Cooley's opinion: RG3 is going to Dallas


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Reclamation projects that have been successful in new surroundings do not come with nearly the same technical baggage Griffin does.

You bring him onboard, you have to modify your offense to compensate for his handicaps. Placing him into this system will require him to do what Romo does to and that is quite simply over his head.

Jim Plunkett he's not.

We might want to look at the transformation of Cam Newton in Carolina, from strickly read type QB to pocket and drop back QB. I am not saying than RG3 is anywhere near Cam, but he doesnt have to be. We need a guy to step in for Romo at times and move this team down the field. I think he can be an adequate replacement and a better option then the backups we have, he has a gun of an arm and can take off with the ball if he has to. Like I said I will take him over any QB coming out of this draft.


Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
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Personally, I'm all for giving RG3 a chance here AND drafting a QB at #4.


I can live with that if there is a QB at No. 4 worth taking. I'm of the belief that we have to use that fourth overall pick to get a difference-maker on this team. I don't want to elevate a QB to the fourth spot just because we feel we should take one to take advantage of drafting that high. Taking advantage of drafting that high is getting one of the top five players in this draft, whatever his position might be.

Now, if there's no discernible rating difference between the fourth-ranked player than say a QB ranked 10th, then I would take advantage of the opportunity we have to get that QB.

In other words, it isn't going to make me upset if Dallas takes a QB at 4 or if it takes another player because I'm going to assume that Dallas is taking a player it believes is rated among the top players available. I will be upset if we squander the opportunity to draft a top-of-the-draft player by trading down for a lesser player.


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Great, can't wait. I hope my faith in Romo is rewarded. Lord knows if we couldn't win with below average QB last year, no way will we win with a total garbage QB like RG3. What a waste of space he would be on this team.

Griffin sux. I'm with you. He was the 3rd string QB for the Commanders! Skins sux. I don't want any of their players. Ever.


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No they would probably get JFF and pull the third or fourth round QB which most of us will love in Kevin Hogan.



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So back up Romo with a QB who's just as, if not more, "injury prone"?



What's it going to be then, eh?
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We might want to look at the transformation of Cam Newton in Carolina, from strickly read type QB to pocket and drop back QB. I am not saying than RG3 is anywhere near Cam, but he doesnt have to be. We need a guy to step in for Romo at times and move this team down the field. I think he can be an adequate replacement and a better option then the backups we have, he has a gun of an arm and can take off with the ball if he has to. Like I said I will take him over any QB coming out of this draft.

Newton was not as much of a reclamation as it was simple development in the same system.

I see a lot of people advocating for Griffin but nobody wants to discuss exactly how he is going to be rehabilitated.

Who really thinks we have the coaching expertise to take on this kind of a project, where better minds (ala Shanahan) have failed?


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I'm of the belief that we have to use that fourth overall pick to get a difference-maker on this team. I don't want to elevate a QB to the fourth spot just because we feel we should take one to take advantage of drafting that high. Taking advantage of drafting that high is getting one of the top five players in this draft, whatever his position might be.

A top 5 pick has to be a difference maker in the first game next season. QB would not be that.

Best bet for the team would be to trade back to get a DT and a LBer or S/CB by trading the pick. That gives us more value I think.


Junior College Transfer
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I really do not mind if he goes to Dallas... Or Irving, Grapevine, Denton he is welcomed at all locations I just don't want him on the Cowboys.

Farmers Branch/Carrollton officials, those bumpkins, would welcome RG3 as cities recreation director. He'd be smashing here.


Junior College Transfer
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They goofed up with their coaching hire.

RG3 needed someone like Gary Kubiak to coach him.

Snyder wanted Gruden and he lost RG3 because of that. He can't dink and dunk. He's not a west coast Rich Gannon type of QB.

He's a downfield thrower.

RG3 is all about the big play and if Romo is out I think a QB like him would be perfect to try and run the ball with and establish a deep pass play action game.

With our OL and the right playcalls I think he would be fantastic here strictly as a backup.

Ah, so it was coaching and not the athlete himself that sucked. Illumination, finally!


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Probably going to sign him and then pass on QB in the draft. That's just the feeling I get.


Well-Known Member
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I'm fine with a flier on RG3.

Manziel, not so much.


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Newton was not as much of a reclamation as it was simple development in the same system.

I see a lot of people advocating for Griffin but nobody wants to discuss exactly how he is going to be rehabilitated.

Who really thinks we have the coaching expertise to take on this kind of a project, where better minds (ala Shanahan) have failed?

I think Cam is in a group of his own, He has shown he can stand in the pocket, make the reads and deliver the ball with good accuracy and in terms of his running ability all I can say is there are not many QB who are 6'05" 250 with great speed and athletic ability, heck he is much bigger than CB and safeties who try to tackle him and bigger than many of the LB's in this league.


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I'll be honest, I'd love nothing more than to get Griffin here, turn him into a great QB, and routinely beat the crap out of Washington with the guy they mortgaged their franchise for.

How could anyone not want this narrative?

That's assuming, of course, that he can be turned into a great QB.


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If that helps you sleep at night

I sleep great regardless, this is just a game, not a life event for me. However, there is not one single thing RG3 brings to the position that is better than Romo. Period. RG3 needs to be in a one read offense, that's all he can do. If not open, run. Our offense and most NFL offenses require that the QB be able to read a defense and see where the weak points are and get their team in the best play to succeed. RG3 is either to stupid to learn that or to lazy to learn it, either way, he is a waste of space as an NFL QB. But its ok, he won't play but a game or two before he is carted off the field like every other year he has pretended to be a QB in this league.


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I'll be honest, I'd love nothing more than to get Griffin here, turn him into a great QB, and routinely beat the crap out of Washington with the guy they mortgaged their franchise for.

How could anyone not want this narrative?

That's assuming, of course, that he can be turned into a great QB.

That would be a great story line.

I just cant bring myself to like this guy.