congresswoman gabrielle giffords shot in tucson

Doomsday101;3800016 said:
Not sure how many may know this but the little girl Christina-Taylor Green is the grand daughter of former Philadelphia Phillies HC Dallas Green

It was mentioned a few pages back
These WBC people came to WV a few years ago after one of the mining accidents. Seems they want to say that the miners died because of gays. Not a big population of gays working in the mines of WV. :laugh2: But of course that is just a ruse and an excuse to picket.


They did not stay too long.

There were a few people yelling at them in a negative manner but for the most part they conducted themselves as respectable and peaceful protesters against the WBC.

The WBC quickly realized that they were not going to get a rise out of the group and left after a quick stay.

I had actually planned on going to that rally as it was widely circulated in the local area of what the plan was. But my wife's back went out so I stayed home. I really wanted to go leading up the rally. Did a bunch of reading on the net about them, watched a bunch of videos about them and so on.

I just wish the flash mob would have happened in front of the WBC. A proud day to be a West Virginian.

Funny thing is West Virginia has plenty of people who are against the gays. The thing I said earlier about miners not having a big gay population in it was part jest but also something that is true.

But you mess with WV and it's miners that will get a surprise. I was just happy they did it the right way instead of going down there with anger and it turning into something else.
WBC is not coming to Tucson!

Hallelujah, because I would have gone to jail. BP, I simply disagree with you. I am not going to say anything more than that.

By the way, here is audio of the Sheriff's Department radio traffic sending officer to the scene and arriving at the scene.
Years ago, when the Klan was holding a rally on the Texas Capitol grounds, someone organized a mass Moon-the-Klan counter protest. You can legally moon someone in Texas, if you are precise in how you do it.

There is really no dignified response to thousands of people showing their opinion of you with their buttocks.

Not always doable, but something with that sort of dismissal of these folks would be a better way to go.

Though the Hells Angels getting a kind word or two in does have a certain charm.
Hostile;3800199 said:
WBC is not coming to Tucson!

Hallelujah, because I would have gone to jail. BP, I simply disagree with you. I am not going to say anything more than that.

By the way, here is audio of the Sheriff's Department radio traffic sending officer to the scene and arriving at the scene.

Hey if you want to be wrong, go to jail and in turn help fund their next trips more power to you. Everyone has the right to do stupid things as long as it does not break the law.

Another idea that was discussed when it was known they were coming to WV was taken from another group...which would be a good tie in to the Hells Angels.

There was a motorcycle group somewhere that was going to get together and
park right near the WBC when they protested and rev their motorcycle engines up over and over so nobody could hear what the WBC.

Sadly the group looked into it here in WV and they could not get the permits or clearance to do it because it would block traffic.
Doomsday101;3800016 said:
Not sure how many may know this but the little girl Christina-Taylor Green is the grand daughter of former Philadelphia Phillies HC Dallas Green

and one of her cousins is actress sophia bush from the TV show one tree hill.
The Safeway re-opened today. I hope people do not stay away from there over this, but some might. Sad, tragic event that has also affected that store and the employees. Even those who did not work there that day. They have lost so much money.
Hostile;3800343 said:
The Safeway re-opened today. I hope people do not stay away from there over this, but some might. Sad, tragic event that has also affected that store and the employees. Even those who did not work there that day. They have lost so much money.

:( :( :(
Hostile;3800228 said:
Yes, I am dead serious. However, they are not even coming to Tucson. Good thing because they were not welcome here and I was not kidding. I doubt the HAs were either.

Doubt? I'm sure you living out west probably know that the HAs were definitely not kidding.

I'm not afraid of too many things in life. I am legitimately afraid of the HAs.

arglebargle;3800209 said:
Years ago, when the Klan was holding a rally on the Texas Capitol grounds, someone organized a mass Moon-the-Klan counter protest. You can legally moon someone in Texas, if you are precise in how you do it.

There is really no dignified response to thousands of people showing their opinion of you with their buttocks.

Not always doable, but something with that sort of dismissal of these folks would be a better way to go.

Though the Hells Angels getting a kind word or two in does have a certain charm.

1. "Buttocks" :laugh2:

2. If by "kind word" you mean beating possibly resulting in death, then yes :D
Hostile;3799901 said:
I just got back from the shooting site. WBC is nowhere to be seen and they also did not picket the little girl's funeral as they promised. I think tomorrow is the pickets they really want. Judge Roll's funeral.

Not if I can help it.

I was told today by a biker friend that the local Hell's Angels are planning to invite them to leave Tucson and never come back.

HAHA! I love civic organizations.
Now they say they are coming. 30 minutes at my daughter's school...but they are not there and an hour at Judge Roll's funeral.
Hostile;3801235 said:
Now they say they are coming. 30 minutes at my daughter's school...but they are not there and an hour at Judge Roll's funeral.

Well how do you like that? Causing fluctuations in the course of the daily lives (and emotions) of others. Those nasty devils.
BrAinPaiNt;3800119 said:
ANY publicity by these loons is good publicity for them.

Even some random sports message board with some guy on it claiming he will go down and put an end to this or whatever.

The best method to deal with these people is not to act all billy bad arse against them. That is just what they want.

They want to get under people's skin. They want people to come at them all tough and then get them riled some more until they do something to them and then they will turn around and sue sue sue.

They are about the money, publicity and lunacy.

So, even if it is just this one sports board that some may never read, that the Phelps clan may never know existed...they have done their job because they already have one guy from the board willing to go down there if they show up.

So they have achieved their goals.

The only way to combat these guys is to ignore them, or go down there and make complete fun of them while managing not to get angry at what they say.

Besides that, just getting the city to enact an ordinance that puts a distance between funerals and where they can have their demonstrations.

It is flat out stupid, and falling right into their traps, to go down to confront them with any kind of anger or attitude that you will show them.

I bet they hope the hells angels come down and threaten them, that way they can sue the members of the hells angels. That would be just what they want.

If people go down with funny signs, go down with smiles, go down laughing and not get into a shouting match or getting angry at them...they will quickly bore of it and move on without any provocation of suing or causing too much of a scene.

Being a billy bad arse, being a tough guy, being a guy or group of guys who think they will go down and show them, who thinks they can go down and threaten them and that line of thinking is pure stupidity and it is exactly what they want.

Sadly, more times than not, it is what happens. And this is the exact reason that a small church, with a small number of members that are almost exclusively family...has the money to go all over the US at the drop of a dime in order to demonstrate.

Think about that for a moment.

They are a small church. How can a small church, with around 70 members, raise the kind of money to continually travel around the united states many times a year. It is because they make money doing it from dumb people who think they will go down there and show those crazies a thing or two. They have no connections with the baptists church, they are clearly on their own. They are almost all exclusively family members.

They have picketed around 30k different times. They have picketed in every state in the US and the last time I read they spent around $200-300k a Year...A YEAR on their projects. Think about that...for a church that only has around 70 members.

The main man is a Lawyer, however I think he has been disbarred. His one daughter is more of a head of the church now and she is a lawyer. Actually I think there a number of lawyers in that family now.

They are a disgusting group of individuals...but they make their money doing that and they make it off of people who think they will show them how things are, people who will put them in their place, people who will go down and threaten them, people who would do physical violence against them.

Again...around 70 members yet they are spending $200-300 thousand a year on their pickets across the USA.

The one piece you are not considering is the family of the deceased. That is ultimately what this is about. Turning a blind eye so as to not bring publicity leaves the family at the mercy of these scumbags.
vta;3801382 said:
Well how do you like that? Causing fluctuations in the course of the daily lives (and emotions) of others. Those nasty devils.
To the best of my knowledge they did not come. No reports anywhere.
Vtwin;3801401 said:
The one piece you are not considering is the family of the deceased. That is ultimately what this is about. Turning a blind eye so as to not bring publicity leaves the family at the mercy of these scumbags.
Thank you. I tried to say that to him last night and it just didn't matter.

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