When I saw Jaws in the theater it was only rated PG. I was 10 and saw it with my 9 yr old cousin, we rode our bikes to a Saturday matinee showing. Maybe not by today's standards but for the mid-70's, that was a pretty intense PG movie. It was kinda scary, we thought it was pretty cool, but it was the after effects.... we had a family trip planned for the coast the following week.
I was bound and determined to get in the water, I wasn't gonna let that movie scare me.....

I never got more than about thigh deep, boy I was nervous kept looking around, looked like many people were doing the same thing too....... and that dang music playing in my head

At one point a piece of seaweed, at least that's what I told myself later, touched my leg...... man, I lit out of that water like a scalded cat......