Commanders agree to terms on deal for Taylor

cowboyjoe;2150923 said:
yeah, i lost alot of respect too for parcells, jacksonville offered a draft pick for jason taylor a 2nd rounder and so did a few other teams, but parcells was holding out for more draft picks preferably a number 1 pick;

now we have to face jason taylor with the Commanders twice this year, thanks a lot parcells

now i hope without jason taylor to pass rush, i hope teams hammer the dolphins really bad, and let parcells have it

Relax it's gonna take a lot more then Taylor to make the skins good
bbgun;2150865 said:
32 ****ing teams in this league and they just had to send him to the NFC East. Thanks, Tuna.

Last time we played Miami, Taylor was a non-factor. I'm not worried about our guys matching up against him at all.
Good move in the short term for sure.

That's been a big problem on what has generally been a pretty good defense, no pass rush. They got that.
Alexander;2150924 said:
If Owens got hurt tomorrow, people would be applauding if Mister Jones pulled off a trade for Roy Williams or Anquan Boldin within 24 hours.

For that matter, if Ware blew out a knee, getting Taylor for a second would be viewed as a heist.

But since it is Snyder, it is :lmao2: . Amazing.
uh, Jerry tried hard to trade for Chad Johnson

try again
I don't like this trade one bit. Of course, if he ends up playing four more years, then it will turn out ok, but this seems more like a one and done. I don't doubt he has the ability to play four more good seasons, but it really seems like he doesn't have the desire.
cobra;2150893 said:
He isn't 30, Quincy.

He will be 34 in one month.

Let's put it this way:

Would you give up a 2nd round pick next year and a 6th round pick in 2010 for Greg Ellis?

Greg Ellis had more sacks in 3 less games last year. And Greg Ellis is one year younger then Jason Taylor. He also has 1 less year of wear and tear on his body.

So would you give that up for Ellis right now? I wouldn't.
Ellis has had 2 good years while, taylor has had 7 great years, big difference,

Ellis is good and is a team player, while Taylor on a good team would be agreat player, difference maker
true alexander i would say if something did happen to ware, the cowboys would trade for jason taylor, preferably our 3rd rounder, i dont see giving up a 2nd, too high a price

now roy williams or bouldin, if the cowboys can still pull that off, then boom, cowboys back in super bowl run big time;

and like one guy pointed about terry glenn, jerry jones talked about one hit on glenn's knee and he is done for his career;

so our only hope now is that miles austin comes on, besides, austin did get 2, count them 2 deep interference pass plays againts the packers, so that is good, but austin does need to come on, then i will be happier,

but the stinking Commanders are gonna be tough now with jason taylor
Skinsmaniac;2150930 said:
I don't like this trade one bit. Of course, if he ends up playing four more years, then it will turn out ok, but this seems more like a one and done. I don't doubt he has the ability to play four more good seasons, but it really seems like he doesn't have the desire.

maybe that changes with a new team don't think many players would be very motivated if they where stuck in Miami.
If all you get out of this is less then 3 years it's not a really smart move long term
Billy Bullocks;2150928 said:
Good move in the short term for sure.

That's been a big problem on what has generally been a pretty good defense, no pass rush. They got that.
Q_the_man;2150932 said:
Ellis has had 2 good years while, taylor has had 7 great years, big difference,

Ellis is good and is a team player, while Taylor on a good team would be agreat player, difference maker

Lil Danny, is that you?:lmao2:
Wow, from reading these posts you would get the impression that Jason Taylor is Superman his bad self!

Taylor did squat against the Cowboys! What's going to be different now with the Commanders? Nothing...Flozell will still make him his b****!!

Man, one guy to the skins and even Cowboy fans are shivering at the thought, much less the Commander fans that are pee-peeing in their little Commander underwear!

Absoutely amazing, on both sides!!


Jason Taylor? Humfff....big freaking deal!!
Ren;2150853 said:
they'll get what? 1-2 years out of him?

2nd round pick seems a lot even for a player like Taylor when you think about what they might be getting

The trade is for a 2nd round pick in 09 and a 6th round pick in 10 according to Cerrato, I understand.
Alexander;2150919 said:
When you are on the eve of a draft, you are more apt to hold onto your choices because you need them to deal, plus you don't know when a player could fall to you.

Rumor stated that they asked for a first for Taylor in April. If that's true, the Commanders actually got a fair deal now that camp is approaching and Taylor was going to become more of a distraction.

the Commanders knew they needed an opposite pass-rusher, now that they finally get down to hammering out a deal when they lose 2, does it scream reactionary, he just made a wiser decision, it's still the same, old Danny boy

now if they were keeping up talks every now and then, from the draft till now, I could see differently
One MAJOR issue with Taylor is what DE spot will he play, LE? Andre Carter is undersize and cannot play the run very well at RE. Taylor is undersize as well, but uses leverage better than Carter against the run.

I think from a run stopping standpoint this makes the Skins weaker. Not to mention 60 plays against Colombo and his pass rush will be effected.
Would somebody please pop in the tape of Big Flo handling Taylor last year. Did he even play against us..
redskins1;2150921 said:
well mansta54 is the 1st idiot,who's next?

You are thinking that this even gives you a chance at getting a chance of smelling the playoffs. When are you going to realize your owner needs to be put in a straight jacket and a padded room? Jason Taylor may still be a good player but he is not the final piece to the puzzle that is the Commanders, you guys are missing alot of pieces.
cobra;2150893 said:
Greg Ellis had more sacks in 3 less games last year. And Greg Ellis is one year younger then Jason Taylor. He also has 1 less year of wear and tear on his body.

So would you give that up for Ellis right now? I wouldn't.

You're not seriously putting Greg Ellis in the same class as Jason Taylor, right ?
Randy White;2150946 said:
You're not seriously putting Greg Ellis in the same class as Jason Taylor, right ?

For last years performance you can. This is a "what have you done for me lately" league. Ellis was great last year and played less games. Infact, a Pro Bowler....
yeah, but what worries me, flozell has never been a team leader,

when erik williams was here, he was the leader on offensive line, and made the other guys play in line, then erik turned that over to larry allen,

larry saw that the offenisve linemen kept in shape and worked at staying in shape

then each time flozell has gotten a big contract, his play has fallen off after that big contract signing

now, its time for sure for flozell to step up, stay in shape, and see that the other offensive linemen stay in shape year round, especially in december and january;

maybe hudson houck can kick flozells rear end, and make him step up to the plate,, i remember reading where flozell and hudson get along, because hudson would push flozell and flozell didnt like to be pushed

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