Now who is lying? YOU. I NEVER said "between tackles". I said "up the middle". The closest Tony gets to "the middle" is behind the tackle. Do you want to refute that?
The great majority is outside of the tackle. Let's look at some evidence, shall we?
You can count on one had the times Tony runs up the middle. Even a designed run "between tackles".....Tony skirts to the outside most often.
You act like I hate Tony. I love him. He is a dynamic playmaker. We need him AND zeke.
You think your Zeke hate makes you look so in the the know. A better fan. I don't usually remember M.O.'s I have neither the skill nor the inclination. But you, I'll remember. I know you already have the "glad I was wrong" speech ready, just in case. An insincere one.
Guess what?
When the play is designed up the middle... and Pollard is talented enough to bounce it outside for big yardage...
But Anemic Zeke, on the same designed play, plods up the middle for a gain of 1...
The most talented runners are the ones who understand when they should bounce it outside.
Average runners follow the play design like robots and when there’s 2 yards there, they get those 2 yards.
That’s Anemic Zeke.
Anemic Zeke is very good in short yardage situations. He’s also a good blocker. I never said “we don’t need him”, he’s just grossly overpaid for what he provides and he’s not our best runner.
He’s also a BUM when it comes to turning a decent gain into a long run. He’s no longer any kind of home run threat.
That’s why Pollard’s the better runner. Literally every NFL fan who isn’t an Anemic Zeke homer knows this.
You called Pollard a “dynamic playmaker”... would you use those same words to describe Anemic Zeke? Didn’t think so.