truly exposed and challenged in a court of law. Enough of billion dollar corporations thinking and acting as if they are above the law. Time to rub their noses in it.

Starting with the Chief Idiot in Charge.


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Why? Goodell will be praised for this around the league and from the public, what they all want is the league to be hard on players so this activity stops. That is what he did today.

and the other issue is who would want this job? The job is basically getting the blame for all the negative stuff that goes on around the league, you're the bulletproof vest for the owners. Meanwhile the owners take credit for all the good or positivity when it arises.

Because of the way guys like Jerry run there organization their is always going to be a pile of crap at your doorstep if you are the commissioner and goodell seems to be fine with this so I see no reason why he would not be back.
Oh, there are a lot of guys and gals who would want a $45 million job. Trust me. ;)


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and the other issue is who would want this job? The job is basically getting the blame for all the negative stuff that goes on around the league, you're the bulletproof vest for the owners. .
Who would want to make 34.1 million dollars a year...after taking a pay cut? And 150 million so far on the job?
Poor , poor Roger.

Are you freaking nuts?


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LOL, Goodell is not going to be fired. That's just hysterical crazy talk, and I am not a fan of Rog.

Jerruh isn't remotely as powerful as some believe he is.
If he was as powerful as some have claimed no Cowboy would ever be suspended or fined.
That's not how it works pal


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Goodell is not behind all this. The NFL owners run the show. He is their paid front man - one who has been groomed by them for the position from when he was a young exec.

Most NFL owners are from a background and generation where personal conduct is a big issue. Most are horrified by this type of incident.
I disagree.
Some of these owners are sheltered.
And they come from generations where men ROUTINELY sexually harassed women.
The owners only care about one thing ultimatley and that is MONEY!


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I don't know why they don't fire Hill. Maybe he works for minimum wage...

I just never saw much content from C.Williams.

She was well respected but it seemed like she did 1 report per month at most.

This is a fair point.

I'm glad she's doing well over at PFT though.

I truly believe she was the area's best sports writer.


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I don't know why they don't fire Hill. Maybe he works for minimum wage...

I just never saw much content from C.Williams.

She was well respected but it seemed like she did 1 report per month at most.

C. Williams was one of the very few, if not the only one that never gave in to the BS around DFW. She was always a great reporter, and wrote great articles. She never wavered from her style either. She took over the voting fro the HOF for goose Gosselin. And ever since we been getting more players inducted too.
She keeps it to the football news at hand instead of the TMZ headlines crap the other do and say.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Why? Goodell will be praised for this around the league and from the public, what they all want is the league to be hard on players so this activity stops. That is what he did today.

and the other issue is who would want this job? The job is basically getting the blame for all the negative stuff that goes on around the league, you're the bulletproof vest for the owners. Meanwhile the owners take credit for all the good or positivity when it arises.

Because of the way guys like Jerry run there organization their is always going to be a pile of crap at your doorstep if you are the commissioner and goodell seems to be fine with this so I see no reason why he would not be back.

I don't think Goodell will lose his job, but I do think the carte blanche approach with the personal conduct policy could be attacked if Zeke and Jerry choose to do it.

Essentially, the NFL has found Elliott guilty of domestic violence and sullied his reputation when the court system would not touch the case. I think he has a case for defamation of character based on the NFL wielding its personal conduct policy this way.


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I caught the radio program where she was being interviewed about the Elliott suspension. Her position was well thought out.

Along with Mara, the commish imposed a heavy fine on both Synder and Jones for exceding the cap in an uncapped year. Both Jerry and Synder were livid about this.

Then the commish sides against Kraft and Brady in the inflate-gate incident.

Three of the top five most powerful owners in the league.

She went on to say this will spell the end for him when his contract is coming up for renewal.


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great comments to that ******** article
"The NFL requires more evidence to determine a player caught a football than it does to determine a player assaulted his partner."


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
C. Williams was one of the very few, if not the only one that never gave in to the BS around DFW. She was always a great reporter, and wrote great articles. She never wavered from her style either. She took over the voting fro the HOF for goose Gosselin. And ever since we been getting more players inducted too.
She keeps it to the football news at hand instead of the TMZ headlines crap the other do and say.
I think both her and Gosselin had a HOF vote at the same time.

I agree that Gosselin sucked at representing the Cowboys.