Cole Beasley dropping knowledge


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@BryanBroaddus I'm looking around the league and at some point, this team has to realize their philosophy isn't getting it done.
I believe 2016 was the exception, not the rule. Even with a healthy O-line, our playcalling is going to cost us some games. We need real changes

Broaddus response below

Does poor execution hurt the play calling?

Let’s ask Broaddus is he believes the coaches bear zero responsibility for the loss on Sunday.

What do you think his answer will be?


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He does suck he needs a healthy team and for things to break right. Prime example of your great coach you want everyone to give credit to, Chaz Green is getting embarrassed in the first half of the Atlanta game with the game still in hand. What's does your genius coach do? Does he give Green help before it gets out of hand? Nooooo of course not he waits until late in the second half to make an adjustment and by then the game is a blowout. But according to You Garrett wasn't on the field so he has no blame. The player simply didn't execute. LMAO but give Garrett credit he made the playoffs in 2016 and 2014 so must be good.

As with most coaches they need a health team, what the eagles did is the exception not rule as you put it. That was due to exceptional depth, and savvy moves by the GM.


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Prove it.

Find all these posts where I say Garrett sucks and is one of the worst coaches in the NFL.

If you look, which I suspect you won’t, you’ll see that I’ve largely always held the position that he’s an average head coach.


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Do any of you guys ever watch clips like this Beasley clip here where he outright says you don’t know what’s really going on and that the hysteria is basically all bull**** and have the decency to be embarrassed by being a part of that overreaction? Or do you hear it and just assume he’s talking about some other hysterical know-it-all? It’s kind of amusing how it just gets completely ignored.


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Again stats are for losers what have they won? What has his style won in the playoffs?? What the hell has happened to Cowboy fans? Are we just happy with some stats on offense? Is getting to a Super Bowl not important just put up stats? It's amazing how some have accepted mediocrity and actually try to defend it.

Yes or no? This isn't the 70's or 90's . This is a new era , these aren't the same Cowboy


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Do any of you guys ever watch clips like this Beasley clip here where he outright says you don’t know what’s really going on and that the hysteria is basically all bull**** and have the decency to be embarrassed by being a part of that overreaction? Or do you hear it and just assume he’s talking about some other hysterical know-it-all? It’s kind of amusing how it just gets completely ignored.

Or it doesn’t get ignored but rather viewed in a proper context?

Of course the players have to play better. Most people acknowledge that. We have threads talking about how Dak played poorly or the OL played poorly or Williams was overmatched. So any notion that people aren’t also blaming the players is absurd.

The issue is that people want to take what Beasley said and just give the coaching staff a total pass for the loss. That’s preposterous, especially when viewed in the context that what we saw Sunday wasn’t an outlier here. It wasn’t just a rarity under his coaching staff.


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Do any of you guys ever watch clips like this Beasley clip here where he outright says you don’t know what’s really going on and that the hysteria is basically all bull**** and have the decency to be embarrassed by being a part of that overreaction? Or do you hear it and just assume he’s talking about some other hysterical know-it-all? It’s kind of amusing how it just gets completely ignored.

Exactly, Beasley knows who screwed up, it why they have film session. Film don't lie. it will embarrass you.
We did film every Saturday morning while the game was fresh in their heads, just to see how pissed they'd get over a mistake they made. They don't want to believe Beasley because it shoots down their agenda.


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Do any of you guys ever watch clips like this Beasley clip here where he outright says you don’t know what’s really going on and that the hysteria is basically all bull**** and have the decency to be embarrassed by being a part of that overreaction? Or do you hear it and just assume he’s talking about some other hysterical know-it-all? It’s kind of amusing how it just gets completely ignored.
Wow, you are tripling down on the Jason love. Pretty much, nothing can be his fault. Coaches don’t matter, players got to execute....10 years on.


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Or it doesn’t get ignored but rather viewed in a proper context?

Of course the players have to play better. Most people acknowledge that. We have threads talking about how Dak played poorly or the OL played poorly or Williams was overmatched. So any notion that people aren’t also blaming the players is absurd.

The issue is that people want to take what Beasley said and just give the coaching staff a total pass for the loss. That’s preposterous, especially when viewed in the context that what we saw Sunday wasn’t an outlier here. It wasn’t just a rarity under his coaching staff.

So if all those things happen, you just think the coach did nothing throughout the week? They sat around and played patty cakes?


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Wow, you are tripling down on the Jason love. Pretty much, nothing can be his fault. Coaches don’t matter, players got to execute....10 years on.

So did Parcels do anything? Was it his fault he had just as much success as Garrett?


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So if all those things happen, you just think the coach did nothing throughout the week? They sat around and played patty cakes?

Yea, that’s exactly what I said.

Coaches did nothing all week. They probably played a crap ton of golf.


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You don't realize how freaking dumb that

I am mocking your propensity to say silly and exaggerated stuff.

I am not the one who interjected some concept of the coaches not working hard during a week as if that’s the argument some have made.

You set up weird straw men arguments or just lie. You shouldn’t call any post dumb after some of your doozies.


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Wow, you are tripling down on the Jason love. Pretty much, nothing can be his fault. Coaches don’t matter, players got to execute....10 years on.

Since 2011 players simply haven't been executing out on the field and non of that is Garrett's fault. Thank you Dre for showing me how great Garrett is and how the players just don't do their job. Garrett has great game plans every week, makes great in game adjustments but unfortunately the players don't execute all of Garrett's great planning. Hopefully Jerry signs him to a 10 year extension asap so teams don't get in a bidding war for him. My god what was I thinking?


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Or it doesn’t get ignored but rather viewed in a proper context?

Of course the players have to play better. Most people acknowledge that. We have threads talking about how Dak played poorly or the OL played poorly or Williams was overmatched. So any notion that people aren’t also blaming the players is absurd.

The issue is that people want to take what Beasley said and just give the coaching staff a total pass for the loss. That’s preposterous, especially when viewed in the context that what we saw Sunday wasn’t an outlier here. It wasn’t just a rarity under his coaching staff.

Why is Parcells blaming Romo? Didn't a stickler for detail practice this during the week?

“All you got to do is kick a field goal, the most elementary of plays, and then you just don’t do it. And so I don’t want to go through that process again. Too much blood,” Parcells said.


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Do any of you guys ever watch clips like this Beasley clip here where he outright says you don’t know what’s really going on and that the hysteria is basically all bull**** and have the decency to be embarrassed by being a part of that overreaction? Or do you hear it and just assume he’s talking about some other hysterical know-it-all? It’s kind of amusing how it just gets completely ignored.

I've found that most playcalling critics have nothing to go on beyond, "that play didn't work so it was a bad call."

I've also never seen anyone explain the, "predictable," criticism beyond determining whether it's a run or a pass, as if all runs and passes are the same.

I don't chart plays and formations or anything, but anyone who watched Sunday's game and didn't see new wrinkles in their plays and formations hasn't been paying attention. I don't remember so many called runs from shotgun, for example. They ran more screens to multiple positions than I recall seeing in the past. Playcalling critics have been, in my experience, some of the laziest critics on forums.


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Since 2011 players simply haven't been executing out on the field and non of that is Garrett's fault. Thank you Dre for showing me how great Garrett is and how the players just don't do their job. Garrett has great game plans every week, makes great in game adjustments but unfortunately the players don't execute all of Garrett's great planning. Hopefully Jerry signs him to a 10 year extension asap so teams don't get in a bidding war for him. My god what was I thinking?

I never said he has no fault, I never said he was a great coach. I said he has no control over a players execution or mistake, because he's not on the field. In between those white lines it's on the players.


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I've found that most playcalling critics have nothing to go on beyond, "that play didn't work so it was a bad call."

I've also never seen anyone explain the, "predictable," criticism beyond determining whether it's a run or a pass, as if all runs and passes are the same.

I don't chart plays and formations or anything, but anyone who watched Sunday's game and didn't see new wrinkles in their plays and formations hasn't been paying attention. I don't remember so many called runs from shotgun, for example. They ran more screens to multiple positions than I recall seeing in the past. Playcalling critics have been, in my experience, some of the laziest critics on forums.

I can only like this once, I wish I could like it a hundred times. Some of these people just don't know what they're looking at.


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Yea hearing Cole Beasley and dak Prescott assure the fans they are going to get everything in control this week doesn’t make me feel any better.

Let me hear zeke answer questions about something besides running into loaded boxes and I’ll listen.