Clayton: Tony Romo to judge Miss Universe contest

rcaldw;1492685 said:
*Dated Lorrie Morgan 1993 (post Super Bowl Victory)
*On an episode of Coach 1993 (post Super Bowl Victory)
*In the movie Jerry Maguire in 1996 (post Super Bowl Victory)

I don't know the dates on all the other stuff, but I think a pattern emerges here.

This is just stupidity. Lock every single player on our team in a jail cell, they dont deserve to have fun if they havent won a ring.
iceberg;1492708 said:
don't feel like it. this is TWICE today people bypass all the things i say - spot ONE thing they can warp out - and they go do it like everything else i said counter to their point makes no difference.

crap gets old.

I'm just adding onto my little diatribe, it's not about you
zrinkill;1492516 said:
Troy Aikman dated Lorrie Morgan in 1993 and was rumored to be dating Sandra Bullock and Janine Turner

Was named eligible Bachelor from Texas Monthly

Was on an episode of Coach in 1993

Was in the movie Jerry Maguire in 1996

Also was in King of the Hill and Simpsons

and all this was before the internet days ......
You forgot a few. He sang some country songs, was an awards presenter at Country Music awards shows. Was rumored to be involved with Nancy Kerrigan, Katarina Witt, and Monica Seles at different times. Was all over the sports shows.

He enjoyed the perks. No difference.

I bet he played some golf too.

iceberg;1492708 said:
don't feel like it. this is TWICE today people bypass all the things i say - spot ONE thing they can warp out - and they go do it like everything else i said counter to their point makes no difference.

crap gets old.

quit being such a baby.

If you can't handle criticism, maybe the internet's not the place for you. :rolleyes:
superpunk;1492721 said:
quit being such a baby.

If you can't handle criticism, maybe the internet's not the place for you. :rolleyes:

I'm actually not criticisizing the man, I just didn't see the need for him to give any quarter, bbgun's argument is a ridiculous one
Just ran into QC coming out of the airport restroom........................
Bob Sacamano;1492644 said:
naw, it's just furthering his anything positive about the 'boys must be shot-down agenda, even if most of the reasoning is outlandish

bbgun;1492624 said:
Never said it was "ok." In fact, I'm not sure what Don's "crimes" were, other than honky tonks. Athletes simply have to carry themselves differently in 2007 as opposed to 1965.

Don was quite a maverick, dated quite a few women and party guy.
Maybe you need to get walt garrisons book.

That's a flat out exaggeration. No way was Troy or Don this exposed during the embryonic stages of their careers. There's a difference between ads for a local car dealership and turning yourself into a one-man American Idol. Even after three rings, Troy never went Hollywood.

Troy was more hollywood and Tony has been. Tony was in movies and tv shows.
Just because you did not hear about it does not mean it did not happen.

We don't know that. You hope that's the case.

Yet you are here telling someone to reign it in when all he is doing is dating someone, playing golf and judging a contest.

Oh dear. This reminds me of the TO apologists who think he's a good teammate just because he's never been in the trouble with the law. If I set the bar too high, you set it way too low.

Maybe if you would actually take time to read what I wrote you would notice that I included Tony not doing something TO has done. That is if you would take the time to read it.

A modicum of seriousness would help. Reminder: He's not a seasoned vet. He's about to learn a brand new offense. He's shown promise, but he's not there yet. QBs are the ultimate team leaders, and their conduct is relevant--esp when it's indistinguishable from Hollywood sluts. So stop sniffing around jail bait like Carrie Underwood, stop getting on stages and rocking out with lame bands, and stop judging ***** beauty contests. Somehow most of us led a normal, healthy male life without doing any of that. He can too.

Jail bait? They are about the same age and she is legal so I am not sure where JAIL BAIT comes into question. Was it not you just a few paragraphs ago saying something about exaggerating?

Man it sounds like you have some serious issues with women. Calling a women that is 24 years old (only three years younger than Romo) Jail bait? Calling them sluts, calling women in a beauty contest ******??!?!!

Does not sound like you are leading a healthy male life when you have to call those women you don't even know such names.

Geez dude you need to get over yourself and off that high horse.
Hostile;1492718 said:
I bet he played some golf too.

Troy started playing golf seriously at about the age of 28. He shot a career best 73 in the Dallas Morning News golf tournament in the spring of 1998, and the Cowboys team (Chan Gailey, Emmitt Smith, and Jim Maurer in addition to Troy) brought home the trophy. Troy has gotten down to a seven-handicap at Glen Eagles Country Club, which is his home course. Golf course he has played include Pebble Beach, Spyglass, Cypress Point, Pine Valley, and the Old Course at St. Andrews, Scotland.

He is just not as good as Romo :p:
BrAinPaiNt;1492727 said:
Man it sounds like you have some serious issues with women. Calling a women that is 24 years old (only three years younger than Romo) Jail bait? Calling them sluts, calling women in a beauty contest ******??!?!!

Does not sound like you are leading a healthy male life when you have to call those women you don't even know such names.

Geez dude you need to get over yourself and off that high horse.

5Stars;1492696 said:
So Romo has to win a SuperBowl before he can have a life? That's just friggen nuts!!


Give me a break fellas, do you ever put an argument in its context? HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (major sigh)

I'm not saying that Romo shouldn't have a life outside of football this very minute. HE SHOULD. I don't even know if there is a problem!!!!!!!!! I have already said that. I was trying to explain why I'm getting tired of the Entertainment tonight version of the Tony Romo report. This is an important year for him and for this team. SEIZE THE MOMENT TONY! That is what I'm saying. And that doesn't mean make the most of your celebrity that you can TODAY, it means make the most of football that you can so that, if you want to be a big celebrity, you can have a lifetime of it, not 15 minutes of fame.

For all I know, he is already locked in and ready to go. I certainly hope so.

The only thing I was pointing out about the examples cited for Aikman is that they were taking place after he had already established himself not only as a starter, a pro-bowler, but a Super Bowl winner.
superpunk;1492721 said:
quit being such a baby.

If you can't handle criticism, maybe the internet's not the place for you. :rolleyes:

maybe you should quit following me around and making such posts to get a reaction you troll.
rcaldw;1492740 said:
Give me a break fellas, do you ever put an argument in its context? HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (major sigh)

I'm not saying that Romo shouldn't have a life outside of football this very minute. HE SHOULD. I don't even know if there is a problem!!!!!!!!! I have already said that. I was trying to explain why I'm getting tired of the Entertainment tonight version of the Tony Romo report. This is an important year for him and for this team. SEIZE THE MOMENT TONY! That is what I'm saying. And that doesn't mean make the most of your celebrity that you can TODAY, it means make the most of football that you can so that, if you want to be a big celebrity, you can have a lifetime of it, not 15 minutes of fame.

For all I know, he is already locked in and ready to go. I certainly hope so.

The only thing I was pointing out about the examples cited for Aikman is that they were taking place after he had already established himself not only as a starter, a pro-bowler, but a Super Bowl winner.

You know if he was not the starter he would have never been offered the chance to judge. It is something that comes with the gig. Just as I am sure he has been offered tons of deals for doing commericals and other things.

He tried out for the US Open before he ever started a game in the NFL so that is not something he just started.

He is dating a girl that is a celebrity now. Did not happen before because he was already dating a girl. If you remember his girlfriend broke up with him 1-2 weeks before he got his first start.

I am pretty sure the guy has also been to a party or two, probably a concert or two.

He is not doing anything AT THIS TIME that could be considered terrible or over the top.

Some are just going a little overboard or getting too paranoid.

Geez some average joe dates a girl or goes to a party/concert than I bet nobody cares. The QB of the cowboys does something that great players from his teams past did and no he is seeing sluts, ****** and jail bait and could possible ruin his career and team if he does not settle down.

Come on guys, guys on the board in general, some of you are just going a little over the top with some guys personal life. Just because the camera catches it that does not make it so he can not have a personal life.

His play of the field is what will matter, not if he dates someone, plays golf, sings at a concert or judges a beauty contest.
Bob Sacamano;1492693 said:
so Romo has to sit in a depressive state for 6-8 months and brood about something that is no longer under his control?

Show me where I asked him to live a fun-free monastic life, sweetheart. I simply asked him to tone it done and remember that he's the face of a franchise. Being a role model comes with the job; you can't shake it.

If you had kids and let them run wild and break curfew, would you expect them to do well in school? Let's see how our hard-partying QB does next year in-between Jello shots and karaoke contests.
rcaldw;1492740 said:
Give me a break fellas, do you ever put an argument in its context? HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (major sigh)

I'm not saying that Romo shouldn't have a life outside of football this very minute. HE SHOULD. I don't even know if there is a problem!!!!!!!!! I have already said that. I was trying to explain why I'm getting tired of the Entertainment tonight version of the Tony Romo report. This is an important year for him and for this team. SEIZE THE MOMENT TONY! That is what I'm saying. And that doesn't mean make the most of your celebrity that you can TODAY, it means make the most of football that you can so that, if you want to be a big celebrity, you can have a lifetime of it, not 15 minutes of fame.

For all I know, he is already locked in and ready to go. I certainly hope so.

The only thing I was pointing out about the examples cited for Aikman is that they were taking place after he had already established himself not only as a starter, a pro-bowler, but a Super Bowl winner.

I understand your point...however, you come across as a worry wart!

Nobody mentions all the articles about how he is at Valley Ranch everyday learning, until Wade has to tell him to go home!

Football is his life...but, he needs other things in his life also so that he does not get burned out. To much of something can take it's toll on a person, and everyone, Romo included and you and I too, need to get away and take a break to fully understand/realize just what you do have.

;) It will all work out, maybe...but in the mean time, let the kid live his life to it's fullest. If he fails...then he lost...and everyone moves on to the next QB.

But, I think Romo knows...

It's all good...

Bob Sacamano;1492722 said:
I'm actually not criticisizing the man, I just didn't see the need for him to give any quarter, bbgun's argument is a ridiculous one

cause after my "discussion" w/sp i was trying to be polite. like i said "fair enough" was to only say "great, i'll respect your point of view" NOT "my you must be right".

just gets old to have people "see" what they want to in what i've said regardless of all the evidence that shows it's just not the way they're trying to paint it.
bbgun;1492754 said:
Show me where I asked him to live a fun-free monastic life, sweetheart. I simply asked him to tone it done and remember that he's the face of a franchise. Being a role model comes with the job; you can't shake it.

If you had kids and let them run wild and break curfew, would you expect them to do well in school? Let's see how our hard-partying QB does next year in-between Jello shots and karaoke contests.

But really what is he doing that is so bad?

Did you never date a girl, did you never go to a party, did you never go to a contest. If you had the chance as young man where you never a judge in any kind of contest?

Really what he is doing is NOTHING over the top.
bbgun;1492754 said:
Show me where I asked him to live a fun-free monastic life, sweetheart. I simply asked him to tone it done and remember that he's the face of a franchise. Being a role model comes with the job; you can't shake it.

If you had kids and let them run wild and break curfew, would you expect them to do well in school? Let's see how our hard-partying QB does next year in-between Jello shots and karaoke contests.

where is he "running wild"?
who's "curfew" has he broken?
what "class" has me missed?
what "hard party" has he been to?

you've seen a pic of romo at ghost bar and how judging a contest - and suddenly YOU see ONLY what you want to see out of it w/o any evidence to back up any of the 4 questions above.

seems to be a common trait however.
rcaldw;1492740 said:
Give me a break fellas, do you ever put an argument in its context? HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (major sigh)

They tried the same lame stunt with me (twisting words, impugning motives, etc.) That notion that one of our players might be in the wrong is positively heretical to the sheep. These are the same morons who ***** about draft grades or obsess over the Skins' off-season workouts. My so-called "agenda" pales in comparison to theirs, which is acting like overindulgent parents to certain star-struck, celebrity-obsessed Cowboys. Discipline? Hard work? Low profiles? Who needs it?
bbgun;1492754 said:
Let's see how our hard-partying QB does next year in-between Jello shots and karaoke contests.

:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

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