Cleveland police refuse to participate in Browns’ national anthem


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The anthem is played at every game. While people like you are standing at attention, thousands of people are either checking their phones, going to the bathroom, buying a beer, stepping outside of Jerryworld for a last minute smoke, and assorted other things that are far more disrespectful than guys taking a knee.

Are you and these cops offended by all of that, or just the black guys taking a knee? I'm asking because I've never seen this sort of faux outrage prior to the knee thing.
Ahhh, so now the cops (many that are black) are only offended if someone kneeling is black?
Come on.

And not paying attention during the anthem is not remotely the same as clearly protesting during it.
They have that right, but lets not confuse the proactive action with apathy.


"We Are Penn State"
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The anthem is played at every game. While people like you are standing at attention, thousands of people are either checking their phones, going to the bathroom, buying a beer, stepping outside of Jerryworld for a last minute smoke, and assorted other things that are far more disrespectful than guys taking a knee.

Are you and these cops offended by all of that, or just the black guys taking a knee? I'm asking because I've never seen this sort of faux outrage prior to the knee thing.
For starters, Kaep isn't black. And his parents who adopted him are white and currently disgraced at their son. Secondly, they're doing it on the NFL platform and NOT outside of the public. The ones checking their phones, going to the bathroom, buying beer or stepping outside, sure aren't kneeling at the symbol of freedom. Plus a lot of fans, including myself, are getting very tired of the ignorance carried on by these NFL players.

Let them do this on their time away from the NFL, not the fans time who wish to get away from all this political crap and enjoy a game. Nothing is more disrespectful then kneeling at our national anthem, that's just what I was taught/learned growing up. Maybe the one's kneeling or the one's agreeing to this entire ordeal weren't taught about our flag, who knows.

Any true minded American will agree to that. What's even worse, Tim Tebow being taunted for kneeling while praying. God is more powerful then the American Flag, but yet Tebow & any other player who did the same, was bullied over it. Double standard don't you think?!
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Goodell is letting this get way out of hand. If HE doesn't put a stop to it now, it will lead to fan riots after these games. These player's are ignorant for using it on the NFL platform. Fans come to see the games to get away from all the political crap along with every day pressures of life which non of these millionaires have any idea about. I'm sure they don't protest on THEIR time, so why do it on OURS, the fans?!
He's waiting on a Cowboy to do to set a precedent on the suspension


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I understand their views, and in some respects agree it takes place. I do not agree though on how and where they do it. I see it as them hijacking someone else's stage and fan's experiences.

I would respect it more if they chose to be vocal and protest off the football field.

You mean they not only have to bend over but they have to like it too?

Any protestation to past and ongoing injustices has to be on your terms?

Boy I can see that you're a really reasonable person


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For starters, Kaep isn't black. And his parents who adopted him are white and currently disgraced at their son. Secondly, they're doing it on the NFL platform and NOT outside of the public. The ones checking their phones, going to the bathroom, buying beer or stepping outside, sure aren't kneeling at the symbol of freedom. Plus a lot of fans, including myself, are getting very tired of the ignorance carried on by these NFL players.

Let them do this on their time away from the NFL, not the fans time who wish to get away from all this political crap and enjoy a game. Nothing is more disrespectful then kneeling at our national anthem, that's just what I was taught/learned growing up. Maybe the one's kneeling or the one's agreeing to this entire ordeal weren't taught about our flag, who knows.

Any true minded American will agree to that. What's even worse, Tim Tebow being taunted for kneeling while praying. God is more powerful then the American Flag, but yet Tebow & any other player who did the same, was bullied over it. Double standard don't you think?!
Kaep, regardless of who raised him, is black. And his adopted parents are in full support of him.


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The anthem is played at every game. While people like you are standing at attention, thousands of people are either checking their phones, going to the bathroom, buying a beer, stepping outside of Jerryworld for a last minute smoke, and assorted other things that are far more disrespectful than guys taking a knee.

Are you and these cops offended by all of that, or just the black guys taking a knee? I'm asking because I've never seen this sort of faux outrage prior to the knee thing.

Actually I am offended by all of that.

But I've read the Constitution, strangely, nowhere does it grant me protection from from being offended.

But I would become apoplectic if Dak walked off the field to get a burrito while the anthem was playing.


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You mean they not only have to bend over but they have to like it too?

Any protestation to past and ongoing injustices has to be on your terms?

Boy I can see that you're a really reasonable person
If I invest and build a business, none of my employees are going to do any political protesting inside my building during work hours.
But that's just me.


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But the business (in this case the NFL) has not stopped them so that point is null and void my friend

I was replying to this question
Any protestation to past and ongoing injustices has to be on your terms?

In my business, the answer is a unequivocal yes.
The NFL should have the same right.
Whether they choose to exercise it is another issue.


Franchise Tagged
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If the players have the right to be disrespectful to the country that earns most of them millions of dollars per year
Out of all the opinions that are anti flag kneeling (and there are some good ones) this is the absolute dumbest. You are essentially saying mistreatment is ok because of your income. A wife should accept domestic abuse because her husband pays all the bills. Give me a freaking break. So I guess you have to be broke to speak out about what you feel is systematic mistreatment. This speaks more to your jealousy of athlete income than anything else.


"We Are Penn State"
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Kaep, regardless of who raised him, is black. And his adopted parents are in full support of him.
Are you replying on what you think, or is actually true? IMO, your posting what you think he is. Again, he is NOT black. Kaepernick was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is of mixed race African American and European. Show me some links that back up your replies. In the mean time here's mine. Has nothing to do with whose right or whose wrong, I just post what my sig says.
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Pixel Pusher
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The league needs to grow a pair and shut the little idiotic protests down. They have the ability but not the backbone. The league doesn't have to allow it, they can enact a policy that all their employees will stand and respect the flag and anthem. It's not within the rights of the players as long as they are on company time in company uniform acting as a company representative. Players can do ANYTHING they like "off the clock". I'm most insulted personally by how idiotic the protest is to begin with....disrespect the anthem to protest racism...? Disrespect the nation's symbol, the one that literally tore itself apart to end racism and allows the players to make millions to play a game? Seems misguided at best.
Rest assured the league would grow some backbone and institute an immediate ban if a bunch of white players decided to dis the anthem for white supremacy.

It's fair to say you don't want players making political displays during sporting events, even though it'll never stop, it's another to say standing against racism is the same as standing for white supremacy.

If you think they are one and the same, you're either ignorant or belligerent.

I'm sure a lot of people that believe that also would have said racism doesn't exist anymore the day before Charlottesville.


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It's fair to say you don't want players making political displays during sporting events,

Right or wrong, I think that's always been the attitude of the vast majority of people, who view sports as pure escapism.
Their 8-5 life (due to tech, now their 24-hr life)is filled with strife, conflict, problem-solving & stress.
They don't want SJW it in their precious, limited off-hours, they want Gilligan's Island.


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I was replying to this question

In my business, the answer is a unequivocal yes.
The NFL should have the same right.
Whether they choose to exercise it is another issue.

I know, but you said that your employees would nut be allowed to do this and I agreed. The NFL of course has the same right but is not stopping them so they within their rights to protest


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I know, but you said that your employees would nut be allowed to do this and I agreed. The NFL of course has the same right but is not stopping them so they within their rights to protest
I think we've in complete agreement


Well-Known Member
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Right or wrong, I think that's always been the attitude of the vast majority of people, who view sports as pure escapism.
Their 8-5 life (due to tech, now their 24-hr life)is filled with strife, conflict, problem-solving & stress.
They don't want SJW it in their precious, limited off-hours, they want Gilligan's Island.

I think your view of democracy is a little skewed

Democracy does rely on the opinion of the majority but only functions if the rights of the minorities are protected. That is the essence of democracy and the constitution of our great country. Seems our Founding Fathers understood things far better than some of us do

Therefore things should not be done just because the majority want it if it tramples on the rights of a minority


Pixel Pusher
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Right or wrong, I think that's always been the attitude of the vast majority of people, who view sports as pure escapism.
Their 8-5 life (due to tech, now their 24-hr life)is filled with strife, conflict, problem-solving & stress.
They don't want SJW it in their precious, limited off-hours, they want Gilligan's Island.

Sports aren't a sitcom, that's why we watch them.

If I wanted to see actors stick to a script so I could feel warm and fuzzy, I'd watch The Big Bang Theory.

The idea that you think taking a knee in prayer during the anthem following Charlotsville is a SJW issue is kind of a joke though, I hope.