Comics and Movies

There's One Big Asterisk On George R. R. Martin Wanting Thrones to Go the Way of Star Wars
By Josh Rosenberg | Esquire
August 23, 2022

The Game of Thrones prequel series, House of the Dragon, is currently hotter than dragon fire. The premiere episode drew in roughly 10 million viewers, shattering the record for the biggest premiere on HBO, ever. The news has the creator of this whole Thrones shindig, George R. R. Martin, a little giddy. The man is ready for Thrones to become a cinematic universe, which, sure! But he can't stop comparing his vision to Star Wars.

Thrilled by his various triumphs, he told the Wall Street Journal that "several" other spin-off shows are currently in development over at HBO. Several! The author added that "we'll have something akin to the Marvel or Star Wars model by the time it’s all settled." Martin also voiced his response to criticisms that his show was too violent earlier this week, telling Vanity Fair that "Star Wars kills more people than I do." Live your truth, George, but a Stormtrooper going bye-bye is a little different than House of the Dragon's childbirth scene.

The fantasy writer is clearly looking to the future during this admittedly well-deserved victory lap. But h has one major problem. The Star Wars extended universe—as we know it today—followed 12 films, multiple animated series, novels, comics, video games, toys, and a fandom dating back to 1977 that mainly markets to children. Martin, meanwhile, has yet to even finish writing the adult series that brought him fame on HBO. His planned novels, The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring, have no release date in sight. Furthermore, the controversial ending in Game of Thrones was so universally hated that Martin intends on writing a completely different one in the books. Even if Martin completed his final novels in A Song of Ice and Fire, it still wouldn't exactly be new material to adapt. Game of Thrones needs entirely new stories and its creator is still playing catch-up.

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I'm of the opinion that he'll definitely pass away before A Dream of Spring is finished and possibly pass away before he bothers completing Winds of Winter. He's just not motivated to do it and keeps doing other projects.
5 Actors Who Could Play Wolverine In the MCU
By Daniel Roberts | Inside The Magic
August 24, 2022


As the Marvel Cinematic Universe prepares to enter Phase Five with Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023) early next year (this year’s Black Panther: Wakanda Forever will end Phase Four), many fans are wondering if they’ll get to see any of the X-Men make an appearance.

While we’ve had a few X-Men teasers in the MCU so far — Charles Xavier/Professor X (Patrick Stewart) in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022) and the ending of Disney+ series Ms. Marvel (2022) — no such projects were announced at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con.

In 2019, however, Marvel boss Kevin Feige told Collider that the MCU would introduce the X-Men, saying “It [X-Men] has been heavily discussed, as you might imagine. And we have a good feeling of where it’s going and when it’s going, but that all remains to be seen.”

It’s hard to believe that the MCU will ignore the X-Men, especially now that they own all the Fox X-Men movies (which are technically now canon following the opening of the Multiverse in Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) and the X-Men cameo in the Doctor Strange sequel).

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5. Taron Egerton
4. Joe Keery
3. Alan Ritchson
2. Miles Teller
1. Robert Pattinson


Egerton? Yes. Ritchson? Maaaaaybe. Everyone else? Hand me a barf bag. And absolutely no to Teller!

I don't wanna see Wolverine if Egerton gets the gig ... only Tom Hardy would a worse choice .. Yikes ! :eek:

What about these possible figure Wolverine candidates ..?

Charlie Hunnam

Robert Pattinson

Daniel Radcliffe

Jon Bernthal

richard armitage

I don't wanna see Wolverine if Egerton gets the gig ... only Tom Hardy would a worse choice .. Yikes ! :eek:

What about these possible figure Wolverine candidates ..?

Charlie Hunnam

Robert Pattinson

Daniel Radcliffe

Jon Bernthal

richard armitage

Hunnam could be good.
Charlie Hunnam

King Arthur?

Robert Pattinson
Cold, brooding Dark Knight turns into fierce, raging Weapon X.

I still do not see it.
Daniel Radcliffe
Is there some other film or series you would recommend I watch that might inspire me into considering Radcliffe as Logan? All I see is from him is a hard stare and that is not convincing me. Right now, my vote for Radcliffe as Wolverine is about as likely as me suggesting Rupert Grint as Commissioner Gordon.
Jon Bernthal
Much of Bernthal's work is his detailed fiery subtleties he infuses into the characters he plays. To me, Wolverine is fire incarnate and the character has layers but he's not an intricate one.

I imagine how Bernthal could have played the character in The Wolverine instead of Hugh Jackman. I ask myself, "Could he have been better than Jackman?" Then I consider how 'better' would have turned out. What I end up with is a way more dramatic Logan than necessary.

I would say no to Bernthal.
richard armitage
Well. The MCU multiverse can present many possibilities but a Hydra agent assassin in one universe, having a twin mutant with adamantium claws in an alternate universe, is a bit of a stretch for me.

I don't wanna see Wolverine if Egerton gets the gig ... only Tom Hardy would a worse choice .. Yikes ! :eek:

What about these possible figure Wolverine candidates ..?

Charlie Hunnam

Robert Pattinson

Daniel Radcliffe

Jon Bernthal

richard armitage

I think Radcliffe wouldn't be as crazy a choice as it sounds. He's actually closer to the size of Logan in the comics.

King Arthur? Not just King Arthur. He played Jax, in Sons of Anarchy , and his demeanor wasn't far off from Logan's.


Cold, brooding Dark Knight turns into fierce, raging Weapon X.

I still do not see it.

Is there some other film or series you would recommend I watch that might inspire me into considering Radcliffe as Logan? All I see is from him is a hard stare and that is not convincing me. Right now, my vote for Radcliffe as Wolverine is about as likely as me suggesting Rupert Grint as Commissioner Gordon.
Much of Bernthal's work is his detailed fiery subtleties he infuses into the characters he plays. To me, Wolverine is fire incarnate and the character has layers but he's not an intricate one.

I imagine how Bernthal could have played the character in The Wolverine instead of Hugh Jackman. I ask myself, "Could he have been better than Jackman?" Then I consider how 'better' would have turned out. What I end up with is a way more dramatic Logan than necessary.

I would say no to Bernthal.

Well. The MCU multiverse can present many possibilities but a Hydra agent assassin in one universe, having a twin mutant with adamantium claws in an alternate universe, is a bit of a stretch for me.



Thank you for posting this. And thank Rick Berman and John Pike also. I have never heard this story before.

One of the things I loved about Gene Roddenberry was his sense of vision but it was way off that time. Plus, I do not understand his argument.

Okay. It is the 24th century. Medical science is REALLY advanced, so there are no bald people. Science beats hair follicles.

However, 24th century medicine, which Star Trek: The Next Generation demonstrated TONS of examples, could not cure Geordi's blindness? Sure, hair follicles is not the same as brain nerve pathways and eye chemistry. However


...20 years prior, Roddenberry had Spock's brain surgically removed AND re-transplanted by advanced scientific medical technology in the 23rd century, Gene Gene Gene. You mean to tell me Bones McCoy and ALL the Starfleet doctors who followed him, could not prevent LeVar Burton from wearing a VISOR in order to see for all those seasons???



Gene. I'm disappointed in you. :rolleyes::laugh:
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