Clayton: Tony Romo to judge Miss Universe contest

I really wonder about the people who criticize Romo's commitment level to his job when they are posting on an internet forum in the middle of business hours in the middle of the week.
zrinkill;1492525 said:
Oh thats what this is all about ........

Hey I liked Henson too ...... but he is gone and we got Romo .....

I did too, but rcadlw was defintely one of Henson's supporters and hasn't exactly been giving Romo much of a vote of confidence
JustSayNotoTO;1492528 said:
I really wonder about the people who criticize Romo's commitment level to his job when they are posting on an internet forum in the middle of business hours in the middle of the week.

Oh Snap

And just for the heck of it...

Bob Sacamano;1492530 said:
I did too, but rcadlw was defintely one of Henson's supporters and hasn't exactly been giving Romo much of a vote of confidence
That's an understatement. Romo could poop gold and rcaldw would call it pyrite.

Here are just a few threads started by rcaldw on Romo. Mind you, these aren't random posts -- they're actual threads started on the guy.
BrAinPaiNt;1492514 said:
Dandy Don probably did 10 times the amount of things that Troy, Roger and Tony (in his lifetime) combined would ever do.

Troy also dated and I believe was in a movie during his playing days.

Meredith didn't play in a 24/7 celebrity-obsessed culture with ESPN, blogs, message boards, and newspapers following his every move. Yes, Troy dated (discreetly), but this is much more than that. Of course Romo is gonna pitch products and do some local endorsements, but that only takes a couple of hours if you time it right. You're a QB who's still learning, Tony, not a one-man reality show. Your "day job" takes priority.
bbgun;1492551 said:
Meredith didn't play in a 24/7 celebrity-obsessed culture with ESPN, blogs, message boards, and newspapers following his every move. Yes, Troy dated (discreetly), but this is much more than that. Of course Romo is gonna pitch products and do some local endorsements, but that only takes a couple of hours if you time it right. You're a QB who's still learning, Tony, not a one-man reality show. Your "day job" takes priority.

so shouldn't we be blaming the celebrity-obsessed culture then?
bbgun;1492551 said:
Meredith didn't play in a 24/7 celebrity-obsessed culture with ESPN, blogs, message boards, and newspapers following his every move. Yes, Troy dated (discreetly), but this is much more than that. Of course Romo is gonna pitch products and do some local endorsements, but that only takes a couple of hours if you time it right. You're a QB who's still learning, Tony, not a one-man reality show. Your "day job" takes priority.

But you are being hypocritcal. You are saying the only reason it was ok then as opposed to now is because it is not in a 24/7 celebrity-obsesed culture with ESPn, Blogs, message boards and other mediums following his every move.

Which in reality has a lot to do about nothing as long as he is doing his job he is still doing no more than Troy or Meredith did in their time.

So we see him dating where we did not does not mean he is taking more time away from his job or taking his job less serious than say a dandy don or troy.

Really of all the people I figured you would not be one to buy into this paranoia. I know you can be blunt and irritated about other things but I don't get it with this.

I could understand if he was out every night at the local bars, getting multiple women pregnant, driving ferarri's at high speeds with women in the car, getting caught peeing on dumpsters outside a fast food joint, "making it rain" in a strip club, getting pulled over with massive amounts of mary jane in his car, trying to murder his wife and unborn baby, getting positive tests on steroid or other drugs, attaching his team mates with scissors, accidentally overdosing on pills, shooting at people or any other crazy things some NFL players have done.

Geez I guess it would only make people happy if Tony stayed at valley ranch, became celibate and gave up any hobby or enjoyment outside of football.

Come on and lighten up a little.:cool:
WoodysGirl;1492220 said:
Man of the people: Tony Romo continues to be popular off the field. The Cowboys starting quarterback has been selected to be a judge in the Miss Universe competition. He will have to go to Mexico for that assignment.


Who is this guy? Joe Namath??:D
All someone has to do is mention the Fumbled Snap to Romo and that will bring his head out of the clouds.:D
BrAinPaiNt;1492514 Troy also dated and I believe was in a movie during his playing days.[/QUOTE said:
Troy kept much of his dating under wraps -- as the rumors had it, there was a reason for that.....
abersonc;1492576 said:
Troy kept much of his dating under wraps -- as the rumors had it, there was a reason for that.....

Is that you Skip Bayless? :eek: :p:
abersonc;1492576 said:
Troy kept much of his dating under wraps -- as the rumors had it, there was a reason for that.....

Bro you made some valid points, and I agree with you, he is starting to look a little like an attention seeker. But trying to convince others to see your perspective no matter how well you back it up seldom work on message boards.
JustSayNotoTO;1492528 said:
I really wonder about the people who criticize Romo's commitment level to his job when they are posting on an internet forum in the middle of business hours in the middle of the week.
:clubbed: :spanking:

BrAinPaiNt;1492570 said:
But you are being hypocritcal. You are saying the only reason it was ok then as opposed to now is because it is not in a 24/7 celebrity-obsesed culture with ESPn, Blogs, message boards and other mediums following his every move.

Never said it was "ok." In fact, I'm not sure what Don's "crimes" were, other than honky tonks. Athletes simply have to carry themselves differently in 2007 as opposed to 1965.

Which in reality has a lot to do about nothing as long as he is doing his job he is still doing no more than Troy or Meredith did in their time.

That's a flat out exaggeration. No way was Troy or Don this exposed during the embryonic stages of their careers. There's a difference between ads for a local car dealership and turning yourself into a one-man American Idol. Even after three rings, Troy never went Hollywood.

So we see him dating where we did not does not mean he is taking more time away from his job or taking his job less serious than say a dandy don or troy.

We don't know that. You hope that's the case.

Really of all the people I figured you would not be one to buy into this paranoia. I know you can be blunt and irritated about other things but I don't get it with this.

What paranoia? I didn't start this OT thread. Nor do I see a "only send praise Tony's way" disclaimer.

I could understand if he was out every night at the local bars, getting multiple women pregnant, driving ferarri's at high speeds with women in the car, getting caught peeing on dumpsters outside a fast food joint, "making it rain" in a strip club, getting pulled over with massive amounts of mary jane in his car, trying to murder his wife and unborn baby, getting positive tests on steroid or other drugs, attaching his team mates with scissors, accidentally overdosing on pills, shooting at people or any other crazy things some NFL players have done.

Oh dear. This reminds me of the TO apologists who think he's a good teammate just because he's never been in the trouble with the law. If I set the bar too high, you set it way too low.

Geez I guess it would only make people happy if Tony stayed at valley ranch, became celibate and gave up any hobby or enjoyment outside of football.

Come on and lighten up a little.:cool:

A modicum of seriousness would help. Reminder: He's not a seasoned vet. He's about to learn a brand new offense. He's shown promise, but he's not there yet. QBs are the ultimate team leaders, and their conduct is relevant--esp when it's indistinguishable from Hollywood sluts. So stop sniffing around jail bait like Carrie Underwood, stop getting on stages and rocking out with lame bands, and stop judging ***** beauty contests. Somehow most of us led a normal, healthy male life without doing any of that. He can too.
bbgun;1492551 said:
Meredith didn't play in a 24/7 celebrity-obsessed culture with ESPN, blogs, message boards, and newspapers following his every move. Yes, Troy dated (discreetly), but this is much more than that. Of course Romo is gonna pitch products and do some local endorsements, but that only takes a couple of hours if you time it right. You're a QB who's still learning, Tony, not a one-man reality show. Your "day job" takes priority.

the internet and "instant information" allows that now. just because you see more of it NOW doesn't mean it happened less THEN.
bbgun;1492624 said:
Somehow most of us led a normal, healthy male life without doing any of that. He can too.

so he either lives life YOUR way or he's a problem?
iceberg;1492643 said:
so he either lives life YOUR way or he's a problem?

naw, it's just furthering his anything positive about the 'boys must be shot-down agenda, even if most of the reasoning is outlandish
Bob Sacamano;1492644 said:
naw, it's just furthering his anything positive about the 'boys must be shot-down agenda, even if most of the reasoning is outlandish

and people tell me i'm extreme.... :rolleyes:
iceberg;1492643 said:
so he either lives life YOUR way or he's a problem?

I didn't tell him to stop having fun. I said "rein it in" a little. Believe it or not, you can have fun without turning yourself into the NFL's version of Paris Hilton. Time to curb the "look at me" extracurriculars.

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