Cowboy merchandise sales falling and I love it!

You do not understand how Jerry's mind works.

Dude, .. you made a ridiculous statement earlier that you cannot back up, .. just let it go.

You can't take it back, but don't keep defending it, it looks bad and won't end well, ... let it pass.

The Cowboys aren't going to any other city, .. it's not like Jerry can simply pick up his $billion dollar castle and move it.
Yea, looks like the Pat fans are trying to get Robert Kraft's attention after losing 2 Super Bowl's to E-Lie!

If people are serious about making their statement do not buy stuff do not go to the games do not watch them on TV where they help to spike the ratings. Heck Dallas is still highly sought on prime time games because of the rating. What people want to do is complain and that is fine but don't come out with this boycott BS then turn around and watch the games and act like you hurting Jerry. lol
If any of us think that us not buying a jersey or two or a couple of hats or mugs, or not going to a game or two is going to impact "Jerry's Empire" at all, you are dreaming.

Nothing you do will change Jerry one bit, .. not one iota.

If you stop watching games, you are simply cutting off your nose to spite your face, or missing the forest because of the trees, .. or one of those old cliches. LOL

His empire is rolling like a huge frieght train locomotive at 100 miles per hour flying down the railroad tracks, .. and nothing we do will slow it down or stop it.

All aboard, .. or get off, .. your choice.
If any of us think that us not buying a jersey or two or a couple of hats or mugs, or not going to a game or two is going to impact "Jerry's Empire" at all, you are dreaming.

Nothing you do will change Jerry one bit, .. not one iota.

If you stop watching games, you are simply cutting off your nose to spite your face, or missing the forest because of the trees, .. or one of those old cliches. LOL

His empire is rolling like a huge frieght train locomotive at 100 miles per hour flying down the railroad tracks, .. and nothing we do will slow it down or stop it.

All aboard, .. or get off, .. your choice.

I disagree. First merchandise, and eventually ticket sales. Jerry's repeatedly said that he's just driving the Cowboy bus at the moment. He understands the history of the Cowboys. When fans start showing up with bags on their heads or not showing up at all, it will definitely get his attention.
I disagree. First merchandise, and eventually ticket sales. Jerry's repeatedly said that he's just driving the Cowboy bus at the moment. He understands the history of the Cowboys. When fans start showing up with bags on their heads or not showing up at all, it will definitely get his attention.

How many fans do you think it will take to affect merchandise or ticket sales?
No idea. Empty seats or people with bags on their heads will affect Jerry.

I agree with your thinking, .. if the numbers get big enough, .. but my point in post #84 is that I don't think the numbers get big enough.

It would take a ton of people, bold people, to even make a dent, .. I can't see it ever getting big enough to impact "Jerry's Kinddom".
I've seen a number of "Resistance is Futile" posts - really?

Hard is not impossible.

Fans in Dallas, then from all over built the Cowboys' following.

Now I'm hearing fans don't matter - Jerry can make money without us...does that make sense?

Do you really want to support a team where the owner treats the fans with contempt?

Great empires and businesses have fallen, often by taking themselves too seriously. They don't fall in a day, but they eventually do if they are rotting.

The fans have not rebelled yet, so how can you say it's useless?
How many fans do you think it will take to affect merchandise or ticket sales?
That particular number is exponentially far larger than boycott proponents may believe. It would be practical for anyone considering such action to first consult with an economist.
No idea. Empty seats or people with bags on their heads will affect Jerry.
Empty seats would likely happen after the team starts posting multiple sub .500 seasons. It is a scenario which has shown to happen in other stadiums throughout NFL history.

However, the bags on their heads proposal is actually practical, feasible and can be enacted in short order. It does not come with a guarantee of success, but it has the best chance of attacking Jones' narcissism.
No, I don't, ... but that is what I'm stuck with.

This is the problem: To get the team back - you have to be willing to lose it....sort of a crude paraphrase of Matt 16:25.

In many relations in life, the more desperate party is controlled by the other, be it dating, business, etc, etc...being disinterested increases power.

For millions of fans addicted to the point of putting up with any kind of sports incompetence, they have given Jerry absolute power in the process.
I agree with your thinking, .. if the numbers get big enough, .. but my point in post #84 is that I don't think the numbers get big enough.

It would take a ton of people, bold people, to even make a dent, .. I can't see it ever getting big enough to impact "Jerry's Kinddom".

I guess we'll just disagree on this point. I agree with you the decline in merchandise sales won't affect Jerry, but empty seats or fans protesting by wearing bags on their heads will.
I guess we'll just disagree on this point. I agree with you the decline in merchandise sales won't affect Jerry, but empty seats or fans protesting by wearing bags on their heads will.
Keep in mind that empty seats are dependent on seasonal results. If the team can manage 8-8 or better, regardless of playoff success or futility, fans will still buy enough tickets to keep week-to-week attendance respectable (or excellent). This is the hardest chunk of reality for vocal boycotters to swallow.
Keep in mind that empty seats are dependent on seasonal results. If the team can manage 8-8 or better, regardless of playoff success or futility, fans will still buy enough tickets to keep week-to-week attendance respectable (or excellent). This is the hardest chunk of reality for vocal boycotters to swallow.

This is the Dallas Cowboys. Real fans don't tolerate 123-123.
This is the Dallas Cowboys. Real fans don't tolerate 123-123.
You can pay to have that run on the ticker in Times Square. It does not deviate one iota from reality that a "good enough" product will keep putting butts in seats.
I guess we'll just disagree on this point. I agree with you the decline in merchandise sales won't affect Jerry, but empty seats or fans protesting by wearing bags on their heads will.

Once again, .. how many?

80 to 100,000 in attendance, ... two here with bags on their heads, three there, two more over there.

So what?

This is the Dallas Cowboys. Real fans don't tolerate 123-123.

I'm a real fan, .. so what if I quit watching, quit buying, quit following.

Do you think Jerry cares if I and 1,000 more like me quit?

If he cared about us fans, we would have had a new GM a long time ago.
Do we have one?
People seem to forget that just because the number of Dallas Cowboys fans might lower does not automatically equal empty seats because as we have seen ...if cowboys fans have tickets, they will sell them online. If the cowboys are not selling the tickets, they will be sold online to other teams fans.

So the empty seat thing is just wishful thinking for some in here.

The bags on the head thing is another matter but I imagine that would not fly as I think the NFL has instituted certain guidelines they will impose at stadiums and if not the NFL I imagine the invdividual teams. I don't recall the last time I seen a large amount of bags on the heads like we did back in the day with the saints.

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