Clayton: Tony Romo to judge Miss Universe contest

bbgun;1492773 said:
They tried the same lame stunt with me (twisting words, impugning motives, etc.) That notion that one of our players might be in the wrong is positively heretical to the sheep. These are the same morons who ***** about draft grades or obsess over the Skins' off-season workouts. My so-called "agenda" pales in comparison to theirs, which is acting like overindulgent parents to certain star-struck, celebrity-obsessed Cowboys. Discipline? Hard work? Low profiles? Who needs it?

Who just today called the girl he is dating jail bait, who called a celebrity girl a slut and who called the girls in the beauty contest ******.

Sir maybe you need to look in the mirror before you play your victim card here.

Those were YOUR words concerning those women...we did not put them in your mouth or exaggerate you calling them that.

You claim people are being overindulgent parents while at the same time you are being just the opposite in a negative way.

Sluts, ******, jailbait? Geez what did these girls do to you to make you call them that?

I mean I could understand it if you were talking about someone like paris hilton or lindsey least those girls have that kind of reputation.

But this underwood girl seems to be one of the good ones in the industry and heck I don't even like the kind of music she sings and would never buy anything she puts out. I pretty much despise that kind of music. But I have never heard anything about her being a slut, I know she is not jail bait either.

So what gives?
bbgun;1492773 said:
They tried the same lame stunt with me (twisting words, impugning motives, etc.) That notion that one of our players might be in the wrong is positively heretical to the sheep. These are the same morons who ***** about draft grades or obsess over the Skins' off-season workouts. My so-called "agenda" pales in comparison to theirs, which is acting like overindulgent parents to certain star-struck, celebrity-obsessed Cowboys. Discipline? Hard work? Low profiles? Who needs it?

BBgun is playing the victim card for the one hundredth time ......

bbgun;1492773 said:
They tried the same lame stunt with me (twisting words, impugning motives, etc.) That notion that one of our players might be in the wrong is positively heretical to the sheep. These are the same morons who ***** about draft grades or obsess over the Skins' off-season workouts. My so-called "agenda" pales in comparison to theirs, which is acting like overindulgent parents to certain star-struck, celebrity-obsessed Cowboys. Discipline? Hard work? Low profiles? Who needs it?

except i've seen most people eventually on either side of an argument.

you're always on one - your own and working to "keep the man down" so to speak.
BrAinPaiNt;1492762 said:
But really what is he doing that is so bad?

Did you never date a girl, did you never go to a party, did you never go to a contest. If you had the chance as young man where you never a judge in any kind of contest?

Really what he is doing is NOTHING over the top.

It's the cumulative effect. Most guys couldn't pull that off in a lifetime. Tony's packed it all into a few months. He's put himself out there, not me. He put himself on that stage, not me. He put himself in that pageant, not me. He let himself be filmed chatting up Underwood at Texas Stadium before a game, not me. And a star on his helmet doesn't mean I'm obligated to look the other way (Bob's specialty). Don't want criticism? Then don't be a publicity *****. You make it sound as if he doesn't have a choice, or worse, that he's "entitled." Bullcrap. I'm not a big fan of "if it feels good, do it." Thankfully, that hippy credo died years ago.
5Stars;1492784 said:

I am hoping someone just slipped him a mickey.

Most of the time I don't agree with him but I can see his side of the argument even if I don't agree.

This thing about calling these women names like they are the second coming of lilith or Salomé asking for the head of john the baptist is just crazy.

I just don't get it.
bbgun;1492790 said:
It's the cumulative effect. Most guys couldn't pull that off in a lifetime. Tony's packed it all into a few months. He's put himself out there, not me. He put himself on that stage, not me. He put himself in that pageant, not me. He let himself be filmed chatting up Underwood at Texas Stadium before a game, not me. And a star on his helmet doesn't mean I'm obligated to look the other way (Bob's specialty). Don't want criticism? Then don't be a publicity *****. You make it sound as if he doesn't have a choice, or worse, that he's "entitled." Bullcrap. I'm not a big fan of "if it feels good, do it." Thankfully, that hippy credo died years ago.

you know, no one can be as dense as you come across w/o it being on purpose. YOU just want all this attention, don't you?

you pub-*****.
bbgun;1492790 said:
It's the cumulative effect.

:lmao2: :eek:

True?...Romo only has a year or two to live? Is that what you are saying?

What you are worried about is what is called "growing up"...that is the cumulative effect! Everyone has it...for sure.

I am just saying He better have a great year because if he doesn't this kid just might be compelled to blow his brains out... He is getting so much attention and also accepting the attention that if he has a bad year he is going to be treated like a pariah by the media and nfl, no one is going to want to touch this kid with a two-foot pole. If I were him I would try to be exposed as well, but he is going to have alot of dirt on his nose if he messes up. If he didn't do all this media stuff he wouldn't look as bad if he had a crappy year (which he won't) Whatev; Do what you please Romo
bbgun;1492790 said:
It's the cumulative effect. Most guys couldn't pull that off in a lifetime. Tony's packed it all into a few months. He's put himself out there, not me. He put himself on that stage, not me. He put himself in that pageant, not me. He let himself be filmed chatting up Underwood at Texas Stadium before a game, not me. And a star on his helmet doesn't mean I'm obligated to look the other way (Bob's specialty). Don't want criticism? Then don't be a publicity *****. You make it sound as if he doesn't have a choice, or worse, that he's "entitled." Bullcrap. I'm not a big fan of "if it feels good, do it." Thankfully, that hippy credo died years ago.

But what is wrong with dating a girl, going to a concert, playing golf or judging a contest.

Does becoming the QB of the dallas cowboys turn him into a Saint that can not do such things?

There is no reason to be so up in arms about it to the point of calling women those names.

What the heck does look the other way mean. It is not like you are his dad and he is being seduced by the worst women in town to do terrible things that will ruin the family.

And once again you use the term *****...what is with you..seriously what is your malfunction in this reguard?

So from now on anyone that has any success can not go to a concert, can not go to an event, can not go to a party and can not date because you feel the need to judge them on doing something that most men his age does?

Once again he is not doing anything that would warrant the venom you seem to be spewing out concerning a girl he is dating or the participants in a beauty contest.

However you are on a message board read by thousands using terms to describe women the do not have a bad reputation nor you have ever met. Geez maybe it is you that is asking for attention while playing the card.

iceberg;1492795 said:
you know, no one can be as dense as you come across w/o it being on purpose. YOU just want all this attention, don't you?

you pub-*****.

Yeah, like you're a shy, retiring flower. Pub *****? If so, I have a ways to catch up to Tony.
BrAinPaiNt;1492801 said:
But what is wrong with dating a girl, going to a concert, playing golf or judging a contest.

Because it's TOO MUCH. Believe it or not, you can date a normal girl discreetly. You can go to a concert without mugging on stage. Most fans wouldn't recognize Romo if you put him in a police lineup, so if he's known to be at a certain event, it's because he makes it known. I take it this pageant is being broadcast outside the Metroplex, right? Was he forced to do it?

Does becoming the QB of the dallas cowboys turn him into a Saint that can not do such things?

Ever heard the phrase "in moderation"? Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Jeez.

There is no reason to be so up in arms about it to the point of calling women those names.

What the heck does look the other way mean. It is not like you are his dad and he is being seduced by the worst women in town to do terrible things that will ruin the family.

Unless you're the father, brother, or uncle to one of these girls, I don't get the faux outrage. The only ones who have the right to be upset with my verbiage is them, so unless you're the official spokesman or something, I suggest you recuse yourself. Likewise, only Romo has the right to be wounded by my prose. I don't deal with self-appointed "pro-Tony" surrogates. Try not to be like Bob and the other sheep who take any kind of Cowboy criticism so personally. You're better than that.

And once again you use the term *****...what is with you..seriously what is your malfunction in this reguard?

Guess you're not up to speed on the Miss Nevada and Miss USA (Tara Conner) scandals.

So from now on anyone that has any success can not go to a concert, can not go to an event, can not go to a party and can not date because you feel the need to judge them on doing something that most men his age does?

Gee, could you describe his "social life" any more benignly or lovingly? Are you his agent or something? Seriously.

Once again he is not doing anything that would warrant the venom you seem to be spewing out concerning a girl he is dating or the participants in a beauty contest.

He's not a child. He's a public figure who invites legitimate criticism when he conducts himself like an aging teenager or sailer on shore leave.

However you are on a message board read by thousands using terms to describe women the do not have a bad reputation nor you have ever met. Geez maybe it is you that is asking for attention while playing the card.

These lovely, chaste girls can defend themselves. Ditto for Tony. They don't need your unsolicited help. If they have a problem, they can take it up with me. In the meantime, don't interfere.
bbgun;1492818 said:
Yeah, like you're a shy, retiring flower. Pub *****? If so, I have a ways to catch up to Tony.

i don't see tony in here condeming everyone "not him" - do you?
i don't see tony in here calling people he doesn't know ****** and sluts, do you?

i never said i wasn't shy and yea, my views and my "style" can get both good and bad attention - but it's not about me, is it?

tony isn't out screaming LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME!!!! like "he allowed the picture to be taken" crap. what was he gonna do -tackle the photographer? then you'd just be mad he won't let people take his picture.

it's your call to be mad all the time - just quit bringing the world down to your own pathetic existance.

brainpaint and i got ya figured out through all this - you only act this stupid in here to be the center of attention for just a little while cause in the real world no one gives a damn about you.

that's not tony's fault.
iceberg;1492836 said:
i don't see tony in here condeming everyone "not him" - do you?
i don't see tony in here calling people he doesn't know ****** and sluts, do you?

i never said i wasn't shy and yea, my views and my "style" can get both good and bad attention - but it's not about me, is it?

tony isn't out screaming LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME!!!! like "he allowed the picture to be taken" crap. what was he gonna do -tackle the photographer? then you'd just be mad he won't let people take his picture.

it's your call to be mad all the time - just quit bringing the world down to your own pathetic existance.

brainpaint and i got ya figured out through all this - you only act this stupid in here to be the center of attention for just a little while cause in the real world no one gives a damn about you.

that's not tony's fault.

Unless you are a) Tony Romo, or b) one of those girls I supposedly defamed, then you have no reason to be upset. Got it? I don't deal with unpaid groupies who think they have to defend the honor of 27-yo quarterbacks. He can do that himself. Your world will not collapse if you admit that some of these guys are flawed. Nor would I trade my "humdrum" little life for what you call "living." Proceed with your snarling.
just so I got this straight, Romo is dating a girl, going to a concert playing golf, and judging a contest and by doing this he is now:....

has to many hobbies, is a one man amrican idol, not a team leader, is indinstinguishable from a hollywood slut, is the NFL's Paris Hilton screaming look at me, he has gone wild, is behaving in a fratboyish manner, is not a role model is running wild and breaking curfews, partying hard, he is star-struck, celebrity-obsessed, has no discipline and does not work hard, is a publicity ***** who forces people to take his picture and alerts the media when he is going out, he is acting like a teenager or a sailor on shore leave, who dates ******, sluts and 24 year old jail bait?

That sum it up?

Holy **** I hope Romo doesn't go see an R rated movie otherwise bbgun might go off the deep end
bbgun;1492754 said:
Show me where I asked him to live a fun-free monastic life, sweetheart. I simply asked him to tone it done and remember that he's the face of a franchise. Being a role model comes with the job; you can't shake it.

If you had kids and let them run wild and break curfew, would you expect them to do well in school? Let's see how our hard-partying QB does next year in-between Jello shots and karaoke contests.

dude, but Romo is doing nothing that belies his role, now I could see if he was starring in a porno movie or something, but he's just being a regular guy, albeit on a much bigger stage than either you or I could imagine, I mean, it's not like we'll be ever asked to judge Ms. Universe

it would be one thing if this were happening during the heart of the season, but this isn't even close to where Romo needs to buckle down and get serious, really, it's much ado about nothing
bbgun;1492835 said:
Because it's TOO MUCH. Believe it or not, you can date a normal girl discreetly. You can go to a concert without mugging on stage. Most fans wouldn't recognize Romo if you put him in a police lineup, so if he's known to be at a certain event, it's because he makes it known. I take it this pageant is being broadcast outside the Metroplex, right? Was he forced to do it?

It is too much for YOU because it appears you are the morality police when your own words and actions in this thread alone seem to dictate you fail to show the same respect you wish to demand from others.

Ever heard the phrase "in moderation"? Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Jeez.

And just because you don't think he should does not mean he should not...ever heard of everybody doesn't have to live to your so called morales? Sounds like commie talk to me.

Unless you're the father, brother, or uncle to one of these girls, I don't get the faux outrage. The only ones who have the right to be upset with my verbiage is them, so unless you're the official spokesman or something, I suggest you recuse yourself. Likewise, only Romo has the right to be wounded by my prose. I don't deal with self-appointed "pro-Tony" surrogates. Try not to be like Bob and the other sheep who take any kind of Cowboy criticism so personally. You're better than that.

See this is where you and I have a problem. I am not saying it just because he is a cowboy. If that were the case I would never say a word against TO but I am one of the biggest TO detractors on the board so you can throw that foolish argument out the window.

I am not outraged I just don't know where you get the chutzpah to pass judgment on those women without knowing them and pass judgment on a guy that is doing nothing more than what most men his age do. He is not doing thing out of line that cast a negative light on himself unless someone is just too anal for a guy to go date someone or be a judge in a beauty contest.

But I guess all of those women are sluts and ****** because you are the morality police and the expert in judging all women.

Guess you're not up to speed on the Miss Nevada and Miss USA (Tara Conner) scandals.

Sounds like you are the one not up to speed when calling a 24 year old women JAIL BAIT.

Gee, could you describe his "social life" any more benignly or lovingly? Are you his agent or something? Seriously.

Can you describe it any worse or are you a grand inquisitor during the inquisition, or maybe you are a judge during the salem witch trials.

Man alive you act like this guy is killing the team, his life and hanging around with groupies from sodom.

He's not a child. He's a public figure who invites legitimate criticism when he conducts himself like an aging teenager or sailer on shore leave.

I really think you have issues. Sailor on Shore leave?!?

These lovely, chaste girls can defend themselves. Ditto for Tony. They don't need your unsolicited help. If they have a problem, they can take it up with me. In the meantime, don't interfere.

Man alive I think you honestly have issues by attacking these people like this.

You act like you are the guys dad or something, like he should listen to all you have to say and live according to your own morale values and if not whoever he hangs around with are sluts, ******, jail bait and he is a publicity ***** for doing so.

Far as not needing someone to defend them, they also don't need someone who seems to be the morale police ripping no reason.

As far as telling me to don't interfere...dude that works both ways. If you are on such high moral ground what in the world are you doing on the internet and following professional football. I would think all of that would be a sure fire way to hell due to the scantily clad women on the know that den of wicked women.

I thought you were joking at first, heck maybe you are, but man if you are not you really have issues.
bbgun;1492790 said:
And a star on his helmet doesn't mean I'm obligated to look the other way (Bob's specialty).

what am I looking the other way at?

bbgun said:
Don't want criticism? Then don't be a publicity *****. You make it sound as if he doesn't have a choice, or worse, that he's "entitled." Bullcrap. I'm not a big fan of "if it feels good, do it." Thankfully, that hippy credo died years ago.

I feel real sad for you man, you take misery in other people's enjoyment, even if it is harmless, law-abiding fun during the offseason
Bob Sacamano;1492858 said:
what am I looking the other way at?

I feel real sad for you man, you take misery in other people's enjoyment, even if it is harmless, law-abiding fun during the offseason

Yes that stuff is laughable and sad to have such a jaded view on things.

Oh well, better him than me I guess. I have enough troubles without thinking the ****** of sodom are loose (no pun intended) and ruining our QB.

I guess we will have to agree to disagree but it is hard for a sliver of light to penetrate that kind of darkness.
BrAinPaiNt;1492857 said:
I thought you were joking at first, heck maybe you are, but man if you are not you really have issues.

he hates women, not suprising, I've always had suspicions about bbgun's, well, you know...

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